
Chapter 1516 Exclusive Weapon

Chapter 1516 Exclusive Weapon

Chapter 790 Exclusive Weapon

Elder Li's words were endless, and no one except Wang Sheng knew what they meant.A group of people looked at Elder Li, and Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out, what was he talking about?

Wang Sheng nodded, feeling a little strange in his heart.When Wang Sheng devoured the soul of the super king squid in the fourteenth stage, he didn't seem to be so exaggerated, did he?

However, the swordfish primordial soul in Long Kiss is indeed different from other primordial souls.Maybe it was because the swordfish died naturally instead of being killed, and because it had been nourished in his body all the time, that guy's intelligence definitely surpassed any primordial soul that Wang Sheng had ever seen.Even the super king squid soul of the fourteenth level is not so flexible.

A primordial soul that knows how to escape is obviously higher than a primordial soul that only knows one way to go to the dark.Although the level may be close, the performance in some places is really different.Wang Sheng even suspected that the swordfish primordial soul would not obediently attach to someone's primordial soul space to help people practice. After that guy devoured other people's primordial soul, he would only return to the long kiss to cultivate.

While Wang Sheng was pondering, Elder Li had already told others what happened just now.Everyone was amazed when they heard it, and at the same time, through Elder Li's words and gestures, they knew what Jianyu looked like.

The original monster soul is still preserved in the bones?This is an anecdote they have never heard of!Everyone stared at the long kiss in Wang Sheng's hand, wishing they could take it over and study it right away to see what was so magical about it.It's a pity that everyone has self-knowledge, everyone's cultivation is about the same, and they are all just promoted to legend. If Elder Li can't get in touch, then they can't either.

"Pavilion Master, you should come and try it yourself!" Elder Li slowly recovered, no longer so terrified, looking at the long kiss in Wang Sheng's hand eagerly, and said with a wry smile.Good things Wang Sheng really come out endlessly, but they are not even qualified to take one of them, which is really frustrating!

Wang Sheng did not refuse, holding a long kiss, and went to the place where the giant bone was placed.The giant bone has been fixed on a metal shelf against the wall. It is very stable. Wang Sheng looked at it and pushed it, then nodded.

The tip of the long kiss directly hit the joints of the giant bone, and Wang Sheng stabbed into the giant bone with all his strength.But the giant bone still didn't seem to be hurt at all. On the contrary, Wang Shengding's strength was too great, and he directly bent a part of the metal shelf and embedded it into the wall behind.

"Ah!" Everyone around looked at the result, and they all sighed inwardly, the disappointment in their hearts was beyond words.The legendary material is right in front of you, but everyone has no way to deal with it. It is really a torment for great masters like them!

"Do it again!" Wang Sheng was not discouraged, he changed the position of the tip of the long kiss, and held it against it again.

When he first exerted force, Wang Sheng only used his own strength, and only relied on the material of the long kiss itself.When doing this, Wang Sheng directly began to input a large amount of spiritual energy, and at the same time, a thought of Qizijue was passed into the long kiss: "Help! Feed you spiritual energy. Otherwise..." The meaning of the threat is very obvious.

The Jianyu Yuanhun might be really old and refined, it didn't dare to disobey at all, obediently launched its most powerful instinctive attack with the help of Wang Sheng's aura.

Kacha, the tip of the long kiss pierced into the joint of the giant bone with difficulty under the instinctive attack of Wang Sheng's physical strength and powerful aura to strike the swordfish soul.The tapered long snout has a sharp front end but is getting bigger and bigger at the back. With Wang Sheng's piercing, the huge bone finally split apart under the action of this horizontal extrusion.

The eyes of the great masters around were all straight.They used all the materials in the Linglong Pavilion's secret vault to experiment for so many days, but the giant bone was helpless, and was stabbed open by Wang Sheng with that swordfish long kiss?
After Wang Sheng stabbed in hard again, the gap got bigger and bigger, and finally there was another cracking sound, and the joint part was pried off by Wang Shengsheng, a bone plate more than two feet long.

Before Wang Sheng could see what the bone plate looked like, the great masters around had already cheered and rushed forward. Elder Li moved the fastest, almost leaped forward and snatched the bone plate in his hands, hugged him to death Do not let go.The great masters who surrounded him directly pushed Wang Sheng outside, they didn't care whether he was the master of Linglong Pavilion or Lord Chang Sheng, at this time the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu were not as good-looking as this bone plate.

Basically, at this point, Wang Sheng is completely relieved.Taking a few steps back, Wang Sheng didn't compete with those great masters, and began to think about Jianyu Yuanhun in his heart.

With the help of Yuanhun and without the help of Yuanhun, the effect looks very different!When forging the long sword, Wang Sheng must be careful to protect the sword fish soul.

As for the fact that ordinary people can't use it at all, and even a legendary master like Elder Li can't resist the resistance of Jianyu Yuanhun, Wang Sheng didn't care at all.This is for Lin Xiu. No matter how ruthless the sword fish soul is, how can it play tricks in Lin Xiu's hands?Wang Sheng can make him obedient, let alone Lin Xiu.

Finally, a group of great masters studied the bone plate and studied the broken giant bone and came to some conclusions, only to realize that the real hero Wang Sheng was left behind by them, and then came to Wang Sheng collectively, begging Wang Sheng to continue .

But Wang Sheng didn't intend to remove the whole giant bone without planning or design. That would be too wasteful and reckless.And if Wang Sheng had to do it himself every time he built something, the efficiency would be too low.

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. It’s still the same sentence. If you want to cut a giant bone, you need the right tool. But now only Wang Sheng’s swordfish long kiss can do it. What else can you do?
Before the great masters raised it, Wang Sheng took the initiative to think of a solution.The hardest substance on earth is diamond, but how are diamonds cut?It looks like a cut diamond can only be a diamond, right?So, can this giant bone be polished with tools made from giant bones?The bone plate that was cut out happened to be made into several sets of suitable tools, and Wang Sheng himself could share a set.

As soon as this method was mentioned, everyone suddenly became excited.Yes, no matter how hard the material of the giant bone is, it cannot be as hard as itself, right?Cutting giant bones with giant bones is simply the most brilliant idea!And this method doesn't need to bother Wang Sheng with everything, wouldn't it show their level?
A group of great masters happily started designing tools. A two-foot-long bone plate has a thickness of three inches, which is compact enough to make a lot of tools.

When the design is finished, Wang Sheng will hold the long kiss and cut out the bone pieces of approximate size little by little. Wang Sheng will not need to participate in the next work. They will naturally use those broken bones to polish these bone pieces , and then use the bone chip tool to process the giant bone.

(End of this chapter)

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