
Chapter 1452 My name is Lin Xiu

Chapter 1452 My name is Lin Xiu

Chapter 750: My Name Is Lin Xiu

Seeing Lin Ling's hair tied up, although Wang Sheng was surprised, he also knew that this was a sign that Lin Ling was going to do something.Loose hair can be a nuisance, so tie it up before doing it.

Just when Wang Sheng was about to hand over the Huya Saber in his hand, Lin Ling smiled and shook his head, and casually broke off a three-foot-long branch from the dead tree next to him, and with a flick of his hand, the All the branches and forks of the tree fell off, leaving only the straight one.

"That fool who wants to die is called Lin Ling." The girl in the dream held the branch, smiled playfully at Wang Sheng, turned around and said, "My name is Lin Xiu!"

While speaking, Lin Xiu's light figure had disappeared into the yellow smoke, leaving only Wang Sheng standing there alone, accompanying Ah Qi who had lost consciousness.

How is this going?Wang Sheng was confused.Even though he was carrying Lin Ling on his back, why did he become Lin Xiu again?But in the next moment, Wang Sheng immediately understood that it was a very simple thing, either the girl in the dream had a split personality, or there were two souls in one body, this was not so incomprehensible to Wang Sheng who came from the modern earth.

Split personality is a disease. As for the two souls, anyone who has watched Master Xing's "Journey to the West" still can't understand Qingxia and Zixia?

The moment Lin Xiu turned around, Wang Sheng could see clearly, her eyes suddenly turned bloodshot.However, the blood color only flickered for a while, and then returned to normal immediately.If it weren't for Wang Sheng's sharp eyes, he wouldn't have been able to discover this in a short moment.

"Lin Ling Linxiu, is Zhong Ling Yuxiu?" Wang Sheng said a little to himself, then turned around and hugged Ah Qi, and then used the nine-character mantra to cover up his and Ah Qi's aura.

When there were three people, Wang Sheng couldn't cover up the breath of all three people, but when there were only two people, and there was a mountain wall behind him, Wang Sheng put a hard mask on Ah Qi, and he could use the seven-character formula to easily to cover up the breathing of the two of them.I dare not say anything else, but at least twenty feet away, no one can hear Ah Qi's breathing.

There was a yellow smog in the dense forest, and it took only a few breaths for Lin Xiu to enter the smog before Wang Sheng heard the first scream.

Immediately afterwards, the screams seemed to become background music, one after another, sounding from all directions.Every sound should be separated by two or three seconds, as if to give the murderer time to hurry.

Wang Sheng's hearing is amazing, even in the dark night, Wang Sheng can hear everyone's location.The screams that sounded now were all experts from the eight major families that Wang Sheng had heard before.Excellent memory allows Wang Sheng to distinguish who almost every different voice is. Although he can't remember the name, Wang Sheng is completely able to match every specific master.

From the time when Lin Xiu entered the smoke with that branch, or from the time when Lin Xiu asked Wang Sheng if there were any smoke bombs, Wang Sheng had a premonition of all this happening.Now, as expected by Wang Sheng, the recovered Lin Xiu showed her peerless demeanor 500 years ago in front of the masters of the eight major families, but it was used to set off her peerless demeanor The lives of the masters of the eight major families.

There was a scream in two or three seconds, which also meant that the masters of the legendary realm of the eight major families did not even have a single enemy in front of Lin Xiu.When Wang Sheng used Xingzi Jue, he could almost perceive every movement of those masters, but Wang Sheng couldn't detect Lin Xiu's slightest.

Lin Xiu's figure, in the perception of Wang Sheng's Qizi Jue, seemed to have become an invisible person.At least Wang Sheng's spiritual energy detection, nine-character mantra detection, and even super-strong sense of hearing and smell are good. It seems that after Lin Xiu entered the smoke, he lost the existence of this person directly.

Even if Wang Sheng is like this, one can imagine the feelings of the masters of the eight major families, they probably don't even know who the enemy is.Someone with a heart wanted to sneak towards Wang Sheng, but just a few steps in this direction, the enemy who didn't know where came from blocked his throat with a sword.

The masters of the eight major families in the smoke, in Wang Sheng's perception, they should have suddenly seen the enemy, but no matter whether they are attacking or defending, the next moment, they are either covering their throats, covering their eyes or other vulnerable bodies on their bodies. One place, or several places together, in short, as long as you meet Lin Xiu, only the fatal part will be attacked, or other vulnerable places will be attacked first, and then the fatal part will be attacked. Of course, the final result It is death.

I don't know what method Lin Xiu used, but these masters will definitely scream loudly before they die, even if their throats are attacked.

Wang Sheng knew very well that Lin Xiu didn't forget to put psychological pressure on the other enemies during the attack, and the screams of every companion could make other enemies fearful.The more screams they heard, the more they felt a psychological hint that the enemy on the other side was almost unmatched. When Lin Xiu appeared in front of them, the fighting power they could display was limited.

The method used by Lin Xiu is a typical method of psychological warfare that Wang Sheng once communicated with Lin Xiu in his dream. Now seeing Lin Xiu using it with great skill, Wang Sheng felt an indescribable kindness in his heart. .

This is the real girl in the dream. It turned out that the voice that told me to kill her that I heard at the beginning was from Lin Ling, the sister with the same body as Lin Xiu or something else.Wang Sheng doesn't know what the story is, but since Lin Xiu has woken up, Wang Sheng has plenty of time to wait for her to explain everything to himself.

Wang Sheng's Qizi Jue can feel fewer and fewer enemies. According to preliminary estimates, at least two hundred masters have died in Lin Xiu's hands in just about an incense stick of time.

At this moment, Wang Sheng only had two lines in his mind to describe his mood. "Kill a person in ten steps, and never stay behind." Lin Xiu's killing at the moment is clearly the best commentary for these two lines of poetry.

The smoke from the smoke bombs had been slowly blown away by the breeze, and with the screams, Wang Sheng could no longer hear other sounds.

After a while, Wang Sheng couldn't even hear the screams. In Wang Sheng's perception range, there was no living person except himself and Ah Qi.Hundreds of masters from the Eight Great Families died in one attack by Lin Xiu.

Finally, Wang Sheng heard a burst of staggering footsteps. The familiar feeling made Wang Sheng rush out without hesitation. It was Lin Xiu's footsteps.

The moment she saw Wang Sheng, Lin Xiu's pale face turned bright red, she forced a smile at Wang Sheng, her body softened, and she fell directly into Wang Sheng's arms.

At the same time, the blood-stained branch in her hand also turned into flying ash at that moment.

(End of this chapter)

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