
Chapter 1503 Looking for Linglong Pavilion 2

Chapter 1503 Searching for Linglong Pavilion Part Two

Chapter 780 Four Searching for Linglong Pavilion Continuation II

Wang Sheng's movements were very careful and careful.Although the Eight-Phase Linglong Printing Box is not that complicated in principle, it needs to be handled with great care, one mistake would be the result of being smashed to pieces.Even if Wang Sheng is not afraid of this, the things stored in it will never see the light of day again.

Click!After Wang Sheng twisted carefully for more than ten minutes, Ah Qi suddenly heard a slight click.

Hearing this voice, Ah Qi's heart suddenly twitched.Opening eight keys at the same time should bring eight voices instead of one. Did the father-in-law fail?
Just when Ah Qi was thinking about whether he should jump in front of Wang Sheng and block him behind him, a series of sounds sounded, and Ah Qi's movements froze in place for a moment.She had already counted them in her mind, the sounds just now added up to exactly eight sounds, no more, no less.

"Huh!" Wang Sheng raised his head and heaved a sigh of relief.Turning around and seeing Ah Qi's worried face, he immediately smiled at her.

"It's really complicated!" Wang Sheng kept admiring: "The eight mechanism locks can be connected together so exquisitely, and one hair can move the whole body, and at the same time, it can also drive the linkage of the formation inside, which is amazing!"

Ah Qi could tell that Wang Sheng's praise was very sincere, but he did not use the normal method at all to open the eight-phase Linglong seal box with only eight metal wires in just ten minutes. As I said next, this made Ah Qi feel absurdly ridiculous, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Does it really have to be so complicated, so delicate, and allow you to open it so easily in ten minutes?Ah Qi didn't know how complicated the really complicated locks in Wang Sheng's mind were.Except for the lack of formations on Earth, other aspects, especially in terms of design, almost crush this world.

However, after throwing away this thought, Ah Qi suddenly realized that this man of his is simply omnipotent!Not to mention the miracles she had heard about, but just the few things that happened in front of her eyes. Riding a snow sculpture in the epic realm, she killed a crazy shark that was said to be at least the thirteenth stage, and the thirteenth stage she got was even Just now, under the nose of Ah Qi, Wang Sheng spent more than ten minutes, using eight metal wires, to open the skeleton of a fourteenth-level monster. The legendary eight-phase exquisite seal box that was opened.

There has never been a moment when it can be compared to Ah Qi's unreserved trust in Wang Sheng from the bottom of his heart, and Ah Qi's belief in Wang Sheng's guidance on his own practice has become more and more convinced.Not to mention that Wang Sheng told her that she could cultivate to the white tiger realm of the fourteenth stage, even if Wang Sheng told her that she could take her to heaven, she would have no doubts.Oh, by the way, it's already gone to heaven.

"Come on, let's see what good things the real Pavilion Master Linglong is carrying. It should be packed in an eight-phase Linglong seal box." Wang Sheng called Ah Qi to come and take a look together. At this time, only the two of them depended on each other. Next, shouldn't happiness be shared?

Ah Qi obediently walked to the table and sat down, staring at the eight-phase Linglong seal box that had been opened without blinking, with indescribable pride in her heart.Counting the whole world, how many people can see the Eight-Phase Linglong Printed Box with their own eyes?Not to mention being able to see what's inside and what's inside, this alone is enough to make Ah Qi proud for several years.

Carefully opening the lid of the two-inch thick metal box, Wang Sheng and Ah Qi saw a few neatly stacked animal skins inside.

Wang Sheng took out the stack of thin animal skins, and put the box back into the ring.This is a good thing, and it might come in handy if you keep it in the future.As for the self-destruct formation, after opening it in the correct way, it will be disarmed automatically, so there is no need to worry about it exploding when the aura is exhausted.

The animal skins were stacked neatly, and Wang Sheng opened them carefully, only to find that there were three of them.The first one is a map, not very detailed, the consistent style of this world.Looking at the map, Wang Sheng shook his head directly, contemptuously, Wang Sheng has already made so many fine maps, and as the master of Linglong Pavilion, he doesn't know how to keep pace with the times.

The second animal skin recorded some things.Wang Sheng glanced roughly, with a smile on his face.This is how the next Linglong Pavilion owner can find the secret land of Linglong Pavilion. That map is the location of the secret place. Only by finding someone and speaking the correct secret language can he enter the real secret land of Linglong Pavilion.

As for the strange-shaped key, it is the key to open the secret vault of the Linglong Pavilion.This animal skin also recorded in detail how to use this key to open the secret vault of Linglong Pavilion.Once the method is wrong or a certain order is wrong, it will be backlashed by the formation of the secret library.

On the third animal skin, it recorded the secret language passed down by each different faction of Linglong Pavilion Midi Grand Master.Each one is different, and you can't say wrong, otherwise you will be attacked by all the great masters in the secret place.

It can be said that with these three animal skins, Wang Sheng can justifiably take over the entire Linglong Pavilion.What Wang Sheng considered to build before, can definitely be built in the secret ground of Linglong Pavilion.The secret place of Linglong Pavilion, Wang Sheng believed, must be the place where Linglong Pavilion minted gold coins.

Wang Sheng can roughly guess the inheritance method of Linglong Pavilion. It should be recommended by the current pavilion owner, and then the eight masters who are in charge of the eight-phase Linglong Seal Box agreed to open the Linglong Seal Box together in the presence of all of them. The handover of the three inheritance records to the new Pavilion Master Linglong is considered to be complete.

Originally, this was a very safe way. The Eight-Phase Linglong Seal Box only existed in legends, and even the Linglong Pavilion itself only created this one.Outsiders may have heard of the reputation of the Baxiang Linglong Printed Box, like Ah Qi, but they have never had the opportunity to see it.Who would have thought that someone could easily open the printing box without a key?

The surefire way of inheritance, but when he encountered a bug-level Wang Sheng, there was a loophole immediately.I don't know how many generations of senior experts from Pavilion Master Linglong, if Quanxia knows, what expression will they have when they learn about this matter.

Looking back at the map carefully, Wang Sheng couldn't help smiling again.No wonder no one knew where the real Linglong Pavilion was. It turned out that the secret place they chose was exactly the same as Wang Sheng's thinking, and they all chose a place that ordinary people could not reach - an island far away from the world in the vast sea.

Just for this, Wang Sheng has to make a trip, not to mention there is a brand new heavy sniper crossbow to build, Lin Xiu's long sword and hairpin, and Ah Qi's dagger.

Taking over Linglong Pavilion is also a happy thing to think about.

(End of this chapter)

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