
Chapter 130

Chapter 130
Chapter 95 Moving to a new home
"Can it be exchanged?" Wang Sheng suddenly showed joy.If that's the case, Wang Sheng is absolutely willing to exchange for it.

"Difficult!" The old eunuch said it himself, but he denied it.

"How precious the Creation Pill is. If you want to change it, you have to prove that your method is true, will it work?" The old eunuch sighed, and said with a wry smile: "They won't believe you and give you the Creation Pill first, they can only be You can only prove that your method is effective, and you have to be under the supervision of their people."

"When I prove that the method works, the masters they supervise have already learned it, so they won't give me the Creation Pill, right?" Wang Sheng interjected, and said the second half of what the old eunuch wanted to say.

"Yes!" The old eunuch nodded, not hiding his despicable style at all: "If it were me, I would do the same. Even in order to enjoy this secret to themselves, they would directly kill you."

Wang Sheng had already guessed that this would be the case, shrugged his shoulders, and stopped talking.This kind of practice is not new, let alone in this world, on earth, the same thing is inevitable.

"So, don't wishful thinking." The old eunuch warned: "Let's talk about it after we survive!"

It's such a boring topic, and Wang Sheng was a little bit dispirited when he talked about it.Waving weakly at the door, Wang Sheng sat back on his rocking chair by himself.

The figure of the old eunuch disappeared in a flash.From the beginning to the end, he didn't know where he had exposed Xingzang and was discovered by Wang Sheng, and he was very depressed.

Of course Wang Sheng would not tell him that he could see a lot of things clearly in this dark night, including a hair that was deliberately placed at the door that most people would never notice when he moved a little when he entered the door. Wang Sheng saw it when he turned around.

All three parties have verified that the elixir is fine, and Wang Sheng himself can't think of a reason why Mr. Fang wanted to murder him. Wang Sheng took the detoxification elixir with confidence, and did not practice according to Mr. Fang's instructions, and waited slowly. The medicine works.

The next day, Wang Sheng received a notification from the housekeeper. One month later, in a room at the Wuyou City Auction House, Wang Sheng disclosed the secret he knew to the people in the room.

The reason why it has to be arranged one month later is because the major families may send some core children to participate, and it will take time to rush over.

This is not a big problem, as long as he is in Wuyou City, Wang Sheng can wait as he pleases.Just take this time to practice carefully after detoxification.You know, there is residual poison in Wang Sheng's body, which Wang Sheng can't avoid, but those symptoms of deficiency and supplementation are all said by Wang Sheng himself, and it may not be that there is a real problem.In particular, the split of the original soul was not mentioned at all.

The sender was very polite, and he treated Wang Sheng like an upgraded version of the service with a smile, and his attitude was amazing.He also told Wang Sheng that the housekeeper will personally help Wang Sheng choose a suitable house, and let Wang Sheng wait for three days. After three days, the housekeeper will come to Wang Sheng in person.

The light of gold coins really shines everywhere.As it is on earth, so it is in this world.The housekeeper personally arranged it, it seems that the house will not be bad.

The reason why Wang Sheng must go to the inner city is because of safety considerations on the one hand.After all, the inner city is considered the real worry-free city, and there may be people in the outer city who dare to attack, but in the inner city, absolutely no one dares to kill anyone in the worry-free city.

Another consideration is because of Qian Jedi.Wang Sheng's request, in fact, has always been to get close to Qian Jedi.Without him, a villain with combat awareness will only be on guard if he enters the Thousand Jedi, but it is useless outside.Regardless of whether it is for safety or practice considerations, Wang Sheng hoped that it could be carried out within Thousand Jedi.

The messenger has a good attitude, and Wang Sheng has an even better attitude.After just running around, Wang Sheng gave him a gold coin, which made him smile like a flower.You know, nearly [-]% of the missions in the killer hall are less than one gold coin. His trip this time is equivalent to more than [-]% of the income of the killers who received the mission.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured that no one dares to touch you these days." The messenger was even happier when he got the gold coin, and the address became more respectful, and he told Wang Sheng more good news directly: "Whatever you do, if you If you fell in love with the long-legged girl that day, you can take it home. Also, if you like long-legged girls, this little one will help you touch it and make sure you are satisfied!"

Seeing the flattering words of the messenger, Wang Sheng almost wanted to pat his forehead in annoyance, completely speechless.God knows, he just casually said to that long-legged woman that her legs are beautiful, but he didn't expect it to be spread like that.That is an extremely dangerous killer!I really dare to take it home, I don’t know when I lost my head.

However, this also told Wang Sheng a lot from the side.At least there are still many people staring at Wang Sheng at all times, and even the scene of Wang Sheng molesting a long-legged woman is in their hearts.

The detoxification elixir has to be swallowed for two consecutive days, and you can't practice and use spiritual energy in the middle.Wang Shengjin obeyed the doctor's advice, he was free for a day, he didn't even open the butcher shop, waited until the next night, and took another detoxification pill.

Taking advantage of the time when no one dared to touch him, Wang Sheng fell asleep soundly.When I woke up in the morning, all kinds of fatigue were swept away, and at the same time I felt refreshed.

The Jiedu pill was very effective, and Wang Sheng could feel the relaxation in his body.When practicing before, Wang Sheng could always detect some obstacles, but now he can't feel it at all.

After posing as a Hunyuan Pile, the consciousness entered the space of the Yuanhun, and the 24 small chi kisses were all alive and well, and the feeling that the giant rock grew faster than it could be swallowed by Wang Sheng before had disappeared without a trace.Under the engulfment of the little Chiwens, although the giant rock did not shrink visibly with the naked eye, Wang Sheng clearly felt that its size was shrinking.

Everything before may be related to the residual poison, but now that the poison has been eliminated, the cultivation base has begun to improve again.Even if the speed of diligence is very slow, after all, we are advancing, not retreating or standing still.

This is exactly what Wang Sheng wanted.Although the number of Xiao Chi kisses has reached the limit and cannot continue to split for the time being, as long as Wang Sheng discloses the secret of the so-called non-influential soul promotion, Wang Sheng's cultivation level will not be a big problem even if it is improved.It doesn't matter much to be seen.

After all, many people know the results of the consultation between the imperial doctor and the alchemist, the soul refiner, the detoxifier, the poisoning, the qi and blood disability, and the deficiency. The problem is solved, so the cultivation base has increased again. This is not normal. thing?
But vaguely, Wang Sheng always felt that he seemed to have overlooked a very important thing, but Wang Sheng couldn't remember it all at once, feeling very awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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