
Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476
Chapter 770
Compared with Wang Sheng's walking, the speed of the speedboat must be much faster, but its stability is better than Wang Sheng's walking, which is also good for Ah Qi's recovery.

Out of the Thousand Jedi, the sensing range of a villain with combat awareness is much smaller, but Wang Sheng's own senses plus the Qizi Jue are quite sharp.Without the cover of the dense forest of Thousand Jedi, Wang Sheng's sense of sight, hearing and smell has been greatly improved, and it has not deteriorated due to the influence of the villain with fighting consciousness.

Now almost no one will patrol the edge of Qianjedi. Basically, the masters of the major families will ride flying mounts when they rush to Qianjedi. It is fast and easy. Why trek in the dense forest of Qianjedi?After each family publicly released and controlled more or less flying mounts, all parties basically stopped hiding and took them all out.

This also caused Wang Sheng to come out of the Thousand Jedi with ease, go upstream along the river, and go directly into the Song family's territory for more than 100 miles.

When he found that there were people in front of him, Wang Sheng moved to the shore ahead of time, and took Ah Qi to leave the river without anyone noticing, avoiding the people.

It was almost dusk, and Wang Sheng took Ah Qi to rest for half a day. In the middle of the night, Wang Sheng easily carried Ah Qi through the small town of the Song family without anyone noticing.

Even in the territory of the Song family, Wang Sheng was cautious, deliberately leaning towards the border of the Song family and the Dai family.Back then when Wang Sheng and Song Yan were hunted down by the Dai family, Wang Sheng knew a lot of the terrain here, and it just came in handy now.

On the morning of the third day after coming out of Thousand Jedi, Ah Qi finally woke up.Under the double nourishment of Bingxin Yulu Pills and Qizi Jue on the way of Wang Shengyi, Ah Qi finally recovered his life from the critical moment.

The moment Ah Qi opened his eyes, Wang Sheng, who had been paying attention to Ah Qi's physical condition, finally let out a sigh of relief.It's great, at least none of the people around me lost their lives because of it.Although in Wang Sheng's mind, Ah Qi's priority is definitely not as high as that of Lin Ling and Lin Xiu, but Wang Sheng is equally happy that Ah Qi is alive.

After the second batch of 37 legendary masters disappeared into the Thousand Jedi without a sound, the Eight Great Families never sent anyone to chase and kill Wang Sheng.

They no longer cared about the trouble of looking for Wang Sheng. The leaders of the royal family and other small families and forces had all rushed to Glacier Lake.Whether it is the ancestors of the 24 seals or the things guarded by the ancestors, there are endless quarrels.

Quarreling is one aspect, the purpose is to fight for interests, and everyone can accept it.For another purpose, everyone is waiting for the water level of the glacier lake to drop.In the past six or seven days, the water level in the glacier lake has dropped by more than ten feet, and with the shrinking of the lake, there is an accelerating trend. In ten days at most, the bottom of the lake in the central area will be completely exposed.

Under the protection of the three major priests, the emperor came to the glacier lake in person.Another unexpected person is Meier, and Meier rushed to Glacier Lake under the protection of Tantaiyao and dozens of beauties in the inner courtyard.Her purpose of coming here is to fight for the benefits that the Great Master Band and a group of great masters who have an inseparable relationship with Wang Sheng get.

Now everyone has reached a consensus, if you want to break the seal, you really need to quench your body with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth when you broke through the legend.Those who know Wang Sheng basically know that Wang Sheng's promotion process has always been longer than ordinary people, so it can't just be a master promotion, at least two, the insurance point is three, this is the basic requirement.Of course, the more people there are, the better.

Relying on the masters of all parties to practice to the limit and then advance to breakthrough?That's something to wait for.Existing legendary masters, except for a few, almost all of them broke through with the help of the grand master's recital.Let the current legendary master guide those nine-level masters to break through?They didn't even figure out how they broke through seriously, is it possible?

It is possible to ask the old Taoist Ling Xu, but the old Taoist and Wang Sheng are hardcore, and they have already stated that they will go back to Laojun Temple for retreat, and they can't find it.

So, the only way is to find a big master band.But the great master band also has an extraordinary relationship with Wang Sheng, and even lived in the Changsheng mansion when they announced to the outside world that they would retreat to study music theory.To invite them out of the mountain, there is no other way but to find Meier.

It's okay to find the owner of Linglong Pavilion, but the problem is that the more than 50 corpses of Linglong Pavilion have actually explained a lot of things.No matter how stupid the Eight Great Families are, they would know that the master of the Linglong Pavilion has no possibility of commanding and mobilizing those great music masters.

Meier came to talk on behalf of them, and at the same time represented a group of master craftsmen.There is no such environment as a grand theater. When you listen to music, you want to be promoted. What about beautiful things?Therefore, this requires a miniature small theater, without the help of those masters of craftsmanship and those two masters of music formation, it would never be possible.

The senior management of the eight major families faced this situation helplessly.They really wanted Wang Sheng to die, but they couldn't do without Wang Sheng's help.

Fortunately, under the strong support of the Song family, all parties calmly restrained and reached a subtle tacit agreement with the forces of the Changsheng government headed by Meier. As long as Wang Sheng does not use the power of the capital, they will not attack the capital. Meier and the others in Li are suppressing, and the two sides are barely in peace.

Now, the benefits of the calm and restraint of all parties have come out, at least on these matters, everyone can talk about it.But the premise is still the same, as long as Wang Sheng is not involved, everything else is easy to talk about.

Although Mei'er was very reluctant to do so, she knew very well that Wang Sheng's taking Lin Xiu away had touched the taboos of all the family forces in the world.Almost all the forces that can survive to this day, as long as they have a longer history, participated in the siege of the Lin family. Wang Sheng is against the whole world.Among them, even the royal family is included.

The royal family was also one of the beneficiaries back then, but it was not as big as the cake shared by the five major families of Shi Daiqiu in the Tang and Song Dynasties, but it bore the reputation of the royal family and belonged to the second echelon like Xia Fenggan's three families.The Son of Heaven and the Empress are Meier's biological parents. Faced with Wang Sheng's situation, Meier is also in a dilemma.

If Meier was still the young shopkeeper of Baoqing Yutang, it would be easy, just deal with Wang Sheng directly, but now, she has to stand in this position under the influence of all parties and under Wang Sheng's order.Save yourself, and at the same time protect everything Wang Sheng wants her to protect.

"The Great Master Band can help, and Lizhenfang can produce advanced masters, and can also produce small theaters." Meier completely exuded the charm of her four-tailed sky fox, and fought for interests with the leaders of all parties: "We benefit What can Zhenfang get?"

(End of this chapter)

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