
Chapter 1247 Grabbing the Loot Continued 1

Chapter 1247
Chapter 650
"Put the two soul cards side by side." Wang Sheng hadn't figured it out yet, but the old man had already shouted at Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he did so without hesitation, putting the two soul cards side by side.

When the two soul cards were placed side by side, the black patterns on the two edges that were in contact with each other suddenly disappeared, and instead, a dark black circle appeared on the entire edge of a large soul card that was synthesized by the two soul cards. The pattern is so dense that it is impossible not to be attracted.

In the center of the big soul card, the body outline of the Super Sperm Whale seems to have become complete. The front and rear parts of the body are on two soul cards, but they are also connected together by the side-by-side soul cards.

In less than 5 minutes, Wang Sheng noticed that the soul card had stopped absorbing the original soul.

"Is this finished?" Wang Sheng asked the old Taoist Ling Xu with some doubts.In this regard, Wang Sheng lacks experience and can only ask the old way.

"It's done." The old man's voice sounded from the top of his head, but he couldn't help it anymore, let the flying mount he was sitting on fly to the top of Wang Sheng's head, and then jumped off directly.

"Don't move!" Wang Sheng was about to show the two soul cards to the old man, but the old man gave a warning.

Wang Sheng stopped his movements instantly. He knew that there must be something wrong with his soul card.Looking at the old dao, he found that the old dao's hand was empty, and he didn't know where to put the two soul cards.

The old man lowered his head, observed carefully, then raised his head and sighed: "It's a pity!"

"What's the matter?" Wang Sheng asked the old Taoist Ling Xu.

"At the beginning we were inexperienced, we didn't control it well, you are cracked." The old Taoist pointed to the small crack on the soul card at the beginning and said: "Unless you continue to input spiritual energy continuously, otherwise the The aura will slowly dissipate, and the soul will also dissipate."

While talking, the old Taoist had already found a piece of wood from the ring, and he didn’t know if it was a sled or something else. Wang Sheng asked Wang Sheng to carefully put the two soul cards on the wooden board without changing their relative positions, and carefully tied it with a leather rope. After fixing it, he asked Wang Sheng: "Do you take it or I take it?"

Wang Sheng knew what the old man meant. The old man didn't want to covet these two super souls, but he was afraid that when Wang Sheng continued to input spiritual energy, the matter of absorbing the souls last time would happen again.

"You have insurance." Wang Sheng replied quickly: "There are still good things down there, we have to find a way to collect some."

The old man knows what good things are below.The corpses of the two super monsters, the terrifying monsters of the thirteenth level or even the fourteenth level, their corpses themselves are the most precious treasures in the world.

The old Taoist had already fixed the soul card, and he was not afraid of tossing, so he nodded without hesitation.Commanding the flying monster to descend, the distance was about the same, and the two happily jumped down, onto the huge sperm whale carcass.

"You four, hurry up and eat the tender meat from the wound!" Wang Sheng commanded the four flying mounts to eat the meat of these two super monsters.

With a body over 1000 meters long, even Wang Sheng and Ling Xu would not be able to take away a ten-thousandth of it. Therefore, you can eat as much as you can, and take as much as you can.

The food in the ring that was originally prepared for the flying monsters on the road was all monster meat, which will be taken out and thrown away to make room for the meat of super sperm whales and super king squids.

"Pizi!" Lao Dao pointed to the huge super sperm whale and reminded Wang Sheng.

King squid is a mollusk, and its skin doesn't look usable, but the skin of a sperm whale is definitely a good thing.Not to mention the super protective ability of the super monster skin, using this leather to make a diving suit is better than the one Wang Sheng is wearing now.

If the Super Sperm Whale was alive, not to mention Wang Sheng, the old man couldn’t guarantee that he could cut off the Super Sperm Whale’s skin, but now, the super monster is dead, without the spirit protection, Wang Sheng has a magic weapon in his hand , can still be cut.

When they were tens of miles away, Wang Sheng and Lao Dao always felt that peeling the sperm whale was very simple when they saw the huge sucker of the super king squid sucking on the sperm whale's body and creating a wound.But when it was their turn to operate, they were dumbfounded.

The thickness of the skin of sperm whales on the earth is about four to five centimeters, and the body length of this super sperm whale is more than [-] times longer than that on the earth, and the thickness of the skin is also in the same ratio.In other words, the skin of this super monster is two to four meters thick.

Starting from a wound on the sperm whale's head that was sucked out by the sucker of the king squid, Wang Sheng took a five-foot long knife and swung it to cut back.

That is to say, Wang Sheng's strength, coupled with the quality of the long knife is quite good, so it can be cut slowly after a few knives.However, this thickness is obviously not enough to completely cut through the skin of the sperm whale, so after the top is cut, you have to jump in and continue cutting it again.

This is hard work, and the old Taoist has to protect the Great Soul Card from damage, so only Wang Sheng can do the hard work.Wang Sheng has no objection to this. Even if the old man doesn't work, he can't let the old man do it. Wang Sheng still has the courtesy of respecting the old and loving the young.

But soon there was another problem, that is, the storage of these flesh.Both Wang Sheng and Lao Dao's rings were full, and the leather didn't fit much, let alone a batch of super monster meat?
"Old Dao, believe me, these tentacles are definitely delicious." Wang Sheng quickly explained to the old Dao when he was choosing the meat to bring: "Whale meat is very ordinary, but these seafood are delicious."

"Seafood?" The old Taoist couldn't help being speechless when he saw Wang Sheng happily chopping down his tentacles: "You call this seafood?"

If the Super King Squid knew that in Wang Sheng's eyes, its body could only be the seafood in gourmet food, what kind of thoughts would it have?

"Such a fresh dead squid, what is it if it's not seafood?" Wang Sheng asked the old man plausibly, while not forgetting to cut down the tip of the arm and foot with a diameter of three to four meters.He did not forget to mutter: "Forget it, I can't get it anywhere else, so let's eat some of this as squid tail!"

"Hurry up!" Hearing Wang Sheng's muttering, the old Taoist couldn't help but couldn't help laughing, and could only remind him: "There are already some powerful sea monsters coming over."

"Come here!" Wang Sheng didn't care at all: "The two of us can get more for such a big corpse? We can't even get one ten-thousandth of it. Isn't it cheaper for those guys in the sea? They certainly won't Take care of us, grab the baby first, who cares about us two poor ghosts?"

(End of this chapter)

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