
Chapter 1226 Charts

Chapter 1226 Charts

Chapter 640 Three Sea Charts

The two girls followed Wang Sheng's fingers and groped carefully, but they still didn't feel that there was anything wrong.But since Wang Sheng pointed it out on purpose, the two women did not give up, and after carefully touching other places around them, they finally found something a little bit wrong.

"The leather in these places has not been tanned well, and it is a little uneven." Qiangwei expressed her judgment.

This kind of situation is really normal. As long as it is tanned leather, no one can guarantee that it is absolutely smooth. How delicate is the leather for painting?
"There are injustices in other places too, master, look here." Meier took Wang Sheng's big hand with her small hand, and groped for several other places on the map.

Those places are indeed a little bit uneven, but from the map, they are all on land, not in the sea.But the places Wang Sheng just pointed to were all in the sea.

"Don't you think that if these slightly thicker places are connected together, it is actually a very good route?" Wang Sheng smiled and revealed the answer: "It can lead from here to the treasure. "

The two women are very smart people. After Wang Sheng pointed out, they groped again and immediately discovered that it was really the case.If every place that is a little thicker is an island, this series of routes is exactly one route. Although it is slightly detoured, the distance between two adjacent islands is not too far, just four to five hundred miles away. There is no problem at all with the flying monster flying over.

"The powerful sea monsters are all in the deep sea, and the island is surrounded by shallow seas." The two women still had some doubts, but Wang Sheng's words made the two women completely let go of all their doubts.

Sure enough, it was an old fox. This guy must have given Zhu Shaodong some advice when he was a child. He could recall such a simple truth when he saw such a map.But others who got this picture must be helpless. Just a route of one or two thousand miles across the ocean can make people worry to death.

To put it bluntly, he just threw the gold coins on the island and left them in the open air. I'm afraid others can only watch and drool, and there is no way to get them.

"You said, Zhu Xingsheng is such a smart person, he has the thought of arranging these things, how good is it to spend this effort on educating his son?" Wang Sheng solved the mystery and seemed very happy. There is no need to say anything cloudy and foggy, but he just said with emotion: "Baoqing Yutang is doing well, and you don't have to worry about gold coins. If you want power, buy a small title first, and slowly get a small territory to play. Isn't it more comfortable than being an enemy of the whole world? Why bother!"

"Oh!" Meier also shook her head.As Wang Sheng said, if you want to be prosperous and rich, it is enough to manage Baoqing Yutang well, but if you want to play with a land as large as Shanyue, it is throwing all your wealth and life into it.People's hearts are still not enough!
"In the future, if Lizhenfang plays well with the ticket in the capital, it will honestly issue gold invoices and loans to eat interest, and don't have to think about other things." Wang Sheng told Mei'er: "Your parents are still Now, there is no need to think too much about it. To put it bluntly, one day your parents will be gone and a new emperor will be replaced. As long as you guard Lizhenfang, no one can do anything to you. If they dare to touch you, immediately Make them paupers."

Mei'er now also knows the terrifying power hidden under the golden ticket of Lizhenfang, and she agrees with Wang Sheng's words very much.As long as he doesn't make mistakes like Zhu Xingsheng's in the future, he really doesn't have to worry about anything else.

The treasure map of Zhu Xingsheng's family property has been found out, the secret of the map has also been discovered, and the method of hiding the treasure has also been deduced by Wang Sheng. After that, the three of them lost interest in exploring and solving puzzles.

Zhu Xingsheng's mere family background is really not worth being tempted by any of the three.Not to mention Meier, Xian Qiangwei is also an absolute high-ranking official in charge of Mengzhifang and Runzifang, a domineering female president, and usually sells gold coins calculated in units of [-] million. It's just a year to earn [-] million gold coins.Can Baoqing Yutang's food reserves be noticed by the female president?

"This picture, return it to Zhu Shaodong together with the dentures!" Wang Sheng casually threw the picture to Mei'er.

Mei'er was not polite, she reached out to take the picture: "When you send him on the road, burn it for him together."

Sure enough, as Wang Sheng expected, Zhu Shaodong felt as if he had found a treasure once he got the map. When no one was around, he even groped for the map secretly.Everything was guessed by Wang Sheng.

Three days later, after eating and drinking quietly, Zhu Shaodong inadvertently drank a glass of fine wine, with a treasure map in his arms, and quietly closed his eyes.

Later, Zhu Shaodong's head was sent to the graves of villagers in four villages in the suburbs of Beijing. His headless body was cremated together with the map, and the ashes were scattered in the moat of the capital. From then on, there will be no such person as Zhu Shaodong in the world.

Wang Sheng's family of three acted as if nothing had happened, doing what they were supposed to do.Meier and Qiangwei continued to manage business affairs, while Wang Sheng continued to carve concentric balls.

In the blink of an eye, it was another two months, the outside was still crowded, and the capital was still calm.The enjoyment that should be enjoyed, the hard work that should be done, it seems that the world has never changed.

However, Wang Sheng has already completed two concentric balls.The white lotus blossom concentric ghost crafted ball has been sent to the queen's desk. The original white jade concentric ghost crafted white lotus ball has also been replaced and placed in the inner courtyard of Qianshengyuan, marked with a price of 1000 million gold coins. The treasure of the shop.

Song Yan's Peony Blossom Concentric Ghost Ball has also been completed, but it is all in Wang Sheng's ring, and she didn't intend to let Meier send it there, let alone let the elders of the Song Kingdom take it back.

In the process of carving with Wang Sheng, Lao Dao also completed a rose flower concentric ghost work ball.After counting, the two of them have been playing for more than half a year just on carving, especially Wang Sheng, who has been playing for almost ten months.

Wang Sheng completed five one after another, and Lao Dao made two. It must be enough to fight his temper.The map of the core of Thousand Jedi will not be sold for several months, and the big show will start. Wang Sheng is not in a hurry to practice, and the two of them seem to be idle all of a sudden.

As soon as he was free, Wang Sheng became the master who hated dogs.Meier Qiangwei has so many things to do every day, she is too busy to spend all day with Wang Sheng.There are many beauties in the mansion, and they are all willing to serve Wang Sheng, but Wang Sheng will not make mistakes in this.If you don't practice or practice, you can only stay in the kitchen and guide a few cooks when you are free every day.

"Master, if you are really fine, then go out and relax!" After a few days, finally even Mei'er couldn't stand it any longer: "Didn't Laojun Temple take away those flying monsters? Master, go to Laojun Let's watch and play with those! If it doesn't work, go find the hidden treasure in Baoqing Yutang."

(End of this chapter)

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