
Chapter 1231 Sea monster continued 1

Chapter 1231
Chapter 640 The Sixth Sea Monster Continues Part One
This scene stunned the old Taoist who went to sea for the first time.Although his own cultivation would not give a second glance to masters in the legendary realm, it was beyond his expectation that a big fish in the legendary realm was killed casually.

"Don't be uncommon, there are many such things." Wang Sheng shouted at the old Taoist from a distance: "This is the sea, not land."

The old man's surprise didn't last long, because they soon saw a huge school of fish.

At first, the old man thought it was a giant fish, but from the sky, it was black and dense, occupying a radius of tens of miles.When I saw it for the first time, I was really taken aback. Fortunately, I didn't notice the powerful aura, so I was a little relieved.

Wang Sheng also told the old man by shouting that it was not a single fish, but a huge fish ball composed of tens of millions of small fish.

In fact, there is no need for Wang Sheng to remind, as long as you are skilled in kung fu, you will be able to see it.The edge of the dark shadow will change, obviously it is not a fish.

There are already many more flying birds and monsters around, and each one seems to be no smaller than what Wang Sheng and Ling Xu were riding on.In terms of cultivation, most of them are in the sixth or seventh level, a few are in the eighth level, and there are even many in the legendary level.

If it is normal, maybe so many birds may still have a sense of territory and may fight with each other.But now, their attention is not on Wang Sheng and Lao Dao at all, let alone on the four flying monsters, but on the huge school of fish.

"Old Dao, you are blessed." Wang Sheng controlled the flying monster to fly close to Lao Dao, and then controlled the other two to come closer, flying a little to the edge area, so as not to hinder the seabirds in the middle from eating: "Let's catch up with the seabirds. The beasts have dinner together."

The situation at this moment, as Wang Sheng said, really turned into a dinner party.

Thousands of large and small seabirds, monsters or not, frantically rushed into the sea.Every time I pounced down, I could fly out with one or two small three-foot-long fish in its mouth, and then flew to an unknown corner to feast on.

The old man never thought before that a three-foot-long fish was just a small fish, but now that he saw this scene, he really believed it.

The sea water is very transparent and clear, and you can see through the depths below.Hundreds of ferocious sea fish with a length of several feet are under the sea water at this moment, shuttling back and forth among these small fish schools, and can swallow dozens of "small fish" in one bite.

At this moment, the surface of the sea seemed to be boiling. Fish, big and small, jumped out of the water and then fell back. Seabirds kept diving into the sea from the air or flying out of the water. It was very lively.

The old Taoist stared intently at the back of the flying monster. He had never seen such a shocking scene, even when the cannibal ants frantically swept up Qian Jedi, there was no such big scene. It was simply shocking.

Seeing the old Taoist staring at him carefully, Wang Sheng suddenly had a crazy idea, and shouted at the old Taoist: "Old Taoist, do you want to go down and have a look?"

"Go down?" The old man was taken aback, looking at Wang Sheng in bewilderment.Did Wang Sheng mean what he understood?
Wang Sheng just nodded slowly, showing that the old man guessed right.Seeing Wang Sheng's nod, the old Taoist's face flushed red in an instant.Looking down at the tens of millions of five-star and six-star monsters, as well as those hunting seabirds and big fish, he was full of pride and nodded fiercely at Wang Sheng.

The flying monsters of the two began to descend rapidly. At this moment, all the seabirds were hunting in the sea, and they didn't care that there were four more flying monsters around them.When the height dropped to about 50 meters, Wang Sheng said hello to the old man, then put on the goggles and mask, jumped out of the flying monster, head up and down, and jumped into the sea.

The old Taoist followed closely behind Wang Sheng and did the same.Plop plop, there were two sounds of entering the water, and two figures plunged directly from the surface of the sea to about ten meters underwater.

The location where the two jumped in was not far from the edge of the fish school.This place is relatively quiet, there are not so many seabirds and fish.

He could see more clearly underwater. Once entering the water, the old Taoist could see that the thickness of this huge school of fish exceeded his visibility in the water.Looking at the past, until the end of his line of sight, all he saw were the same fish, even where he couldn't see, the dense aura made old Taoist Ling Xu realize that the thickness of this huge school of fish was probably more than a few miles.

This is no longer tens of millions, but hundreds of millions and billions of fish.A three-foot-long five-star sea fish must be worth thousands of gold coins, right?This group of fish alone is worth hundreds of billions of gold coins or even trillions.

The sea and the land are indeed very different. If there were such a group of terrifying fifth-level monsters on the land, they would definitely sweep the world.Let alone the fifth level, there are a large number of man-eating ants in the first level, and they are also rampant in the Thousand Jedi. How many monsters of the eighth level and the legendary level have escaped after hearing the news!

An underwater thruster appeared in Wang Sheng's hand, and he brought the old man with him, breathing with a tube in his mouth, and went straight to the school of fish.

The old man was startled at first, but seeing that Wang Sheng didn't show any panic at all, he also calmed down, relaxed his body, and observed carefully.

From this angle, the scene of seabirds preying is extremely clear, the route from entering the water to catching fish is clear, and the movements of those seabird monsters in the water to catch fish accurately even gave the old man countless inspirations.If some attack moves can be more refined, it may be able to achieve the same effect.

In just a moment, the old Taoist understood Wang Sheng's intention for letting him down, and he had nothing else in mind.No more fear, no more curiosity, only focused observation and comprehension.

In addition to seabirds, there are also countless huge sea fish, and the aura of each one is at least legendary.However, these huge and ferocious fish didn't care about Wang Sheng and Ling Xu in the school of fish at all, they only had such a huge amount of food in their eyes, they slashed through the school of fish ferociously, cut open the school of fish, and devoured them frantically.

Wang Sheng has seen many huge sea fish similar to sharks on the earth, and also seen some similar to dolphins. Of course, most of them are unfamiliar and have never been seen.

No one cares about Wang Sheng and Lao Dao, two insignificant shrimps. In front of such a huge school of delicious fish, their existence is like a stone in the food.

At this moment, both Wang Sheng and Lao Dao noticed several terrifying auras coming from below, and then several super monsters with a length of more than [-] meters appeared in their field of vision.

(End of this chapter)

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