
Chapter 13

Chapter 13
Chapter 12 Making Money Properly
Wang Sheng left Mengxue contentedly, still smiling when he left.

What people around didn't understand was that the instructor who pointed at Wang Sheng's nose and told him to roll away sent Wang Sheng out with a smile on his face. up.

After Wang Sheng left, some curious people asked Jiaoxi what was going on.Where does the teacher dare to tell the truth, he can only say calmly that he was influenced by Wang Sheng's desire to learn, and he specially pointed out some knowledge about Wang Sheng's soul enlightenment.

People naturally don't believe it, but from the surface, it seems that this is really the case.The teacher is not stupid enough to tell that Wang Sheng has seven Wuyou City killer cards in his hand. Wang Sheng dares to kill the Wuyou City killer, so why can't he kill a talkative teacher?

Wang Sheng finally knew what to do next.Just relying on the soul to absorb spiritual energy spontaneously, when will it have to wait?Relying on elixir alone is not the solution. When laying the foundation, it is best not to be so tricky. This is the experience of teaching.

There are so many big families with money everywhere, but in the stage of primordial soul enlightenment, no one has ever seen any one use elixir to train their own children.Wang Sheng's primordial soul was congenitally incomplete, so there would be no major problem with using Peiyuan Pill, but after the primordial soul is completed, it is not necessary to use this method of pulling seedlings to encourage growth.

Cultivation practice, of course, is to practice kung fu.Practicing qigong requires gongfa, and this is what really lays a solid foundation.Large families usually have exercises for their members to practice, and the Song family also had them. However, Wang Sheng is not from the Song family, so he cannot enjoy the benefits of the Song family.

The butler was willing to give Wang Sheng a single-family house because of Song Yan's face and Wang Sheng's gift.As for the Song family's skills, there is no need to even think about it, and Wang Sheng didn't have such extravagant hopes.

Wang Shengque's skills, according to the instruction, in addition to the big family, some big businesses also have corresponding skills for sale, but there are a few things in this world that will never be cheap, panacea is a kind, skills Law is also a kind, for ordinary people, it is a luxury among luxuries.

Coincidentally, in this small town, Baoqing Yutang is one of the largest shops, and there are various exercises for sale.However, the teacher said that even if there are exercises, they are just simple foundation-building exercises, and it is impossible to have something too profound.Advanced exercises can only be seen in certain big families and sects, or can only be seen at auctions in some big cities.

Advanced exercises are meaningless to the current Wang Sheng. What Wang Sheng wants is foundation-building exercises. It is very suitable for Baoqing Yutang to have them.The only problem is that Wang Sheng has no money now.

A few days ago, he used the killer card of Wuyou City to blackmail twenty Peiyuan Pills, and repaired his remnant soul.But at that time, Wang Sheng told the shopkeeper that the matter was settled, and he got the Peiyuan Pill, so he would not pursue the matter of Baoqing Yutang hiring a killer to deal with him from now on.If you want exercises, you can only spend money to buy them.

Of course, the equipment and weapons on my body cannot be exchanged for money, they are the capital of my life during this time.However, in this world where many things are still in ancient times, it is really not a troublesome thing for Wang Sheng to get some money.

Among the daily necessities, there is firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, and sugar.However, in the pile of things that Wang Sheng brought back from Baoqing Yutang, there was some sugar, but it was only gray sugar, the crudest sugar, which only had a sweet taste, but its appearance was really ugly.Not only that, but there are many impurities in it.

For a master who has undergone brutal field survival training, all kinds of living materials need to be able to obtain local materials to solve.Wang Sheng has not only received training, but also learned a lot of things. Therefore, it is almost no difficulty for Wang Sheng to make white sugar by yellow mud bleaching method.

Two days later, Wang Sheng strolled leisurely into Baoqingyu Hall with a white cloth bag the size of a fist.In fact, Baoqingyutang is not the only big business house in the city, but Baoqingyutang is the largest, and Wang Sheng has done two transactions before.

"Buddy, I'm the shopkeeper. We have business talks." In Baoqing Yutang, Wang Sheng was familiar with the way, and he yelled directly when he entered the door.

The waiter was about to say a few words, but when he saw that it was Wang Sheng, he took the initiative to invite Wang Sheng to the living room at the back, served some fragrant tea, and then went to look for the fat shopkeeper.

After a while, the fat shopkeeper sat opposite to Wang Sheng, and greeted Wang Sheng with a smile.

"Sell something, what is the value of the shopkeeper?" Wang Sheng was also smiling, looking like a businessman, pointing to the small cloth bag next to him, and then pushed it over to the fat shopkeeper.

The fat shopkeeper was not as nervous as he was when he faced Wang Sheng last time. When we do business, we naturally communicate on an equal footing.What happened last time is over, isn't it?

Opening the white cloth bag, the fat shopkeeper looked at the things inside, and his eyes lit up: "What is this?"

What Wang Sheng brought must be good things, but the fat shopkeeper didn't recognize it, but this white appearance is really likable.

"Try it!" Wang Sheng pointed out with a smile.I can't help but despise in my heart, I haven't even seen any sugar, poor man.

The fat shopkeeper stretched out his fat fingers, unsightlyly pinched a few out of the small bag of white sugar, and put them in his mouth.A pure sweetness spreads in the mouth, the sweetness is not mixed with any other taste, and there is no other dross, it is really sweet to the heart.

Fat shopkeeper can swear that this taste is the best candy he has ever tasted in his life.At that moment, the fat shopkeeper had already thought of how coveted this white candy would be if it appeared on the dining tables of those wealthy families.

"Let's make a price!" Wang Sheng didn't say much, and asked the price directly.

"Twenty copper coins for a catty of gray sugar, you white..." The fat shopkeeper suddenly didn't know what to call this Bai Shengsheng's sugar, and hesitated for a while.

"Sugar, or icing sugar." Wang Sheng added.

"Sugar, what a name!" The fat shopkeeper directly ignored the too straightforward name of white sugar, and chose icing.This choice is exactly the same as the ancients.

"At least one silver coin per catty, how about it?" The fat shopkeeper looked at Wang Sheng and asked.

"Whatever you want, if you can sell a gold coin for a catty, that's your ability." Wang Sheng didn't care how much a catty of white sugar sold for.With such a small amount of white sugar, you won’t get a few gold coins when you sell the flowers. What Wang Sheng really wants to sell is the sugar-making technology: "The method of making this icing sugar is sold exclusively, so please make a price!"

"Hiss!" The fat shopkeeper gasped.Not selling icing, but selling the method of making icing, it is really big business.

"Honest guest, I can't be the master, I have to ask the proprietor." The fat shopkeeper has been in business all his life, how could he not realize that this is probably the biggest business he has ever encountered in his life?At the moment, he didn't care whether more secrets of Baoqing Yutang would be exposed, and directly expressed his desire to ask for instructions.

Wang Sheng stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, letting the fat shopkeeper take care of himself.When negotiating business, sometimes you can’t set the price yourself, and you might suffer a loss. It is safe to let the other party set the price, and if you are not satisfied, you can add more.

It didn't take too long for the fat shopkeeper to leave. Of course, he still took the bag of sugar with him when he left.Only a few minutes later, the fat shopkeeper returned to the living room.However, this time the fat shopkeeper came back not as the master, but as a servant. The real master appeared, but it was a veiled woman.

This should be the real owner of Baoqing Yutang.Wang Sheng didn't understand why she appeared in this small place. Baoqing Yutang was a large chain store, and this woman mysteriously appeared in this remote area where birds didn't lay eggs, and she didn't know what purpose she had.

Of course, what purpose the other party has has nothing to do with Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng only needs to get what he wants, and who is not doing business with?
"The method of making icing sugar, sold exclusively?" The masked woman sat opposite Wang Sheng, and directly confirmed the content of Wang Sheng's transaction.

Wang Sheng nodded: "If the proprietor is interested, please make an offer!" Seeing what the masked woman had to say, Wang Sheng jumped ahead of him and added: "I don't understand a lot of things, and I don't know the market. You look at the asking price, and if it suits you, the deal will be made.”

The masked woman originally wanted to ask Wang Sheng to make an offer, but now Wang Sheng took the initiative to say that he didn't understand the market, but it made the masked woman embarrassed.It is the nature of a businessman to seek profit. If you drive too high, you will feel uncomfortable. If you drive too low, you are afraid that Wang Sheng will be dissatisfied. It is really difficult to handle.

"In business and business, how can you guarantee that this is an exclusive sale?" The masked woman didn't ask a price, but asked a question first: "If you are impolite, please forgive me. As far as I know, the soul of your guest is just not The level of inflow, even Yuanhun's oath, does not have much binding force on the honored guest. How can the honored guest guarantee that he will not sell this method to others?"

The primordial soul oath is a constraint on many primordial soul masters in this world. After taking the primordial soul oath, if the oath is violated, the primordial soul will not be able to upgrade for life.This is a kind of psychological restraint, and it is also a common method used by many masters.

If Wang Sheng is also a Yuanhun master, the Yuanhun oath can certainly be restrained.The problem is, Wang Sheng's primordial soul is of an inferior grade, so what if it can't be upgraded?It can't be upgraded in the first place, so why talk about binding force?

Wang Sheng already knew about the oath of soul from the teacher's mouth, so he naturally knew what the masked woman was talking about.The masked woman's problem is indeed a problem for her, but it is not a problem for Wang Sheng at all.

"If I don't sell it, I won't sell it." Wang Sheng said with a smile: "I can easily produce [-] kinds of similar methods. Do you want salt as white as jade? I also know the method. What do you have? If you want to improve something, I can tell you how, as long as you pay the price. Do you think I will ruin my own signboard because of a small method of making icing?"

As soon as these words came out, the masked woman couldn't tell what was going on, but the fat shopkeeper already took several breaths of air.The whole person is like a monster who only knows how to inhale but not exhale.

(End of this chapter)

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