
Chapter 1233 Sea monster continued 3

Chapter 1233 Sea Monster Beast Part Three
Chapter 640 Seven Sea Monsters Continued Part Three
"Tao follows nature?" Wang Sheng laughed and asked back.

"Yes, Taoism follows nature." The old Taoist nodded fiercely and said, "If I hadn't seen the magnificent waves in the sea and the peace and tranquility of the shallow seabed, I would not have figured it out."

"It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books." Wang Sheng added with a smile.

"It couldn't be more correct." The old Taoist still nodded fiercely: "When I go back, I will ask Grand View Master to drive out those bull-nosed people who have cultivated to a certain level, and let them travel thousands of miles."

The feeling of sophistication is not without reason.What he saw in the fish school area in the deep sea was an incomparably tragic predation of the weak, but what he saw in the shallow sea was more of all kinds of unimaginable symbiosis and peaceful coexistence.Coral sea anemones and various small fish form a mutually beneficial small circle, living together and maintaining together. Also in the sea, there are cruel killings and such warm symbiosis. Nature is indeed magical.

Wang Sheng is very happy, the more the old man understands, the greater the benefit to Meier, and the happier Wang Sheng will be.

After wandering in and out of this island for several days, the two set foot on the third island for treasure hunting again.The road was uneventful, and nothing dangerous was seen.The same goes for the fourth island.

However, around the fourth island, the two still found something different.

In fact, the fourth island itself is a volcanic island.At first glance, it was formed by a volcanic eruption, and there are craters, which are very easy to identify.The volcano on the island is dead, and I don’t know that it has not erupted for thousands of years. The volcanic rocks on it have already condensed and weathered, and many of them have become soil.However, there is still no fresh water, so no plants can survive.

There are animals, some seal-like things that don't know where they come from, basking lazily on the island.

Surprises are at the bottom of the shore.Dive up and down from the coast, and after leaving the coast for more than 200 meters, the depth below suddenly becomes several hundred meters.When the two dived down, they happened to see a crack that was gushing out magma.

The erupting submarine volcano they saw was surrounded by water vapor, which was the steam bubble formed when the hot magma suddenly met the cold sea water.Under the huge water pressure, the steam bubbles are very small, but when they rise to a certain level, they don't turn into big bubbles, but are quickly cooled by the seawater and turn into seawater again.Looking at the sea, there seems to be nothing unusual.

The water temperature on the bottom of the sea reached at least [-] degrees, and both of them felt a little hot.Under such circumstances, the old Taoist took it for granted that there must be no living things.But on the contrary, the biosphere here seems to be more dynamic than elsewhere.

Wang Sheng didn't explain, the old Taoist thought it was very strange, but it should be taken for granted.The marine life in this area has an astonishing amount of aura.It was obviously just a sea monster in the fourth or fifth realm, but when the two of them went up to taste it for a few times, the aura contained in their bodies was actually comparable to that of a monster in the seventh or eighth realm.It really is a big world, full of wonders.

However, obviously, the sulfur content of seafood here is relatively high.As soon as Wang Sheng seafood tasted abnormal, he reminded the old man to pay attention to using the Bing Zi Jue Zhe Zi Jue to regulate the body's detoxification, and he should not remain indifferent.

After witnessing the wonders of submarine volcanoes, the two set out on the road again.

The vast sea, looking around, there is nothing but sea water, the blue sea is endless, and there is nothing else in the field of vision except the ocean. When flying, the old man can't even identify the direction accurately, and everything depends on Wang Sheng's command.

After flying for so many days in a row, looking at the same sea scenery every day, I am indeed a little irritable.The two maintained an altitude of 400 meters and were flying normally.It's just that the two of them no longer had the excitement and freshness of watching the sea when they first went out to sea.

Suddenly, the old man suddenly shouted: "Hurry up!" The voice already carried the power of the nine-character mantra, and he controlled the four flying monsters to rise rapidly.

Wang Sheng was startled, but when he looked down, the sea was completely calm, and he didn't find anything, and he didn't find any unusual aura.

Just when Wang Sheng was surprised, the sea suddenly rolled, and a huge tentacle rushed out of the sea like a python, and swept towards the four flying monsters in the air.

The speed of the tentacles was so fast that the upward momentum of the four flying monsters could not avoid the attack range of the giant tentacles.Wang Sheng even saw the huge and terrifying sucker on the tentacles that was bigger than flying monsters.

Seeing that a flying monster was about to be caught by the tentacles, Wang Sheng's heavy sniper crossbow had already been fired with a bang.

The distance was short, and the target was so big, the heavy sniper crossbow did not deviate, it shot into the tentacles with a chirp, and then a huge explosion occurred with a bang.

The tentacles in the air suddenly paused, as if they suddenly fell down uncontrollably.Taking advantage of this moment, the four flying monsters flapped their wings desperately and flew to high places.

A god-like aura suddenly appeared, covering a radius of dozens of miles.The terrifying breath directly caused the two flying monsters without Wang Sheng and Lao Dao to stop flapping their wings suddenly, hovering in the air for a few seconds, and then fell down suddenly.

"Come back!" Wang Sheng yelled, and issued the six-character formula suddenly, trying to influence the two flying mounts that were oppressed by the terrifying aura.Their own ride was okay, Wang Sheng and Lao Dao could influence at close range, even so, the two monsters stopped for two or three seconds to flap their wings.

Another heavy sniper crossbow shot downwards, no matter what the target was or not, just shoot it down.The tentacles seemed to be more than one or two hundred feet long, and one could imagine how big the body below was. Wang Sheng shot an arrow, so he didn't have to worry about missing it.

Boom, another small explosion under the sea.Wang Sheng didn't dare to be negligent, and the heavy sniper crossbows were stringed up one after another, and they kept shooting down.

After a few times in a row, the opponent's aura was all concentrated on Wang Sheng.At this time, the two flying monsters that almost fell into the sea finally escaped death, only a few tens of meters away from falling into the sea.At this time, when Wang Sheng's nine-character mantra was released again, the two monsters flew upwards frantically as if fleeing for their lives. Finally, with the help of Wang Sheng, they escaped from another tentacles stretched out again and flew to the 1000-meter above the sky.

Wang Sheng and Lao Dao also controlled their mounts to fly over 1000 meters, but the terrifying aura was always locked on Wang Sheng.When looking down, even at a distance of 1000 meters, Wang Sheng could vaguely see two big eyes with a radius of at least [-] meters under the sea, staring at him firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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