
Chapter 1419 Problems of the Great Families

Chapter 1419 Problems of the Great Families
Chapter 740 Problems of the Great Families
Thousands of Jedi are still freezing the 500 most powerful masters of the major families 24 years ago. Is this secret important?Of course it is important!
However, as Wang Sheng said, whether to release these ancestors may still be discussed.

The patriarchs and elders of the major families are used to the feeling of being in control of the family affairs.Suddenly an ancestor from 500 years ago appeared, how should this be arranged?

Let the ancestors preside over family affairs?Don't dare to say anything else, the heads of the major families are unwilling.Why?
But the problem is that the ancestors themselves are extremely senior elders, and they were also extremely powerful masters who could finally compete with the Lin family's top masters in the end.With such a big elder suddenly appearing in the family, can the head of the family still have the final say?

If the ancestors only need to say a word, the head of the family may have to hold his nose and grit his teeth but carry it out. Failure to carry it out is disrespectful and disrespectful to the ancestors. Who can afford this crime?But when the time comes, the ancestors will speak, and it is an inappropriate order, so what?
This possibility is great!You must know that this will be 500 years later, not 500 years ago when the ancestors were all-powerful, some things have really changed.The vicissitudes of life can turn into mulberry fields, not to mention the 500 years of human development.

There is an extra ancestor in the family, and every time I think about it, I can tell from Song Yan's perspective that as the head of the family and the elders, I absolutely don't want to have an extra person in the family who can't be beaten, scolded, resisted, bumped, and has to be treated carefully Ancestors, even if they are not the head of the family, the other family members may not be happy about it.

So, everyone still has a choice before.Although we know the secret and know that 24 ancestors from 500 years ago are still frozen here, everyone can discuss it together and not unblock it.As long as the ancestors don't appear, then everyone won't have so much trouble.

But what did Wang Sheng say in the last sentence?What their ancestors guarded is the real secret of the Thousand Jedi. Now that the news has reached the ears of the Patriarchs, even if they don't want to break the seal of the ancestors, I'm afraid it will be impossible.

What can make the ancestors prefer to seal themselves and protect them, apart from the method or kung fu that can cultivate the Lin family's peerless masters, what else can they have?
It's ridiculous that the historian paid the boss's price to obtain Fengxiang's mind method from the peerless treasures. Maybe in front of these guarded secrets, it is just an entry-level exercise.Don't look at that peerless master who didn't even hesitate to tell the secret of the phoenix soul?

If it was really an incomparably important secret, would that peerless master be so casual?

Thinking of this, Song Yan glanced at the head of the historian.At this time, it seems that the head historian is also aware of this problem, his face is ashen, with a lost expression, which makes people feel sad for him.

If the secrets that can be guarded by the 24 most powerful ancestors are discovered, how will the strength of each family be improved?It is not necessary for everyone to become a peerless master of the Lin family, but half of her. As long as each family has three or five masters with fighting instincts in each generation, wouldn't the eight major families rule the world forever?

Of course Song Yan could choose to suppress all the news, but the problem is that the Song family is not the only one here, and one of the eight major families has declined.Just now, Wang Sheng's voice was so loud that even the furthest experts could hear it.Song Yan has great abilities, so it's impossible to turn against everyone at this moment and kill all the insiders, right?
Since it can't be said, after going out, the patriarchs and elders of all parties really have to rush here as quickly as possible, and then wait for the ancestors of each family to break the seal and kowtow.

However, it's okay to be unhappy, but Song Yan understands Wang Sheng very well.Wang Sheng can now say that after going out from this entrance, he is the real enemy of the world.

When Wang Sheng left the capital last time, he had actually experienced the hostility of each family, but at that time the secret of Qian Jedi had not been truly solved, so everyone finally chose to tolerate and compromise.But now, the secret of Qian Jedi was solved by Wang Sheng himself, and Wang Sheng also took away the peerless master from 500 years ago. For no other reason, even if they were afraid of the woman's revenge, the big families would try their best to deal with it by all means. Wang Sheng and the woman died.

This time it is really endless.No wonder Wang Sheng would leave such a dilemma for each family at the last pass.If it can bring some troubles to each family, it will give Wang Sheng and the woman a chance to survive.

smart people!Song Yan never suspected that Wang Sheng was not smart enough.If Wang Sheng is not smart enough to create such a situation.pity!Good luck tricks people.How happy would he be if he and Wang Sheng stayed together without Song Hongde's decision back then?
Now Song Yan has to worry about another problem, which is 24 ancestors, how to distinguish which belongs to which family?This is probably another troublesome account.It is impossible to say that every time the seal is unblocked, the eight major families must be invited to participate. Otherwise, if their ancestors are unblocked by other families and then murdered, they will not know where to cry.

In addition, the more troublesome problem is that the 24 ancestors may not all belong to the eight major families. There were more than eight families that participated in the siege of the Lin family 500 years ago. The total number of large and small families can exceed a hundred. There may be other families among them, and there may even be ancestors of some families that have disappeared. When the time comes, the seal will be released. How to deal with it?

In the past 500 years, the eight major families have not lost some of their comrades-in-arms. Just a few years ago, a small sect was wiped out because it had a little flaw in the formula of the Creation Pill.What if there are a few ancestors who are masters of those sects?
The key is that no one of us knows whether the other party is their ancestor or not.Who knows what their ancestors looked like 500 years ago?The identity can only be known after the seal is untied and recuperated.If there are one or two of them who have a feud with the Eight Great Families, the Eight Great Families are waiting to cry!That is a powerful master who can fight to the end with the peerless masters of the Lin family, how will he break it then?
In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Song Yan's mind, but none of them made her happy.Maybe being able to get the real secret of Qian Jedi is the harvest that can make Song Yan a little bit happier!This trip was at the core of Thousand Jedi, and there was nothing else that was in line with Song Yan's wishes.

While he was thinking, there was a sudden violent explosion sound from the entrance of the cave where Wang Sheng had disappeared.

boom!The huge explosion sound was accompanied by a slight shaking of the entire space.Then the entire space began to echo the echo of the huge explosion, which lasted for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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