
Chapter 152 Announcement

Chapter 152 Announcement

Chapter [-] published

I don't know if it was the city lord or the butler who spoke, to protect Wang Sheng.In the past few days, the masters around Wang Sheng's family were all there.

Han Bingli, the old shadow eunuch, had been coming to have a drink with Wang Sheng every day since Master Wang and the others left.By the way, let me give Wang Sheng some tips on killing people that they know.

Killing skills with hot weapons Wang Sheng is an expert among experts, but now is the era of cold weapons, these two level [-] killers are definitely more experienced than Wang Sheng.Especially some small applications of aura, which are all the experience they have gained at the price of their lives by living up to this age in this intriguing environment, Wang Shengxue relished it.

The injuries on his body are basically healed.Two days ago, the old imperial doctor and the alchemist came again, and they felt their pulse for a long time, finally found that Wang Sheng's body was no longer weak.

This also means that Wang Sheng did rely on extracting the vitality of his body to recover from the injury before. Now that the injury has recovered steadily, the vitality will not continue to be consumed, and there are even signs of improvement.

The old imperial doctor and the alchemist were not at all ashamed, and directly took the credit for the elixir they made from the prescription they gave Wang Sheng.Although the warming and tonic formula is slow to take effect, it will make up for Wang Sheng's waste in a few years after years of practice.

Of course, Wang Sheng wouldn't tell the truth, just maintaining a false impression and showing the enemy a weakness is also a way to protect himself.

However, Han Bingli and the old shadow eunuch had a good time recently.After Wang Sheng's injury was almost stabilized, he instructed the two chefs of Yubaozhai to cook according to his requirements.

The first thing he made was the simplest hot pot. Wang Sheng just wanted to try it out, not making it by himself, but making it under his own guidance, whether he could visualize it easily.

Han Bingli and the old eunuch Ying Ying were full of praise for the novel meal of hot pot that day, and Wang Sheng also ate comfortably.At night, Wang Sheng easily manifested the hot pot in the soul world.

Wang Sheng became happy after discovering that the delicacy made by instructing others was also effective.As a result, Han Bingli and the old shadow eunuch were even more reluctant to leave. Even the housekeeper couldn't help but rush over every day when it was time for dinner, and then his mouth was full of oil.

In Wang Sheng's soul space, after a few days, there were more than 30 upgraded small chi kisses, and the speed of gnawing on the huge rock was faster.

There were a few of them sitting in the inner city, and until the day when Wang Sheng was about to reveal the secret, no one with no eyesight came to provoke Wang Sheng, and even the suspicious surveillance personnel were gone.

The butler directly borrowed a small auction house in Wuyou City. It is said that the inside can be completely sound-proofed, and there are a large number of expert guards outside, so it is safe and worry-free.

This small auction house is in the outer city, not far from the Killer Hall.It is said to be the outer city, but it is actually on the street on the other side of the red line.

Wang Sheng entered inside under the escort of the old housekeeper, Han Bingli and the old shadow eunuch.If someone really dared to do something in front of them, it would be directly provoking the city lord.

They came in advance, and the butler brother specially took Wang Sheng to the small auction house where Wang Sheng would reveal the secret later.

"There are almost one hundred seats here, and there are thirty other private boxes." The butler brother stood on the stage of the auction house, pointing to the surroundings and introducing to Wang Sheng.

The people outside the secret box will not know the identity of the people inside, and the entrance and exit is another place, as long as there is a heart, no one will be able to find out the identity.

"Thanks to you this time, I sold this auditing qualification. More than 60 halls were sold, and more than 20 boxes were sold." The housekeeper was not afraid of Wang Sheng's distress at all, and directly told the number of people who paid for the secret. Come out: "[-] gold coins per person in the lobby, [-] gold coins for a maximum of three people in a box. What is sold is a brand, and the person who recognizes the card can come in, and it doesn't matter if you wear a mask."

"A total of more than 90 gold coins were sold." The old housekeeper smiled like a flower: "According to what you want, I changed it a little bit, and all of them are assigned to the task of buying good luck pills for you."

Originally, Wang Sheng only wanted to buy the news of the Creation Pill. If it was [-] to [-] gold coins, of course he could only buy news.But now that there are so many gold coins, it is naturally different, so I directly ask for Good Fortune Pill.

"Thank you for your hard work, brother!" Wang Sheng cupped his hands at the housekeeper to thank him.

Be it Han Bing Li next to him or the old eunuch Shadow, hearing this huge number, even if they are already masters and should have collapsed in front of their eyes without changing their color, they couldn't help but a few cold lights flashed in their eyes.

Nearly a million gold coins!Although the two old men are masters, they have never seen such a huge amount of wealth at one time.Gold coins move people's hearts. If millions of gold coins are displayed, even they are tempted. Maybe the person who has the Creation Pill will jump out of it.

Wang Sheng's indifference made the butler secretly praise him.He also wanted to know how Wang Sheng would react if he knew that he had a million gold coins.If Wang Sheng directly asked for gold coins, his perception of Wang Sheng would be greatly weakened.An ordinary person who is not strong enough to sit on millions of gold coins in Wuyou City is the way to die.

But Wang Sheng just thanked the housekeeper lightly, but never mentioned how to deal with those gold coins. He really is a smart man.No matter how great the wealth is, if he doesn't handle it, he won't be in big trouble. This is a really smart man.No wonder it is impossible for a fool to enter and exit Thousand Jedi.

"Brother, there is one thing I can't figure out." The butler took Wang Sheng to the lounge, and after sitting down, he started talking in a normal way: "Since you have planned to reveal your secret for a long time, why bother?" Did you announce it after you were forced to go to Wuyou City? If you say it earlier, you will not be hunted down!"

"Damn, I really want to talk!" Wang Sheng said very depressed: "The problem is that a bunch of old men do it right away, and they don't even have a chance to say a word. If you want to know something, you won't ask. ? If you come up and kill someone, what should I do if I don’t run away?”

Hearing that this was the reason, the housekeeper froze in place.The expression on his face was indescribably weird, as if he was holding back a smile but didn't want to laugh.

"Hahahaha!" Finally, the housekeeper couldn't help laughing, and Han Bing Li and the old shadow eunuch also laughed wildly.

After much deliberation, they thought it was Wang Sheng who wanted to keep the secret, but they didn't expect that those guys who wanted to know the secret were self-defeating.You don't even ask what you want to know, how do you know that people don't want to say it?It's all right now, but it's even worth paying a lot of money to buy it, not to mention that so many people died before.

It's a joke for people from big families to do things!

(End of this chapter)

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