
Chapter 1421 Who is it?

Chapter 1421 Who is it?

Chapter 740 Who is it?

No injury is better than anything else, at least Wang Sheng doesn't have to worry about trauma affecting the recovery of the girl in his dream.

For the time being, Wang Sheng hasn't seen the internal injuries of the girl coughing up blood in the dream, so her current weakness is purely due to the wear and tear of the battle and the wear and tear of the 500-year-old battle formation. Now the girl's physical condition is very bad, if it is not With Wang Sheng's injection, it is estimated that she would not even be sober for that period of time.

In the time since I came here from the Frozen Formation, the girl in the dream has already passed out, which shows that the oil in her body is really exhausted.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng's injection has stimulated the potential, so I can slowly use some mild elixir to nourish it a little bit. At least according to the current situation, as long as the girl in the dream is given enough time, I dare not say that she will fully recover, but It should be no problem to return to an ordinary person and be able to act on his own within a period of time.

It's a pity that all this will take time, but obviously the Eight Great Families don't plan to give themselves and the girl of their dreams enough time.

At the place where Wang Sheng exploded in the tunnel, Wang Sheng had already heard the sound of someone digging.Those nine-layer-level masters will never be able to dig through the passage of Baizhang if they are ruthless in two days.This is not solid volcanic rock, but after being blasted and collapsed, which is much less labor-intensive than Wang Sheng's natural chiseling.

It seems that the last secret she uttered must have stimulated Song Yan, that's why she didn't give Wang Sheng any time to make people so frantic.What Wang Sheng wanted was a longer period of time, but Song Yan refused to let him do so. It could be considered that the two did not fight at the level of life and death, but switched to another aspect to compete!
"Ah Qi, take these and blow down the passageway behind!" Wang Sheng pondered for a while, and immediately took out a box of black powder, and handed it to Ah Qi for her to operate.

When Wang Sheng was blowing up the channel before, Ah Qi had seen Wang Sheng demonstrate. Wang Sheng had divided the black powder into small explosive packets one by one. As long as the ignition fuse was installed, it would be fine to leave quickly. Ah Qi learned a few times Just learned it, and Gu Fei ran to operate it.

After a while, the masters of the eight major families who were digging in the passage heard the faint sound of an explosion, felt a slight vibration, and all shook their heads.

This movement was too obvious, and they could tell immediately after having experienced it once that it was Wang Sheng who blew up another section of the tunnel.

Song Yan didn't stare here, but led a group of masters to check the stone pillars one by one to see if there was a formation.Although Wang Sheng is an asshole, his credit is very good. If there are other formations, then there must be.

"It's done!" When Ah Qi came back, the girl in the dream was still asleep.When reporting to Wang Sheng, Ah Qi's voice was also very low, as if she was afraid of waking up the girl in her dream.

Wang Sheng has never left the girl in his dream with one hand, and while entering the spiritual energy, he uses the nine-character mantra to recuperate the girl's body in sleep.Wang Sheng also heard the explosion just now, and nodded upon hearing this.

"Grandpa, even if it blows up that section, at most it can last for two more days." Ah Qi looked at Wang Sheng's cautious attitude as if he was holding the most expensive and fragile goods, and couldn't help but persuade him : "If you want to recover safely, you have to rush to an absolutely safe place as soon as possible."

Under the circumstances of the interception before and the pursuit of soldiers, it is really difficult for the girl in the dream to recover.It's not bad to be able to hold your breath now.I really want to recover, I'm afraid it won't be half a year or six months, so don't even think about it.This has to be treated by a famous doctor, otherwise, it may take longer, and it may not be able to fully recover.

Sometimes Wang Sheng really doesn't understand, how can one person, who is not as powerful as the United States that brought his family to the earth, can bully whoever he wants, how can he fight against the whole world?This seemed a bit unlike the way the girl in my dream acted.But who can tell what happened 500 years ago?Maybe after the girl in the dream wakes up, she will tell Wang Sheng what happened at that time!

Wang Sheng and Song Yan seemed to maintain a state where one side pressed the other side to hurry up to recover.Fortunately, the passage is not very wide, and it can accommodate up to two people working at the same time at a time. It is impossible for too many people to dig, and the speed is also constant.Still set aside at least two and a half days for the girl in her dream to recover and recuperate.

Those formation masters who checked one stone pillar after another in the magma lake, checked tens of thousands of stone pillars for a whole day and night, until noon the next day, finally found a stone pillar with a formation fluctuation.

This discovery made all the searchers excited for a while.There are also formation fluctuations, which means that what Wang Sheng said is very likely.A group of seven or eight formation masters gathered around the stone pillar, and began to peel off the camouflage layer outside the stone pillar, and then studied the formation on the stone pillar.

Song Yan was watching under a stone pillar not far away, waiting for the result there.After a while, there was a cheer from over there. The formation master from the Song family who had entered the sealed space with Song Yan quickly ran over from the magma, and Song Yan saw his ecstatic expression while on the way.

"It's the same as the formations that my father-in-law destroyed." Song Yan felt relieved when she heard the judgment result.It seems that the enemy did not lie to himself, there is indeed a similar sealing formation.

"Just look for formations, don't do any other irrelevant things." Song Yan loudly ordered hundreds of masters from the eight major families, including the heads of the other seven families: "Some things are not for us to decide , you must not make mistakes!"

They are all smart people, who would do things that have not been studied by the head of the family and the elders?Finding out the stone pillars with formations is a great contribution. People who like to add superfluous things to others will not be able to achieve the cultivation level of the Ninth Layer Realm.

As each formation stone pillar was marked, Song Yan's thoughts became more and more complicated.I'm afraid that these matters really need to be discussed behind closed doors by the eight major families.

On the other side of the passage, after sleeping for two full days and two nights, the girl in the dream finally opened her eyes for the first time.In the past two days and two nights, Wang Sheng never left the side of the girl in his dream, and took good care of her all the time, and the nine-character mantra never stopped.

Seeing the opened beautiful eyes and those beautiful pupils, the ecstasy in Wang Sheng's heart rushed directly to his head.That's right, these are the eyes, these are the beautiful eyes that I have seen countless times in my dreams.

"Lone wolf, is that you?" The girl in the dream opened her eyes, and the first person she saw was Wang Sheng.She also seemed to be extremely pleasantly surprised, with a gleam of joy in her eyes.

"It's me!" Wang Sheng quickly replied.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Wang Sheng and Ah Qi were stunned by the next words of the girl in the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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