
Chapter 1220 Zhu Xingsheng's Family Property

Chapter 1220 Zhu Xingsheng's Family Property

Chapter 640 Zhu Xingsheng's Family Property

What is there to keep secret about these things?For Zhu Shaodong, any straw that can save his life will be grasped, let alone these.

In fact, these things, the historians tortured him a lot when they were on the road.Can Zhu Shaodong, the pampered young master, be able to survive the torture of the historian?Before the Shi family was executed, he had obediently confided everything.What to ask and what to answer, dare not have the slightest concealment.

Now that I have already revealed it to the Shi family, what psychological burden is there to tell Meier again?Zhu Shaodong didn't wait for Mei'er to ask for details, he had already told all the things that Zhu Xingsheng and himself had done after they arrived in Shanyue according to the questions that the Shi family tortured him at that time.

Meier listened carefully to what Zhu Xingsheng did. She was raised by Zhu Xingsheng, and she knew Zhu Xingsheng far more thoroughly than Zhu Shaodong would.Zhu Xingsheng is not the kind of person who is desperate and doesn't arrange a follower at all. No matter what he does, he must have something that others don't know about, and use it as the capital for a comeback.

Just like when Zhu Xingsheng was running Baoqing Yutang, he was still secretly managing the affairs of the mountains and mountains, and he hadn't revealed any news for decades.Then when he was running the land of Shanyue, didn't he know that the princes would hate him to the bone?Will you arrange a way out?

However, it is obvious that Zhu Shaodong, an idiot, is impossible to know, so Meier can only figure it out by studying some details of Zhu Xingsheng's life.Zhu Xingsheng is very vigilant, and will not easily show some clues to outsiders, but he may not be too defensive about Zhu Shaodong, his son who has been spoiled all his life.

Here Zhu Shaodong was talking endlessly, while Meier and Qiangwei were memorizing it carefully.Even in places that Zhu Shaodong couldn't see, there were still a few people who were writing quickly, quickly recording what Zhu Shaodong said.

Zhu Shaodong was more cooperative, so Meier treated him better.You can sit on a chair and even have tea to drink.Now, Zhu Shaodong saw more hope, and spoke more vigorously.

Not only the detailed details of Zhu Xingsheng's life, but also those of Zhu Shaodong, Zhu Shaodong said everything like beans in a bamboo tube.

Zhu Xingsheng's life experience seems to be relatively normal, but when Zhu Shaodong talked about himself, maybe he felt that the sense of crisis was much less, or maybe he thought it was very exciting, but always, he talked happily, and the details became more and more embarrassing.

It’s fine if he talks about how he manages and directs. Even if he does something wrong, as long as he can learn something from it, it’s not an experience worth learning from. It’s a pity that Zhu Shaodong forgets himself when he is proud. The people who listened to him were still those dog legs who circled around him all day long, so what he said were all his romantic anecdotes, which woman was beautiful here, and which woman was attractive, and the words were unsavory.

This place is full of beautiful women, this guy talked aroused, and even compared with several female guards, which immediately attracted a burst of anger from several female guards.If Mei'er and Qiangwei didn't say anything, this guy would definitely be beaten into a pig's head.

"Ask carefully." Mei'er couldn't listen any longer. How could she get used to and tolerate a playboy who completely gave up his depraved life?If it weren't for knowing something useful from this guy, someone would have killed this guy long ago, and what he can endure until now is the limit.

Mei'er and Qiangwei left, Zhu Shaodong immediately sensed something was wrong.However, Meier seems to let these guards carefully torture him. He still has some luck in his heart. Knowing whether he can survive, I am afraid it depends on whether he cooperates or not. He doesn't need the threats of those guards at all. The more he said detailed.

"I really didn't expect that my adoptive father, who was so powerful, gave birth to such a prodigal son." Mei'er was in a very low mood today, so Wang Sheng stayed with her all the time.Nestled in Wang Sheng's arms, Mei'er was filled with emotion.

"Normal, are there still few people like this?" Wang Sheng smiled: "The first celebrity I killed back then, Dai Huan, the young master of the Dai family, wasn't it the same? If he didn't die, look at the situation now What does Dai Guo look like?"

In fact, everyone in Dai State should be grateful to Wang Sheng. If Wang Sheng hadn't killed Dai Huan early, in the name of Dai Huan's young master, Dai Huan should be in charge of Dai State now, not his younger brother Dai Xiao.With Dai Huan's prodigal ability, it is definitely better than Zhu Shaodong. If it is really at this point, maybe Dai Guo has been ruined by Dai Huan.

"Men are all scumbags!" Mei'er snorted coldly, and felt a little inappropriate after she finished speaking. Didn't this also scold Wang Sheng?But just thinking about it, Mei'er thought of Song Yan, and immediately felt wronged, men are really cheap, and Wang Sheng is no exception.

"That's right!" Wang Sheng himself did something wrong, so it must be no wonder that Meier lost his temper, so he could only echo Meier's words.

Mei'er was also so angry that she didn't talk to Wang Sheng for a while, but although she hated Wang Sheng, she still had no intention of getting out of Wang Sheng's embrace.

"Don't you want to know Zhu Xingsheng's hole card from him?" Wang Sheng waited for Meier's temper to improve, and then asked slightly following Meier's words: "What did you ask?"

"What he said is useless." Speaking of business, Mei'er shook her head, very dissatisfied.

After all, Zhu Shaodong was just a good-for-nothing and a prodigal son. Even if Zhu Xingsheng had a backup, after understanding Zhu Shaodong's character, it was impossible for him to leave good things to him.It seems that he can only give up.

"Didn't your adoptive father leave him any words?" Wang Sheng thought about it, but still found it impossible.Zhu Xingsheng already knew Zhu Shaodong very well, but even so, he didn't discipline Zhu Shaodong very much, but instead indulged him in drinking and drinking, which was obviously abnormal.

Meier held the thick stack of papers that recorded Zhu Shaodong's confession in her hand, and after flipping through it quickly, she still shook her head.He casually stuffed those into Wang Sheng's hands, but he leaned comfortably in Wang Sheng's arms, enjoying the warmth of Wang Sheng's chest.

Although this villain is also a playboy, but in such a position, he only has three women, Qiangwei and Song Yan, and he hasn't even touched the long-legged female killer who came to the door in Wuyou City.Compared with Zhu Shaodong, this villain is simply the best man in the world.If you don't believe all the men in the world, take a look, among the men with Wang Sheng's status and wealth, which one is not a spendthrift?

"Zhu Xingsheng said that he can guarantee that Zhu Shaodong will enjoy the glory and wealth until he is 60 years old?" Wang Sheng flipped through the pages extremely fast, and soon he found that there was something wrong with one sentence in the confession, so he asked Meier.

(End of this chapter)

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