
Chapter 1251 Who Swallows Who

Chapter 1251 Who Swallows Who
Chapter 650 Who Swallows Who?
That sperm whale is not ordinary big, but super big.Even though it was so big that it occupied nine tenths of the entire soul space, it was still packed to the brim.

When that crazy shark came in last time, it was wandering leisurely in the soul space, as if patrolling the territory.Now this sperm whale, poor big guy, is so crowded that he can't even move, let alone patrol the territory.

In the remaining one-tenth of the space, apart from Yazi Yuanhun and the villain with fighting consciousness, there is also the pool that was in the center of the Yuanhun space before, and the various cloud trails, all of which are now squeezed into a corner.

The giant mouth of the sperm whale is facing Yazi Yuanhun at this moment, and its huge forehead is facing everything that has been squeezed into this corner, but there is a look of disdain in the whale's eyes.

Wang Sheng's Yazi soul can complete the Yazi transformation anytime and anywhere, reaching the legendary strength.Strictly speaking, Yazi Yuanhun can be regarded as a nine-star Yuanhun.But in the eyes of this super sperm whale, it is of the insignificant kind at all, and it is completely ignored.

From this point, we can see the level gap between Super Sperm Whale and Wild Shark.When the crazy shark entered the Yuanhun space, seeing Yazi Yuanhun, it immediately launched an attack recklessly, because it subconsciously knew that Yazi would pose a threat to it.

But when the sperm whale came in, he didn't even look at Yazi.In addition, the villain with fighting awareness failed to make it pay more attention. What it cared about was probably that Wang Sheng's original soul space was a bit small, making it unable to move around.

The next moment, Wang Sheng saw the body of the super giant whale jerk violently, and then an indescribable pain came from his mind. In an instant, Wang Sheng couldn't even stay in the soul space consciously. Was pushed out of the soul space.

On Earth, Wang Sheng has undergone rigorous training, and even received torture training. Wang Sheng has a very unique experience in enduring pain.Since coming to this world, there has never been any kind of pain that could make Wang Sheng feel unbearable, but now he finally feels this unbearable pain.

With a splitting headache, Wang Sheng now knows what this word means.Inside his head, there seemed to be an expanding bomb exploding crazily, but it didn't blow up Wang Sheng's head, it just kept expanding the capacity of his head. The process that was [-] times more painful made Wang Sheng feel so miserable.

Suddenly, the aura in his body began to surge wildly into the Yuanhun space, and he didn't even listen to Wang Sheng's command at all.These days, Wang Sheng has almost never practiced, and just let his body spontaneously absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world, but suddenly, the spiritual energy in his whole body was sucked dry, which made Wang Sheng almost have to perform exercises to absorb the spiritual energy.

Fortunately, at this time Wang Sheng heard the old man's voice: "Open your mouth!"

Without saying a word, Wang Sheng immediately opened his mouth, and a pill rolled into Wang Sheng's mouth.Not just one, after swallowing one, the old man continued to make Wang Sheng open his mouth, and the old man stopped after Wang Sheng swallowed fifteen pills in a row.

Once the elixir entered the stomach, it turned into pure spiritual energy and entered Wang Sheng's body.In the past, these auras would nourish Wang Sheng's body once, and then slowly gather in the acupoints.But now, it was too late for this process. As soon as the spiritual energy entered Wang Sheng's stomach, it was immediately drawn directly into the soul space by the strong suction.

During this process, Wang Sheng always had a headache that seemed to be splitting apart, and no matter how concentrated he was, he couldn't enter the Yuansoul space.

For Wang Sheng, this uncontrollable situation is the most terrible thing.As a sniper, he suddenly couldn't grasp the changing situation of the environment. When that time came, it meant a result, the mission failed, and the sniper narrowly escaped death.

When Yuanhun might face the result of being devoured, his consciousness could not enter the Yuanhun space, which made Wang Sheng go crazy.Compared with one's own life and cultivation, what is a little pain?
Wang Sheng endured the inhuman pain, desperately trying to penetrate his consciousness into the space of the original soul.

At this time, Wang Sheng didn't forget to feel the situation in his body, the aura of a pill could not support the speed of being absorbed at all.Fortunately, a dozen or so pills entered the stomach immediately, and the aura gushing out frantically was finally able to support the absorption speed of the soul space.

Fortunately, otherwise, Wang Sheng wondered if he would be sucked dry after being sucked dry by the soul space?No wonder Zhu Xingsheng prepared a soul card of the nine-star primordial soul, but he also prepared several top-quality pills for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the origin. I am afraid that the nine-star primordial soul cannot be absorbed so easily.

Even if ordinary people get the nine-star primordial soul, if they don't have the help of big families and powerful forces behind their backs, they probably won't be able to bear the consumption of collecting the primordial soul.No wonder there are almost no masters in the legendary realm among casual cultivators, and most of them come out with backers behind them, so that's the case.

Fortunately, what Wang Sheng absorbed at the beginning was only the remnant souls that were not popular, otherwise he didn't know what would happen.At that time, even Song Yan couldn't protect herself, and Wang Sheng didn't think that if Wang Sheng had absorbed all the souls at that time, he would be able to survive under the eyes of Dai Huan and his party.If that's the case, people don't need to do anything, just looking at the current posture, Wang Sheng could have been sucked into it back then.

Wang Sheng is very grateful to the old Taoist for being by his side. The old Taoist has rich experience and always pays attention to Wang Sheng, knowing when Wang Sheng needs what, and this can ensure that Wang Sheng's health will not go wrong.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Wang Sheng already feels like he is in hell.The boundless headache seemed like two little ghosts were sawing his head open with a hacksaw.Fortunately, Wang Sheng's endurance is quite good, and he never fell into a coma due to the pain, but this also caused Wang Sheng to bear more pain.

Sometimes coma is not a bad thing, but the normal protection mechanism of the human body.The problem is, Wang Sheng doesn't dare to go into a coma at all now, he is afraid that once he passes out, he will never be able to enter the Yuanhun space to help Yazi Yuanhun again.

Although the soul of the Super Sperm Whale is very powerful and its level is high enough, Wang Sheng doesn't think it's the best choice for him.No matter how powerful the sperm whale is, can it be compared with the legendary dragon in the end?This choice is actually very easy to make.

Finally, after Wang Sheng endured another wave of intense pain, the pain seemed to have eased a lot suddenly.Next, Wang Sheng worked hard and found that his consciousness was finally able to enter the soul space again.

(End of this chapter)

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