
Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472

Chapter 760 Heart-warming

It is impossible for the eight major families to independently determine the principle of benefit distribution, because the royal family and those small forces may not necessarily agree.However, they can formulate a general framework policy, and then negotiate with the Royals.

Of course, this big framework is definitely beneficial to the eight major families. As for the conditions that the royal family and those small forces can win at that time, it will depend on how they are discussed and the balance of power between the parties.

Several letters were sent out successively, and the eight major families slowly waited for the news to arrive and all parties to arrive.During this period of time, they can make some preparations in advance, wait for the water level of the glacier lake to drop further, and open the entry formation.

The only ones who can enter now are those who are experts in the Ninth Layer Realm.The Eight Great Families have once again sent a group of experts from the Ninth Layer Realm in. First, search for what can be searched as much as possible, and explore what can be explored as much as possible. At that time, this will also be the capital of the negotiation.

However, experts in the Ninth Layer Realm have no way to unlock those seals. I am afraid that a group of experts who are about to break through will need to be gathered to break the seals with the help of their heaven and earth aura that has broken through to the legendary realm. help.

In this regard, Royal and Linglong Pavilion have unique conditions. Only Royal and Linglong Pavilion have been cooperating tacitly with Wang Sheng before. They can use this condition to ask for more.Even because of this, the eight major families had to swear not to take action against the Changsheng government in the capital, and not to take action against Meier's property.

In short, after all, it is an exchange of interests.It's just that everyone knows that one person must be eliminated here, and that is Wang Sheng.In any case, from the moment Wang Sheng took Lin Ling away, it was impossible for the Eight Great Families and Wang Sheng to stand together, this is the bottom line.

Wang Sheng just woke up, this time, Wang Sheng slept for seven hours, a deep sleep without interruption.During the sleeping period, the surrounding insects and monsters kept helping Wang Sheng to be vigilant, and the villain with fighting consciousness was also monitoring the surroundings, but there was no warning signal, so Wang Sheng slept very peacefully.

The first thing Wang Sheng did when he opened his eyes was to sense the movement around him.No enemies, that's fine.Then Wang Sheng began to pay attention to Ah Qi beside him.

Ah Qi's breathing was very even, and the Bingxin Yulu Pill worked very well, allowing Ah Qi to sleep peacefully during this period.Sleeping or being in a coma are actually the best means of recovery. Ah Qi's current condition is out of danger and is entering a period of rapid recovery.

After a little tidying up, Wang Sheng ate and drank something, and then started to continue on the road with Ah Qi on his back.Although this place has not been disturbed for a few hours, Wang Sheng knows that the whole Thousand Jedi will soon be lively.

Lin Ling was taken away by Marquis Lu Wen. Although this was what Lin Xiu and Wang Sheng expected before, and everyone also discussed the countermeasures tacitly, Wang Sheng was very upset that Lin Ling was taken away.Although Wang Sheng knew that it was not Lin Xiu, Wang Sheng was still very upset.

When I came to this world, I found the girl in my dreams after all the hard work, and I was forced to separate after spending sober hours with myself.At this moment, Wang Sheng resented that his cultivation base was not strong enough, and his influence was not strong enough.

If he had Lin Xiu's strength to challenge the whole world, how could he be separated from the girl of his dreams or forced to take her away?Lu Wenhou has always been very gentle and smiling, but Wang Sheng knows very well that under the surface of Lu Wenhou's smile, there are thousands of innocent souls who died under the hands of the killers in Wuyou City. That smile can become a sickle to harvest life at any time.

At the moment when Lin Ling was taken away, Wang Sheng was exactly what the Chinese felt when they signed the "Nanjing Treaty" with Britain, humiliation!This feeling has almost continued until now.

But Wang Sheng couldn't show it yet, so he had to act like he didn't care.Because he can't be angry, can't be impulsive, only calm.Once he loses his cool, he may lose the girl of his dreams forever.This is the experience and lesson Wang Sheng has gained in countless battles.

The kind of guy who immediately burns his small universe with passion and impulsiveness when encountering such a thing is definitely the fastest to die.That is not the emotion that a well-trained ace sniper should have. Even if he has it, he should be like Wang Sheng. He can only rise up for a short time after there is no danger, and then immediately cover it with calmness.

Wang Sheng is like this now, he quickly regained his composure, and began to think about the next plan.The ultimate goal must be to rescue Lin Xiu. There may be some twists and turns in the specific operation, but the first thing to do is to survive, leave this dangerous land of thousands of jeopardy, and at the same time try to cure Ah Qi as much as possible.

Ah Qi, a silly girl, is willing to accompany her to die, so all Wang Sheng's distrust of her before can be forgotten.What's more, Ah Qi still has another important task, which is to pretend to be Lin Xiu and attract the firepower of the big families.

Although this was to buy time for Lu Wenhou and distract him, Wang Sheng had to do it. This was also to buy time for Lin Xiu and distract her from the pressure.As long as Lin Xiu can recover as soon as possible, Wang Sheng is willing to do anything.

Finding the right direction, Wang Sheng carried Ah Qi on his back and began to walk towards the periphery of Qian Jedi.Leaving Thousand Jedi, this is the primary goal.

Soon Wang Sheng found out that after going through Shenwei Prison, Linglong Pavilion, the Eight Great Families, Uncle Li, and Wuyou City, no one had set up an ambush in Qianjedi.Maybe it was frightened by Lin Xiu's act of massacring the masters of the eight major families, or maybe it was something else, Wang Sheng didn't know.

The wound on his body healed a lot in a few hours, and his walking was no longer hindered.With the blessing of Qizi Jue, Wang Sheng's speed is a bit faster than ordinary masters.That is to say, Ah Qi's injury should not be too concussive, otherwise Wang Sheng would be able to go faster.

In the dense forest, Wang Sheng saw flying mounts flying over his head several times.However, those flying mounts headed straight for the glacier lake, and didn't care about the situation below.Wang Sheng understood that he must be eager to get a share of Qian Jedi's real secret.That's fine, if their minds are there, the pressure on Wang Sheng will be less.

After driving dozens of miles to the periphery, Wang Sheng stopped to rest.But soon, the surrounding insects reported some abnormalities to Wang Sheng.He would communicate with the local insects along the way, and the information he obtained was much faster than ordinary experts.

Without further ado, Wang Sheng rushed to the place where the insects reported abnormalities, and then saw a corpse.

The corpse was only half. According to Wang Sheng's calculations, he should have died within an hour.Are there people around?
(End of this chapter)

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