
Chapter 1456 Many Pots

Chapter 1456 Many Pots
Chapter 750 Nine Many Pots
The 24 specially built stone chambers are, of course, the story of "Xia Ke Xing" that Wang Sheng told Lin Xiu in his dream. In each stone chamber, there is a line of poetry and a large picture and text commentary on the line of poetry. Together they are complete Poems from Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing".In the last stone room, there is even a sentence of "Bai Shou Tai Xuan Sutra" written in tadpole script.

In the novels of Xia Ke Xing, the countless guys who went to Xia Ke Island to drink Laba porridge and study the martial arts of Xia Ke Xing, basically all of them were useless. secret.

Lin Ling and Lin Xiu were actually inspired by a story she told, and then built a 24-stone room in the former Lin family's current Qianjedi core area?Thank goodness they figured it out.

Back then, Lin Ling and Linxiu's perception of practice should be said to be unrivaled in the world, especially the perception of the first half of each stone chamber. It would be strange if the masters of various schools saw that it was not as good as obtaining the treasure.Maybe because of the ownership of these stone chambers, each family killed an unknown number of people against each other.

"They killed at least 400 people in order to fight for these stone chambers." Lin Xiu seemed to have guessed what Wang Sheng was thinking, and before Wang Sheng asked, she took the initiative to say these things.

Wang Sheng suddenly found that he no longer had any thoughts of mourning for the big families. After all, the reason why these guys were unlucky was all because of him.Because Wang Sheng told Lin Xiu the story of the knights, they became the stepping stones for Lin Xiu to practice.

"Are there only these 24 stone chambers?" Wang Sheng patted his forehead, and after adding another seven-character formula to Ah Qi, he asked Lin Xiu again.

"There is also a Langhuan Jade Cave." Lin Xiu was not afraid that Wang Sheng would be too surprised to know, and said another arrangement of hers with a smile: "But that is where we lived back then, and there are all kinds of things in it. All kinds of scrolls were later discovered by the two families who rushed in first, and after the two families killed many people, they found that they could not cover up the news, so the two families worked together to secretly remove all those things."

A few black lines appeared on Wang Sheng's head again. Why are the things Lin Xiu said so familiar?

Of course, Wang Sheng of Langhuan Jade Cave knew that it was the scene in another Jin Daxia novel "Dragon and Babu", where Duan Yu learned from Lingbo Weibu.It should be where the practice secret books of various families were kept, and was later moved to the Murong family in Gusu by Mrs. Wang.Unexpectedly, Lin Xiu even learned this.

If you can keep the cultivation cheats here in Lin Ling and Linxiu's residence, do you even need to ask?It must be something good!Those guys are surprised that they didn't fight much after they found out.

"What did you put in it?" Wang Sheng asked with a wry smile.It was another huge scapegoat for him, and he couldn't shake it off.

"I put some messy cheats, and also put two personal things for us, and those two things can feel my breath at a close distance." The smile on Lin Xiu's face became bigger and bigger, and she almost collapsed on the king's bed. In Sheng's arms, Wang Sheng managed to support her so that she would not fall limp to the ground: "There are also several secret books that we have practiced, and they are secret books that we have really practiced!"

Why do these things sound so familiar?more and more familiar.Wang Sheng looked down at Lin Xiu, who was a little out of breath from talking and walking, and blessed her with the Qizi Jue once to make her feel better, before showing an indescribable expression.

Lin Xiu wanted to laugh as soon as she saw Wang Sheng's expression, but she didn't dare to laugh out loud, she just smiled lightly, her eyes were indescribably playful and cute.

"Don't tell me there are "Fengxiang Heart Method" and "Military Fighting Technique" in it." Wang Sheng knew from Lin Xiu's eyes that he must be deeply involved, so he asked bravely: "Is it still released?" A broken golden hairpin and a bad sword."

"Of course!" Lin Xiu replied solemnly: "When you dug it out with those people, I was worried that you wouldn't find the golden hairpin and long sword I left behind!"

It really is a peerless treasure!Wang Sheng groaned in his heart, not knowing how to describe his mood.There are so many scrolls inside, they were indeed moved from Lin Xiu.

Needless to say, the Shi family and the Gan family were the two families that killed each other at the beginning, and later they could not destroy each other, they could only share.Maybe it was due to the urgency of time, so I left a picture of a peerless hidden treasure for the descendants, and the two descendants each held half of it. As a result, after the Qianjedi was closed, neither of the two families could enter, and they had to wait until hundreds of years later. It was only when he arrived that he slowly unlocked the secret of the peerless hidden treasure map.

The gems, gold, animal skins, weapons and so on inside were probably scavenged by the two families from the Lin family, and they didn't care about transferring them, so they directly put them together with Lin Xiu's cheat book of Langhuan Jade Cave.Perhaps the Shi family discovered Fengxiang's mind at that time, but under the supervision of the Gan family, they did not dare to do anything, but recorded the news for future generations to retrieve.

Wang Sheng got the military fighting technique plus the golden hairpin and the long sword, which basically took away three-quarters of the most valuable things that Lin Ling and Linxiu intentionally left behind. Only Fengxiang's mind method was taken by the Shi family. Let's go, but without the phoenix soul, it's useless for them to take it away.

"It's because the aura inside the gold hairpin and the long sword I feel is not you." Wang Sheng recalled the feeling at that time and couldn't help but said.

"That idiot Lin Ling." Lin Xiu replied very dissatisfied: "Only she would think of bringing the understanding of practice into daily life, and I hope to use the military fighting skills to the extreme."

Well, when Wang Sheng thought of the appearance of the woman combing her hair, she did have the shadow of Lin Ling, so peaceful, definitely not such a mischievous Lin Xiu.

"By the way, you were known as the number one expert in the world back then." Wang Sheng didn't understand one thing: "If the gold hairpin is broken, it can be said that it was damaged in battle, but why is the long sword so tattered? You didn't Looking for a longsword of good quality?"

With the power of the Lin family back then, what kind of good sword couldn't be bought?Even if you can't buy it, as long as Lin Xiu wants to, you can definitely grab it.But the long sword that Wang Sheng and Lao Dao felt the breath of was clearly an ordinary long sword that could no longer be ordinary. product.

"As you said, if you practice to the extreme, you must not be stuck in things. Plants, trees, bamboo and stones can all be used as swords." Lin Xiu replied solemnly: "At that time, my cultivation was not enough, so I had to use a sword. It's much better now, you See, one branch is enough."

It was his fault again, Wang Sheng couldn't help but groaned in his heart again.

(End of this chapter)

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