
Chapter 137 The God of Buyers

Chapter 137 The God of Buyers

Chapter 98 The God of Buyers

Would the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion of Wuyou City show up on the road for no reason and say hello to a low-level ordinary person affectionately, and call himself brother without putting on airs?If Wang Sheng really believed this, then Wang Sheng would have died countless times.

The housekeeper didn't look like this when he moved yesterday, but now there is such a change, so the reason must be that it happened after the move yesterday and now.

It is impossible for Wang Sheng to get the housekeeper's attention, except for the gourmet lo mei.Since Han Bing Li is from the City Lord's Mansion, he will definitely tell the City Lord and the housekeeper how delicious the lo mei yesterday was.So, the appearance of the butler here has nothing to do with this?
"Speak!" The housekeeper patted his chest and promised: "What trouble, as long as I can help, brother, I will never refuse."

Wang Sheng smiled wryly and talked about his troubles. Of course, the main reason was that he couldn’t do so much in one day, and he didn’t want to rely on the housekeeper to bully others to suppress anyone. That would be to offend others, not to help.

"What kind of thing is this?" The butler smiled and gave Wang Sheng an idea: "If you can't do it by yourself, then find a few more people to do it. One pot is not enough, so just get a few more pots? "

"Well, that's the only way to go." Wang Sheng nodded: "Little brother, I'll go to the killer hall to hang up a task and ask a few people to help."

"No, no, no, no!" The butler reached out and stopped Wang Sheng: "If you go to hang up the task, is it considered my help? Don't worry, everything you want will be ready for you in half an hour, and the people you need will be ready, brother." I'll find it for you too."

"Then I'll trouble you, brother!" Wang Sheng didn't refuse, and thanked him immediately.If the housekeeper wants to buy something for the city lord, it is definitely impossible to find someone casually, of course it must be someone who can be trusted.So Wang Sheng didn't participate, and let the butler find it himself, so as to avoid the city lord's suspicion.

"Don't worry, bro, it's all the long-legged beauties you like." The butler almost patted his chest and took care of everything.

But what the housekeeper said made Wang Sheng almost stagger on the spot and lie on the ground.What do you mean, all the long-legged beauties I like?Although the long legs are really pleasing to the eye, but... well, I like it quite a lot.

"What else do you need?" The housekeeper seemed to really want to buy something for the city lord, and asked comprehensively.

"Monster!" Since this is the case, Wang Sheng is also happy to save trouble: "There is so much meat, I haven't confiscated enough monsters to eat here."

"It's easy to talk about." The butler snapped his fingers casually: "Brother, I'm asking people to hunt. By the way, fresh ones are better than old ones, right? If the old ones are good, then take them from the library."

"Anything! Anything!" Wang Sheng was overwhelmed by the generosity of the housekeeper. What's more, chicken feet, duck necks, and pig's trotters?But when he thought about the people behind him, he had a clear understanding: "Well, brother, for your side, just get some fresh ones, which are a little better. For the rest, just use old ones, the taste is not much different, At most, it’s just a little lack of aura.”

The housekeeper nodded immediately, Wang Sheng's idea is good.Use fresh ones for the city lord and for yourself, and use old ones in the warehouse for others, which is very good.This little brother is thoughtful.

With the promise from the butler, Wang Sheng naturally felt a lot easier.Many things have to be done by myself, but now that someone helps, it naturally saves a lot of things.

As for rumors about some cooking techniques, is that a thing?It would be great if there were more and more delicacies in this world, so that Yuanhun could complete the gluttonous transformation as soon as possible.

After bidding farewell to the butler, Wang Sheng walked slowly to Yubaozhai again.While pacing slowly, he felt the almost ubiquitous murderous aura in the entire Wushuang city, trying to make himself familiar with this aura and stimulate the transformation of the original soul.

This time I went to Yubaozhai to get the elixir.The old imperial doctor, the alchemist and the soul refiner joined forces to help Wang Sheng refine a batch of elixir to restore vitality.Although not much can be refined in one night, it is enough for Wang Sheng to use for two or three days.After these two or three days have passed, they will be able to refine another batch.

Restoring vitality is not something that can be effective in a short time, it needs to be taken for a long time.Of course, this was just an excuse for Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng wouldn't even eat a single bite of the pills they refined, but these pills could cover up the fact that Wang Sheng's soul had improved due to the increase in food eaten by the little chi kiss.Once the vitality is repaired, the natural cultivation will be improved!
Little is known about what happened in the inner city, at least the news has not reached the outer city.When Wang Sheng was in Yubaozhai, Linger rolled his eyes again and threw him a bottle, and Linger no longer cared about Wang Sheng.

Holding the elixir, Wang Sheng was about to go back when he suddenly remembered that the condiments he bought yesterday were not enough if there were so many lo mei to make.Ordinary seasoning is okay, enough, but the ones bought from the pharmacy are too little, and some need to be added.

"Boss, for the ones I bought yesterday, give me another ten catties for each item." Entering the door, Wang Sheng saw the pharmacy owner who was dozing off, and a few unfamiliar customers.The guests came to buy things, nothing unusual, Wang Sheng didn't take it seriously, and yelled at the boss directly.

The owner of the pharmacy was sleeping in a daze, when he heard Wang Sheng's yelling, he was awakened suddenly, and then jumped up directly, his face full of anger.

The so-called better to provoke a drunk than to provoke a sleepy ghost, this is a famous saying left by our ancestors.Drunkards don't know anything, and if they are provoked, they will be provoked.But if the Sleeping Ghost is awakened while soundly asleep, it will definitely explode. This is the reason for the so-called wake-up qi.

The few guests who were received by the staff immediately realized that there was something exciting to watch.They were outsiders who came to see the mayor of Wuyou, and they had never met Wang Sheng before, nor had they heard about Wang Sheng.Not everyone in Wuyou City can easily get news, it's normal not to know.Seeing this situation now, the few of them are a little gloating.

Not to mention, although they didn't know Wang Sheng, they knew a lot about Wuyou City.Especially knowing that the merchants in Wuyou City have a surprisingly good attitude. Of course, they dare not act wildly in the stores in Wuyou City.Now that Wang Sheng suddenly yelled so loudly that the boss fell asleep, wouldn't that be a good show?
Just when a few people were waiting to see how the boss was furious, and then suddenly turned from a street vendor into a master of practice, Wang Sheng beat Wang Sheng who came in to let Wang Sheng know that he knew the rules of Wuyou City, and suddenly saw a scene of them Unbelievable scene at all.

The furious boss leaped forward, his speed and agility were definitely masters.But when his figure appeared opposite Wang Sheng, the furious expression on his face had turned into the most enthusiastic smiling face, his body was almost ninety degrees, and he greeted Wang Sheng with a flattering tone: " Oh, the distinguished guest is here, please hurry up!"

What the hell?Several people who planned to watch the fun were confused, and one of them quietly asked the buddy.

"You don't even know him?" The guy was also full of longing: "He is the god of buyers in our Wuyou City!"

(End of this chapter)

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