
Chapter 1434 Guerrilla War

Chapter 1434 Guerrilla War
Chapter 740: Guerrilla Warfare
Even if Wang Sheng runs away, he will not forget to take precautions.At the end of the series of explosions just now, Wang Sheng had already discovered the enemy's arrival, so how could he not have any means of protection?
The same black gunpowder was arranged in a corner that no one else would notice. It was the section of road that Wang Sheng just passed.There has been a gunpowder explosion from Linglong Pavilion in this place, and the surrounding area is full of gunpowder smoke. Even with Wang Sheng's nose, in this environment, I am afraid that it is impossible to smell that there is a pile of black powder secretly placed here.

But this position happened to be where four or five masters of Linglong Pavilion were standing at the moment.In Wang Sheng's explosive bag, there is also a hidden delay detonation device, which is a very simple method, but it can detonate the black powder without Wang Sheng needing to be present to ignite it.

The explosion this time was not the explosive explosion of the blinding gunpowder in Linglong Pavilion, but the explosion of real military-grade black powder.The equivalent of the explosion is almost fifty kilograms.Of course, among Wang Sheng's explosives, sharp fragments are indispensable, things that increase the lethality, Wang Sheng will never forget.

The sound of the explosion was too loud, but the screams were too low, so that except for Wang Sheng and a few people who were a little closer to that side, none of them could hear the four or five screams coming from that side.A master at the peak of the Nine Layers Realm couldn't stop such a close-range explosion and thousands of sharp fragments sputtering at high speed.

Everyone's body was covered with hundreds of shards, and their bodies were covered in blood.The violent explosion at close range caused the semicircular canals in their ears to be strongly shaken, and the people did not die, but they could not stand up for a short time.The protective clothing on his body blocked most of the fragment attacks, but it couldn't hold up too many fragments, and the protective formation disappeared instantly under the influence of Wang Sheng's seven-character formula. The material alone could not stop it at all.

Just this time, three masters of the legendary realm and two peaks of the ninth level lost their combat effectiveness due to excessive blood loss and shock injuries.

But that's not enough. After Lin Linge fired the heavy arrow, Wang Sheng didn't care about the numbness of his shoulders. He retreated quickly, and a heavy crossbow appeared in his hand.

Boom, Wang Sheng's hand felt a familiar shock, this arrow was aimed at Master Qian.The previous friendship was the previous friendship, but during the battle, Wang Sheng would never be affected by those things, at least not by Master Qian's friendship.Song Yan might do it, but Master Qian and Wang Sheng will never show mercy.

At this moment, Master Qian was also shocked to find that the protective formation he had just propped up just now disappeared without a trace.

Also a master who is extremely sensitive to danger, Master Qian's figure flashed in an instant.The masters of Linglong Pavilion are absolutely loyal, at least the batch that Master Qian brought out this time is that a master had already rushed in front of Master Qian, and at this moment stood between Wang Sheng and Master Qian without hesitation. The weapon also swung instinctively to block.

Boom, there was an explosion, and a big hole appeared in the chest of the rushing master, and he fell down softly.The formation on his protective clothing was also useless, and was directly shot through by the heavy sniper crossbow and detonated.The heavy arrow pierced his chest and exploded his heart, and continued to fly towards Master Qian behind him without losing momentum.

Master Qian was lucky to have a loyal subordinate who detonated the heavy arrow ahead of time.But he still couldn't dodge the heavy arrows that shot through his men. Even if he could dodge fast enough, not everyone had enough speed to dodge the heavy arrows that were several times the speed of sound.Wang Sheng didn't dodge, and so did Master Qian.

Unlike Wang Sheng, the heavy arrow failed to penetrate Wang Sheng's body, but it easily penetrated Master Qian's protective clothing, and the arrow nailed his arm, penetrating an inch of flesh.

Even the heavy arrows shot by the heavy sniper crossbow, after piercing through the material of three layers of high-grade protective clothing and the body of a peak expert in the Ninth Layer Realm, only the last bit of strength is left.

It's not a vital point, and there are no major blood vessels, but it's just a simple flesh wound.Master Qian only felt a tightness in his arm, and then there was a sharp pain, but the pain was completely tolerable.

It's just that the physical pain can be endured, but the spiritual pain is unspeakable.The master standing in front of him, who had been with him for decades and was as close as a brother, was shot dead by Wang Sheng with an arrow.

That's not to mention, with just a few strokes, Wang Sheng's figure has already rushed to the side of the five injured masters.At this moment, they were completely defenseless to Wang Sheng. Without hesitation, Wang Sheng ended their lives with five knives.

It is still the same principle, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.After the five injured masters recover, those physical injuries will not affect them too much, and Wang Sheng will never give them this recovery time.

In a blink of an eye, the seven masters of Linglong Pavilion and the master of Linglong Pavilion were injured, but Wang Sheng was just hit hard by a heavy arrow, and Lin Ling, who was on his back, didn't even wake up.Why not make Master Qian heartbroken?

But Wang Sheng didn't care so much, if the enemy could kill one, there would be one less. How could there be so many wounds on the battlefield?It is sad to sacrifice a comrade-in-arms, but in the course of the battle, you can only suppress your sadness first, and kill the enemy calmly or angrily.Wang Sheng is an ace sniper, usually in such a situation, he would calmly kill the enemy first.

Ah Qi couldn't take care of it anymore.In a battle of this level, her cultivation is not even a burden, so she can only ask for blessings.All Wang Sheng could do was hope that she would be lucky and escape this catastrophe.

Bang, there are more than 50 enemies, even if seven are gone, there are still more than 40.Wang Sheng had just killed someone here, was delayed for more than a second, and then had to face the reality of being besieged by six people.Although Wang Sheng was powerful in combat and frantically resisted and counterattacked, he still couldn't defend against all the opponent's attacks and received a solid punch in the chest.

A tidal wave of aura poured in crazily, and the powerful force directly sent Wang Sheng flying.While in the air, Wang Sheng called out the seven-character tactic with the prefix "Lin" and shocked several masters, and only then was he able to gain time to dissipate this force.

510 The two acupoints opened simultaneously to absorb the spiritual energy. Even so, Wang Sheng felt a sharp pain in his chest.The master who pushes the heavy hammer to mint coins every day is really extraordinary. The power of a punch is more fierce than the legendary master of the Song family that Wang Sheng has seen in the Song family.

But the other party didn't feel better, the Tiger Tooth Saber hooked the fist's wrist before Wang Sheng flew up, and cut off at least half of the opponent's wrist with one knife, bleeding profusely.

To deal with gang fights, you must not put yourself in a tight siege.The moment Wang Sheng landed on the ground, he was wearing the seven-character formula with the prefix on his body again, making the opponent in a trance for a moment, and at the same time, Wang Sheng turned around and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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