
Chapter 1437

Chapter 1437

Chapter 740 Nine Careless Moves

The eleven masters of Linglong Pavilion who were chasing and killing Wang Sheng had already seen hope.No matter how much their combat experience is not as rich as Wang Sheng's, they can still see through Wang Sheng's current injury at a glance.

The left arm is obviously useless, and more than half of the leg is useless. The internal organs are definitely seriously injured, and several ribs may be broken.Those companions hit Wang Sheng's chest with a dying blow. No matter how strong Wang Sheng was, he might not be able to completely dispel the terrifying power blasted by his companions. They don't understand others, how can they not understand their own companions?

However, among the eleven masters who hunted down, only eight were intact, and the remaining three, one had a half-broken wrist, one had a penetrating gash on each leg and arm, and the other was also injured. The arm is broken, and the degree of bending can be seen at a glance.

Even for the eight who are intact, it doesn't mean that they have no injuries at all, it's just that they are very minor and don't affect their combat actions.But the protective clothing on his body was all in tatters, as if he had been ravaged by many people.

This was not caused by being hung by a bush or something in the forest, but by a group of ferocious little beasts that suddenly appeared at the end of the chase.Those snow rats and foxes that have changed their coat color are much more flexible than the human masters in Linglong Pavilion.When everyone was carefully chasing and killing Wang Sheng, he rushed out suddenly, not to mention the lethality it brought, but it could definitely stop the speed of everyone's progress.

Those who were killed by Wang Sheng in the later period were delayed in their rescue because of the obstruction of these little beasts.But even so, those Linglong Pavilion masters who were killed also used their lives to add one wound after another to Wang Sheng's body, aggravating Wang Sheng's injuries time and time again.

Wang Sheng's walking is no longer stable. Even if he can still command some ferocious monsters, as long as they are not from the core area of ​​Qianjedi, they will not threaten the masters of Linglong Pavilion at all.The only few small beasts from the core of the Thousand Jedi had been killed by several legend-level masters in the previous attack, leaving only one.

Even though those little beasts were ferocious, they were still unable to match the masters who had just been promoted to legend, and they were killed one after another.Seeing that besides Lin Ling, there was only a snow rat left beside Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng himself was staggering, it was almost a dead end.

With a knee injury, Wang Sheng couldn't get up to speed, so he could only stop Linglong Pavilion's pursuers by driving those insects and monsters among the Thousand Jedi.At this time, the people in Linglong Pavilion are not in a hurry. The more time is delayed, the more Wang Sheng's injuries will not be recovered, and Wang Sheng will be weaker. They don't need to waste so much energy, they can wait until Wang Sheng delay break yourself.

On the one hand, Master Qian also wanted to consume Wang Sheng to death like this, on the other hand, Wang Sheng's previous killing really made everyone in Linglong Pavilion startled.Every time they saw their companions fighting for their lives with Wang Sheng, and they had no time to rescue them, Wang Sheng would always kill their companions extremely fiercely. Even if they themselves suffered extremely serious injuries, they would not leave a trace of life for their companions.That kind of unusual ferocity makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts when they look at it.

Based on these two thoughts, whether it is Master Qian or his ten subordinates, they all hope that Wang Sheng can't hold on and fall to the ground without their hands.Therefore, everyone would rather follow Wang Sheng unhurriedly, and keep threatening at all times so that Wang Sheng has no time to recover, just like a seasoned hunter chasing down an injured prey, quietly waiting for the prey to struggle and become weaker and weaker, and finally be killed. The hunter has it easy.

However, everyone in Linglong Pavilion obviously didn't know how sharp Wang Sheng's nine-character mantra was.After Lao Junguan obtained the Nine-Character Mantra, he has always regarded the Nine-Character Mantra as the top secret. Outsiders may know the name of the Nine-Character Mantra, but who can know the real effect?
The veteran Ling Xu only mastered the nine-character mantra initially, but Wang Sheng has already mastered the seven-character mantra. The more time Wang Sheng is given, the better Wang Sheng's recovery will be.With a legendary level of cultivation, Wang Sheng no longer has to worry about the lack of aura in this situation. On the contrary, he doesn't need to fight fiercely, and Wang Sheng's aura is also recovering rapidly.

Finally, after the people in Linglong Pavilion kept this state and chased for more than two hours, they all found out that something was wrong.Instead of getting weaker and weaker, Wang Sheng became more energetic.

Everyone's first thought was that Wang Sheng must have the best elixir on him.The facts are similar. Apart from the nine-character mantra and seven-character formula, Wang Sheng also needs elixir. With so many gold coins, it is impossible to buy the top elixir in large quantities, but one or two in small quantities are still prepared.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, looking at each other.This time it was self-defeating. He could have taken advantage of the victory to pursue and kill him, but in the end he gave Wang Sheng two hours of recovery time for nothing.It's also Wang Sheng's fault, the disguise was good enough, in the first half hour, he was indeed pretending to be weaker and weaker to attract everyone's attention, and it was only in the second half hour that he showed the appearance of recovery.

Master Qian's eyes almost burst into flames. He killed more than 40 of his subordinates, and he dared to play himself like this.

During the battle, I was clearly on the verge of exhaustion, but the opponent actually gave me two hours to recover. What kind of inexperienced person could do this?Wang Sheng walked the eleven masters of Linglong Pavilion in front of him like a monkey. He didn't know how to describe his mood. Should he congratulate himself for his good luck, or should he laugh at the people in Linglong Pavilion for their stupidity?

At this time, Master Qian could no longer care about regretting his stupidity and lack of combat experience. His mind was filled with anger at this moment. Looking at Wang Sheng's still shambling figure not far away, he was very angry at Wang Sheng's face. The back yelled loudly, "Kill him!"

Without saying a word, the ten Linglong Pavilion masters gritted their teeth and rushed up quickly.They were also played by Wang Sheng solidly, and they were already filled with anger. The anger of the pavilion master was exactly what they were longing for. After hearing it, they immediately rushed towards Wang Sheng and attacked madly.

They no longer cared how fierce and cunning Wang Sheng was. Wang Sheng killed their companions and played tricks on them.

The sharp-eyed crowd rushed towards him frantically, but Wang Sheng didn't dare to go one-on-one to meet him.He has only partially recovered now, one-on-one would trade his injury for life, one-on-ten, because he thought he didn't die fast enough.

So Wang Sheng immediately speeded up as before, and at the same time urged all the animals around to attack the masters of Linglong Pavilion crazily, but he left the battle circle at the fastest speed.

The masters of Linglong Pavilion have all lost their composure, which gave Wang Sheng another chance to defeat them.

(End of this chapter)

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