
Chapter 1199 Golden Ticket

Chapter 1199 Golden Ticket

Chapter 630 Golden Ticket

The fierce fight before was because the ownership of the land of Shanyue had not been determined.Each family has laid down a certain territory, but it is intricate and criss-crossed. There is me in you and you in me. No one is connected into a piece, and no one is broken into a line.

Everyone in each family wants to expand, and everyone wants to connect. Under such mutual attacks and restraints, Qian Jedi has become a quagmire, directly involving at least [-]% of the expatriate forces of all parties.

The remaining [-]% are also distributed among the major vassal states. Every country has them. They all want to take the opportunity to destroy the opponent's masters and destroy some of the opponent's foundations. .

No matter how big or small the princes are, they all have the same thought in their hearts.In this regard, the princes are actually still the way of the family back then, and everything is only considered for the benefit of the family.

Now being stimulated by a series of news of tens of billions of gold coins in the capital, especially when Lizhenfang is willing to participate in a share, this small profit in the land of Shanyue can almost be ignored.

Everyone seems to have forgotten that Meier has reached an agreement with all the princes to only do pawn collection and lending business, and not to do physical business.The gold coin is so bright that it obscures all other small details.

Just when all parties wanted to end this chaotic state as soon as possible in order to concentrate their efforts to make a fortune, Meier did not disappoint all parties, and first gave all parties a chance to make a fortune.

Every vassal state, no matter how big or small, always has some local specialties, some of which are very rare, and they are good things wherever they are placed.For example, some precious medicinal materials, such as some precious monsters and so on.These good things are not only valuable, but more importantly, they are useful.You can make alchemy, you can arrange arrays, you can make weapons and armor, and so on.

Meier directly placed orders for all parties through Lizhenfang. As long as it is a rare specialty that is available in various countries, Meier can buy unlimited quantities here.

This is a big deal that fell from the sky, and all parties are skeptical.If Meier wants to buy something, no one will suspect that she is reckless, but she can buy unlimited, this is not a joke, even if Lizhenfang is now in Jinshan Yinhai, it is impossible to throw it out like this, right?
There was a batch that was already in stock in the capital, and without a word, they immediately sent the items to Lizhenfang, and got the gold coins very readily.

Now there are so many gold coins in Lizhenfang that they don't know where to store them, and these people are needed to help share them.It was only the first batch sent up that took away tens of millions of gold coins.But these tens of millions of gold coins are just a drop in the bucket for Lizhenfang's tens of billions of cash reserves.

Because the preparations were not sufficient and Najie didn't bring enough, the first batch of Tang family members who delivered the goods finally returned to the Tang family hall with dozens of carts of gold coin boxes.The latter naturally accepted the lesson and took enough of the rings to take away the many gold coins.

On the other hand, the Song family didn’t intend to ask for gold coins after they delivered the goods. They directly stated that the gold coins were kept, and wanted to bring back a batch of goods from Qianshengyuan and Runzifang Mengzhifang, so that the gold coins would not have to be moved around. As long as the internal settlement of Meier's industry is fine.

How could Meier disagree with such a good thing, and directly gave the shopkeeper of the Song family a stack of gold tickets for Meier's internal settlement of the industry, and took a pile of [-] gold coins each, five thousand five hundred and one Hundreds are also a bunch.

The golden tickets obtained are all made of the best paper, carefully printed, with various anti-counterfeiting measures and various verification methods. As long as you bring them there, they will be used as cash, which is extremely convenient.And no matter in Qianshengyuan, Mengzhifang, Runzifang or Yayunlizhenfang, as long as it is in the industry under the name of Wang Sheng and Meier, these gold tickets can be exchanged for gold coins of equivalent denomination anytime and anywhere.

The fact is exactly the same, when the shopkeeper of the Song family brought the batch of golden tickets anxiously, accompanied by a shopkeeper of Lizhenfang, to Qianshengyuan, after picking out a batch of things, he took out the golden tickets to settle the account .The big shopkeeper of Qian Shengyuan didn't say anything, and directly charged according to the face value without hesitation.

After the handover was over, the accompanying shopkeeper of Lizhenfang said to the shopkeeper of the Song family: "Originally, a handling fee of [-]/[-] was charged for the acceptance of this golden ticket. Today, shopkeeper Song is in a special situation, but he waived the handling fee for the Song family." The shopkeeper's one-thousandth of the handling fee. However, there will be no such good things in the future, so please forgive me, shopkeeper Song."

Shopkeeper Song was not surprised. The Song family also had the settlement between internal companies, but it was not a thousandth of the fee, at least it was one percent.Among Meier's properties, only one-thousandth of the mutual settlement is collected. This is already a convenient move for Meier's property is small, and they are all in the capital.What's more, they also waived the first handling fee for him, which can be regarded as saving him a few thousand gold coins in fees, and he is satisfied.

If it wasn't for the golden ticket, shopkeeper Song would have to carry a lot of Najie on his body, and he would have to be accompanied by a master to protect him, or dozens of carts like the Tang family would follow.These expenses alone probably cost more than a few thousand gold coins.Among other things, counting gold coins is a hassle.

This golden ticket is quite convenient to use!After shopping from Qian Shengyuan, there were hundreds of thousands of gold coins left in the gold tickets. Shopkeeper Song didn't immediately exchange them for gold coins, but put them in his pocket and took them back.Anyway, it's so convenient to use, hundreds of thousands of gold coins are not worth it for Lizhenfang, maybe they can be used conveniently in the future, anyway, there is no handling fee for these batches of gold tickets, it's cheap, and it's not worth it.

The news was sent back to the countries, and the princes were red-eyed again.They have to work so hard to collect a few gold coins, but they have a lot of gold coins here, so I asked them to help store them. How can this not make people crazy?

Countless messengers began to circulate among the countries, and the countries began to seek to discuss and solve the problem, and it was no longer the fierce fighting and killing.The elders who were in charge of each family also quickly spread out, went to their own destinations with their own goals, and began to negotiate with each other.

This kind of matter cannot be settled down in a short while. Even if everyone is sincere to put aside the dispute for the time being, I am afraid it will take half a year to slowly settle down.The turf scramble and the scramble for interests may not be so easy to calm down. If there is no agreement, there will be one or two big fights, and the real negotiation will not begin until everyone can afford to lose.

Wang Sheng also got more time to refine quietly, and the capital also had more time to develop, and it seemed that everyone was happy.

"Master, Sister Yan has sent a confidant to deliver a letter." When Wang Sheng and Meier had dinner together in the evening, Meier delivered a letter to Wang Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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