
Chapter 1235 The Last Clue

Chapter 1235 The Last Clue

Chapter 640 Eight Final Clues

Zhu Xingsheng's treasure map is wrong?impossible!This is the property he wants to leave to his son, how could he make a mistake?

If Zhu Xingsheng had guessed before he died that Zhu Shaodong would be captured by Wang Sheng, that Wang Sheng would discover the secret of his dentures, and that Wang Sheng would obtain the treasure map, then Zhu Xingsheng, who is considered exhaustive, might as well not have done it from the very beginning. Play the Land of the Mountains.

Since Zhu Xingsheng wasn't playing tricks, there must be other mysteries here.

After Wang Sheng and Lao Dao drove the four flying monsters around for a few big circles, they found nothing. After calculating the time and the flying ability of the flying monsters, they could only turn around and return to the eighth island.

"Interesting, Zhu Xingsheng actually played this trick." On the way back, Wang Sheng actually thought of a possibility.It's just that I didn't expect Zhu Xingsheng to set up such a trick here.

People who don't know much about oceans, such as the old Taoist Ling Xu, will definitely be puzzled when faced with this situation.The first thought was probably to doubt the treasure map.

"Is there something wrong with the treasure map?" Back on the island, the first question the old Taoist asked was indeed the treasure map.

"No." Wang Sheng smiled and explained to the old Taoist: "Zhu Xingsheng can deceive many people, but he will never deceive his own son."

"Then what's going on?" The old man asked very puzzled, "Did you remember wrongly?"

The treasure map has been cremated with Zhu Shaodong, and now it is completely relying on Wang Sheng's memory to guide the direction. It is not unreasonable for the old Taoist to doubt.

"Obviously, it's because you are a landlubber." Wang Sheng smiled and despised the old man: "You still don't understand the sea."

Although he has followed Wang Sheng down to cross the river and the sea, but in essence, Lao Dao is still a layman who has seen the performance of the ocean but not the essence.

As for whether Wang Sheng remembered it wrong, that is even more impossible.Not to mention Wang Sheng's extraordinary memory, he can clearly remember even a complicated map like the Peerless Treasure Map, let alone such a simple treasure map.In addition, in Wang Sheng's individual combat terminal, there is still a photo backup, which is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

In the sea, there is a phenomenon that does not appear on land at all, the tide.In the soul world, there is also the sun and the moon, so the tide becomes inevitable.

The island where the treasure is located must not be high enough, and once the tide rises, it will be submerged underwater. It is normal for Wang Sheng and Lao Dao not to be able to see it from the sky.

Different geographical locations have different ebb and flow times.Even if it is Wang Sheng, it is impossible to use the tidal time on the earth to set the soul world.Therefore, the only way is to observe for two days.

The old Taoist is very interested in the tidal phenomenon Wang Sheng mentioned, which he has never been in contact with. There is such a colorful beauty and brutality.

After observing for three days in a row, I finally figured out the law of the tide rise and fall on this island.Fortunately, the ebb tide starts in the early morning and lasts until the water level drops to the lowest after eleven o'clock, and then it will slowly rise back.

The place where the treasure is located is about [-] miles away from here, and it is still in the west. The time of high tide and low tide should be slightly different than here, but it will not exceed an hour.

It was already afternoon when it passed for the first time, so the sea flooded the island. Now that we have mastered the ebb and flow times, we must pass earlier.

On the trip again, the departure time became five in the morning.After flying over like this, it happened to be around [-] o'clock in the morning, which is in the middle of the ebb tide, so you can search for a while longer if you get stuck at this point.

This time they were prepared, so after setting off, Wang Sheng and Lao Dao specifically looked for a place in the shallow sea.The colors of the deep sea and the shallow sea are different from the sky. The deep sea is bluer, while the shallow sea is lighter. There may even be other colors, which are easy to distinguish.

Flying in this direction, there are at least four or five Qianhai areas, but Wang Sheng and Lao Dao are not very clear which ones are small islands that can be exposed from the air.

However, Wang Sheng couldn't help it. When he reached the place, he lowered the height of the flying monster, and Wang Sheng jumped into the sea directly to observe the depth of those shallow seas.

Using this method, Wang Sheng ruled out three positions, leaving only two points.However, these two points are far away, at least half an hour's flight time.

Playing so mysteriously, Wang Sheng can be sure that Zhu Xingsheng absolutely overestimated the understanding of his idiot son and the possibility of him being able to get the treasure.

Zhu Xingsheng was so suspicious that he didn't even trust his adopted daughter.This habit led him to instinctively feel that even if it was a hidden treasure left to his son, he had to guard against it, which led to the embarrassment that even Wang Sheng couldn't determine the exact location.

The treasure map originally drawn was not so standardized, it was just a rough range, and this guy was smart enough to put the treasure from the island into the water.Being smart is smart enough, but the question is, when it comes time for Zhu Shaodong to hunt for treasures, does the 60-year-old Zhu Shaodong have the ability to recognize pictures and accurately identify directions?
Even a professional like Wang Sheng is in such trouble, one can imagine how desperate the 60-year-old Zhu Shaodong will be in the face of all this.

This is the last step. I don’t know if the 60-year-old Zhu Shaodong, who is unlearned and inexperienced, will be able to stick to this place and to that time with all the dangers along the way.

Zhu Xingsheng certainly would not have thought of cleverness being mistaken by cleverness.

Originally, Wang Sheng didn't really care much about this treasure, but this series of arrangements and the wonderful scenes encountered on the road successfully aroused Wang Sheng's curiosity.Even if it wasn't worth much, the process of digging for the treasure was enough for Wang Sheng and Ling Xu to have fun.

Surprisingly, when the tide is low, both places are exposed to the sea.There is no way, in the face of this situation, the only way to get rid of it is to go to the island one by one to investigate.The first thing to land is the nearest island.

Fortunately, the island exposed to the sea is enough for four flying mounts to land and rest for a while, so there is no need to worry about lack of physical strength when flying back.

Wang Sheng and Lao Dao began to search carefully on this small island that would be submerged half of the time.Don't miss any island holes, unique markers, etc.

After searching back and forth for an hour, the two found nothing, they could only look at each other, and then left resentfully.Fortunately, there is another island, hoping to find something.

(End of this chapter)

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