
Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Chapter 770

The patriarchs of all parties who saw the complete sealing formation for the first time were very surprised. Who would have thought that the people sealed in the icicles could live alive for 500 years?But all this happened right in front of their eyes.

If these can really become a reality, if they have any diseases that are difficult to cure at this stage or troubles in practice, they can directly use this formation to seal them, and wait for decades or hundreds of years until everything can be solved. Come out, isn't that great?

Everything depends on the actual effect.After everyone had seen it, they nodded to each other, and then made room for two music formation masters and several craft masters to come in and observe the terrain.

A part of the mini theater is ready-made, but that part is for the great music master, including the conductor and the members who perform, it is definitely impossible to put it in the space of the sealing formation.Therefore, another part of the sound transmission array must continue from the lower part to the upper sealed area, which needs to be temporarily built according to the different conditions of the scene for the use of those advanced masters.

All parties began to select the candidates for the promotion, several craft masters began to temporarily build the temporary part of the theater, and the music formation master began to design a temporary sound transmission formation, everything was in order.

For the order of promotion of the children of each family, the parties fought again.About ten masters should be placed in each sealing formation area, and try to ensure that there are enough people to advance, which can trigger a larger aura group to unlock the seal.

The first sealing formation was unfamiliar to all parties, and it took eight days just to arrange these things. This is already the limit speed, and almost a minute was not wasted.

The ten first batch of selected disciples sat quietly around the sealing formation, forming a circle along the big icicle.They are ready, just waiting for the performance of the great master to drive them to upgrade.In addition to the sound transmission formation, there are representatives selected from the five patriarchs and elders. They are responsible for observing the unsealing of the sealing formation, and at the same time, they are responsible for communicating with the sealing ancestors after the unsealing.

Master Yu and the others had already made preparations below, and after the signal from above was sent to start, Master Yu waved the baton, and the band began to play.

The ten people selected in the first batch are all disciples who are considered by all parties to be the most promising disciples.Six of them are not from the Eight Great Families.In the previous four recitals, most of the places were occupied by the eight major families and the royal family, and the other small forces did not get much. Now is the real opportunity.

It has to be said that the personnel selected by all parties are very appropriate, especially those selected by the small forces. Less than two hours after the performance of the grand master, two masters selected by the small forces began to break through, triggering the aura of heaven and earth to temper the body.In less than an hour, the masters selected by the remaining four small forces also began to break through one after another, forming a small-scale aura group, consuming the energy of the sealing formation bit by bit.

What is embarrassing is that none of the four ninth-level masters selected by the eight major families advanced.It can only be said that the previous [-] opportunities, occupied by the eight major families, have consumed almost all of their potential masters, and the rest are not ordinary masters who can be promoted in a short time.

The small aura formed by the promotion of the six masters effectively consumes the power of the sealing formation. The five high-level information observing outside can see that the sealed icicles are melting and shrinking little by little with the passage of time. diameter.

This promotion took more than four days. Although it took more than half of Wang Sheng's promotion time, it was after all the small aura accumulated by six people. When all six people were promoted, the sealed icicle had already There is only a thin layer left, and people outside can almost see what the ancestors sealed inside look like.

But after all, it was still a failure. After this promotion, the unkind eyes of all parties were directly fixed on the members of the eight major families.If none of the four people they arranged had advanced, how could this have happened?The senior officials of the Eight Great Families also knew that they were wrong, and avoided the eyes of everyone, pretending to observe the changes in the sealing formation, without saying a word.

Several people have seen it, but haven't exchanged conclusions with each other. When the great elder of the Xia family was observing carefully in front of the icicle, the one sealed inside seemed to have been frozen solid, and it was still waiting to melt the last part for 500 years. The previous unknown master suddenly opened his eyes.

Kacha, a hand poked out directly from the thin layer of ice, and grabbed the throat of the great elder of the Xia family with incomparable accuracy.Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of shattering, the last part of the icicle had been completely shattered by the master inside, and the great elder of the Xia family was directly picked up more than a foot high by the master inside by pinching his neck with one hand.Under the terrifying power of that terrifying master, the Great Elder at the peak of the Xia Family's Ninth Layer Realm didn't even have the slightest resistance.

Changing into elbow and armpit, everyone was taken aback.Before everyone could react, the expert in the icicle had already shouted in a cold voice: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

What spread together with the words was an indescribable terrifying power.Just a question, all the people present were shrouded in that terrible atmosphere.

In more than ten days, Wang Sheng has brought Ah Qi all the way to the northernmost part of Song State.Three days ago, Wang Sheng dismissed the coachman and servants, and asked them to go home with a batch of belongings that Wang Sheng and Ah Qi didn't need.There is no road further north, the carriage has become a decoration, and they are completely useless for the next journey.

The area where Wang Sheng Ah Qi is now is a vast expanse of whiteness.In the extreme north, there are few people here, and it is impossible for ordinary people to survive here.In terms of climate, this is another relatively less extreme Thousand Jedi core.

The journey a few days ahead is the destination of Wang Sheng and Ah Qi.There will never be outsiders coming to that place, and it is suitable for the life of Wang Sheng, who is hunted down by the whole world.

Ah Qi's injury has improved greatly. In the past half a month, she has recovered to the cultivation base of the third level, and she does not need Wang Sheng's help in her actions.When it stabilizes, it will take another month at most before it can return to its heyday.

"Ah Qi, when you get to the place, your body has recovered. I will teach you how to break through your current cultivation level." Wang Sheng exhaled and drove the snowmobile forward, while turning his head and hugging himself behind his back. Ah Qi said.

"Mr. Chang Sheng really has a good mood, and he brings beauty to play in the ice and snow." Before Ah Qi answered, an abrupt voice rang in the ears of the two: "We have been waiting for Mr. Chang Sheng for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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