
Chapter 1507 Takeover of Linglong Pavilion

Chapter 1507 Takeover of Linglong Pavilion
Chapter 780 Six Takeover of Linglong Pavilion
"It's this one!" The brawny man just glanced at it and nodded immediately, without any hesitation.

This key is placed in Master Qian's ring, not locked in the eight-phase exquisite seal box, so it is not surprising that Wang Sheng can get it.The people on Midi seemed to know it too, so they weren't surprised at all.

"It's useless to just have the key." The strong man saw that Wang Sheng was waiting for himself to explain, and before Wang Sheng could open his mouth, he took the initiative to say it: "Grandpa, you also saw that there are ten knots on the key. Each section corresponds to a different rotation angle, any wrong section cannot open the secret vault."

"The lock of the secret storehouse is connected to a formation that runs all the time. Once the rotation is wrong, it will be attacked by the formation immediately." The strong man is not afraid that Wang Sheng will know more secrets of the secret land of Linglong Pavilion, so he directly puts the most serious The consequences came out: "The legendary master may not be able to resist in front of that formation."

"Do you have to get the method to unlock it?" Wang Sheng asked, frowning.

"With the key, there should be a Linglong seal box." The brawny man and the old men behind him knew this, and now the brawny man explained to Wang Sheng: "Only the Linglong seal box records the method to open the secret vault. When you can actually open that secret vault, you will be considered to have succeeded in taking over the secret land of Linglong Pavilion."

"The key to the Linglong Seal Box is in the hands of the eight elders, right?" Wang Sheng laughed.

"Yes!" The strong man also nodded with a smile.

"The method of opening the Linglong Seal Box is also different for each elder, so when we fight, I have to be careful not to hurt them too much, otherwise the Linglong Seal Box will not be opened, right?" Wang Sheng thought The sneer was even worse, but he still kept a smile on his face and asked.

"Maybe it's true." The strong man seemed a little embarrassed, but he didn't intend to refute Wang Sheng.

Master Qian had a good plan. He calculated that Wang Sheng would come to Linglong Pavilion, so he arranged for the test of eight elders. They cannot use weapons. The elders still have a good location. In addition, Wang Sheng can't be ruthless. Only eight elders are needed. Be ruthless, Wang Sheng is dead.

It's a pity that Master Qian's arrangement was just a precautionary measure, and he didn't really make such a thorough arrangement. He didn't think that there would be any mistakes if he took 50 people to chase and kill Wang Sheng. His overconfidence made Qian Grandmaster completely lost his life, and at the same time lost everything he calculated.

"Then what if I don't plan to pass the test of the eight elders and go directly to open the secret vault?" Wang Sheng asked again.

"It's okay!" The strong man was not surprised at all. There are so many restrictions on one-to-eight, so it's better to go to the secret vault first, maybe the elders can open the secret vault without doing it.So he also appreciated Wang Sheng's question: "My lord is said to be outstanding in deciphering formations. Maybe he can open the secret vault without risking his hands."

"Then without the consent of the elders, can I still take over the secret land of Linglong Pavilion?" Wang Sheng finally asked the most critical question. All the foreshadowing was actually for this question.

"As long as you can open the secret vault of Linglong Pavilion with the key, you will be the next Pavilion Master of Linglong Pavilion." The strong man replied with certainty.

Not only the strong man, but also the dozen or so old men behind the strong man did the same.Everyone has the same idea, no matter whether they want Wang Sheng to die or not, there is no exception.

"Either the lord can pass the test of the eight elders and become the owner of the Linglong Pavilion. Or the lord can open the eight-phase Linglong seal box without a key, so we will all be convinced." The strong man said on behalf of himself and the people behind him. Wang Sheng said very seriously: "We have no objection to the pavilion master who is more skilled than us. It is the same to open the secret vault directly. Even if there is no climax of craftsmanship, but there is a heaven-defying luck, we are also convinced."

"I want to try!" Wang Sheng said to the strong man.

"Grandpa, please!" The other party was also very straightforward, and directly made a gesture of please, and walked ahead to lead the way.

After passing through a long corridor, everyone appeared in an empty valley.There are countless vines intertwined on the top of the valley. Looking down from the top, it is impossible to see the things below.At the same time, Wang Sheng also felt the faint aura of the formation. There is a formation covering the aura above and passing by in several directions above or around. people in the valley.

There are a lot of people here, and there are many houses dug out of the stone walls around the valley. Seeing Wang Sheng coming in with those old men, they all came out one by one, looking at Wang Sheng curiously.

There are people in the valley, old and young, men and women, some of whom can clearly be seen as a family.This valley is big enough, even bigger than the first camp that Yubaozhai built in Qianjedi, it can accommodate thousands of people.So many people came out without doing anything now, looking at Wang Sheng whom they had never seen before.

Wang Sheng sensed the aura of eight legendary masters in eight directions of the valley.Needless to say, these eight people should be the eight elders, and they are probably the last confidantes of Master Qian, who helped Master Qian stabilize all the masters in the secret land of Linglong Pavilion.

Just by breath, Wang Sheng knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the eight elders in the situation where he was one against eight without using weapons and could not over-injure the opponent.I can't hurt them, but they can do it unscrupulously. Once they fight, the result can only be one death.

Therefore, Wang Shengning can take over Linglong Pavilion in other ways.As long as they take over the Linglong Pavilion, what choice the eight elders will make is up to them.

The strong man's surname is Wang, and many people here call him Uncle Wang and Bo Wang very intimately. Some people naturally ask about Wang Sheng's origin.

"This is the Duke Chang Sheng you often hear about!" Lao Wang did not shy away from it, and introduced Wang Sheng's identity to everyone.

Wang Sheng underestimated his position in the minds of people like Linglong Pavilion.When the fiery eyes of everyone around him were staring at him, and even four of the eight elders were looking at him with the same burning eyes, Wang Sheng realized how much he was treated by the world's top craftsmen. respect.

Putting aside those personal enmities, the many incredible ideas that Wang Sheng brought to the whole world are enough to make all the great masters in the whole world pay homage to them.The vast majority of people in Linglong Pavilion are pure craftsmen, their minds are more pure, and they also worship Wang Sheng from the bottom of their hearts.

"Something happened to the former Pavilion Master Qian." Lao Wang explained Wang Sheng's intentions in the simplest words: "Mr. Chang Sheng came back with the key of Pavilion Master Qian. He wants to try to open the secret vault and take over Linglong Pavilion!"

(End of this chapter)

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