
Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527

Chapter 790

As soon as Wang Sheng's words fell, Dai Hao became anxious for a moment, and his eyes went directly to Song Lian next to him.Not only Dai Hao, but even Gan Qingquan also looked at Song Lian.

"Trouble Song brother!" Dai Hao said to Song Lian very politely. Looking at it like that, he was clearly pleading. How could there be two masters of the Dai family who were rumored to suppress Song Lian?

Song Lian didn't hesitate at all, turned around and rushed towards the direction of the companion's hand just now.

At this point, Wang Sheng can see that Song Lian must be proficient in healing, or the direction of his practice is to repair the damage, otherwise Wang Sheng will not look at Song Lian as soon as he speaks, and they clearly know him. sharp.

Even though Song Lian flew out, he didn't forget to leave a sentence to Wang Sheng: "Mr. Chang Sheng, as long as you don't resist, we won't touch a single hair of your hair!"

Wang Sheng believed it.In fact, this was his plan. The opponent's three thirteenth-level ancestors couldn't escape by themselves, so why bother to suffer a lot before being caught?Wang Sheng didn't have the habit of being abused.

Dai Hao didn't do it himself, Gan Qingquan stepped forward and locked Wang Sheng's hands and feet with a shackle with a formation.The formation on the shackles easily suppressed Wang Sheng's whole body of spiritual energy, allowing him to move freely like an ordinary person, but he couldn't raise a trace of spiritual energy to attack and fight, let alone Dai Hao and Gan Qingquan. run away from people.

During this period, Wang Sheng remained motionless, and cooperated with Gan Qingquan to restrain him.Because of Wang Sheng's cooperation, the two of them really didn't make things difficult for Wang Sheng. After putting on the shackles, it was as easy as chatting with friends, and they walked to the other courtyard of Dai's house while chatting.

Dai Hao was a little anxious, seeing that Wang Sheng had given up resisting, and after Gan Qingquan locked the shackles on Wang Sheng, he rushed out in a hurry, obviously in the direction of the master who was shot by Wang Sheng just now.

"The injured master is also from the Dai family. It's normal for Dai Hao to be nervous." Gan Qingquan and Wang Sheng walked in that direction slowly, explaining to Wang Sheng in a normal way.

"Didn't it mean that the Dai family had a fight with the old Taoist Lingxu of Laojunguan and was injured?" Wang Sheng also asked calmly, as if Gan Qingquan next to him was an old friend.

"Indeed he was injured." Gan Qingquan replied: "And it's not a serious injury. The veteran of Laojunguan is amazing. It is said that he has such a cultivation level without being inspired by Qian Jedi's core breath, which is simply unimaginable. "

"How's the old Taoist injured?" Wang Sheng asked aloud, concerned about Lingxu's injury.

"It's very heavy." Gan Qingquan was not surprised, and replied with a slight smile: "But their Laojunguan seems to have a very powerful technique, talking about soldiers or something, like chanting scriptures, dozens of people working together, it's useless How long did it take to stabilize the injury and recover quickly."

The Nine-Character Mantra is also an undisclosed secret of the Laojun Temple, and even the other five sects of Taoism are only known to high-level people, and it is normal for the major families not to know.

Hearing Gan Qingquan say that the old man recovered quickly, Wang Sheng felt relieved.Dozens of veteran Taoist priests in the legendary realm used military art, although not as powerful as Wang Sheng's, they can still stabilize Lingxu's injuries.As long as the old man can perform it by himself, there will be no problem in the subsequent recovery.

"Dai Sheng's injury is all due to Song Lian." Gan Qingquan seemed not afraid that Wang Sheng would know more, and explained as he walked: "You can also see that Song Lian has a superb method of healing, as long as people are still angry, There is an [-]% certainty that it can be saved."

"Then what if that hoopoe fails?" Wang Sheng asked calmly.How powerful is the power of the heavy sniper crossbow, and being shot in the chest directly on the opposite side is more ominous.

Gan Qingquan glanced at Wang Sheng in surprise, and was very puzzled by his confidence, but he still replied: "It's fate, it's already shameful to bully the small with the big, we are still four against one, if it is true This situation has not been saved, it is his bad luck. This is your glory, you can enjoy it as much as you want."

"You old seniors can see it openly." Wang Sheng smiled and complimented: "Is it true that some things must be seen through when you have reached this level of cultivation?"

"That's right." Wang Sheng's words made Gan Qingquan look at Wang Sheng again in surprise, seeing Wang Sheng's face was normal and not nervous at all, he nodded secretly in his heart, and replied in his mouth: "No wonder what we heard Most of them are rumors about you, all of them are so unbelievable. You can guess so much just by listening to me, you are the most understanding junior I have ever seen."

"I'm curious, what kind of weapon are you using that can actually hurt Hoopoe?" Gan Qingquan immediately asked, "As far as I know, your heavy sniper crossbow is not that powerful."

"Arrows made from the teeth of deep-sea wild sharks in the thirteenth stage." Wang Sheng didn't say anything about the improved heavy sniper crossbow, but only said that the arrows are powerful: "A powerful burst formation is engraved on the arrow, as long as it hits the target, it will There will be a very terrifying explosion. But your cultivation is indeed terrifying, the one in front has been blown to pieces, and it turns out that Hoopoe didn't even crack his body at all."

Anyway, the ring with the heavy sniper crossbow was still on his body, and if they found it, they would only think it was shot from the heavy sniper crossbow.As for the tooth arrows, Wang Sheng also has more than a dozen specially made for the original heavy sniper crossbow, they will see it.These are all prepared to confuse the enemy.

While the two were talking, they walked a few miles unknowingly, and they were already close to the place where Hoopoe was shot.During the period, he talked a lot, and Wang Sheng did not forget to ask for some high-level cultivation methods. Gan Qingquan was also very open-minded, as if Wang Sheng was his close descendant, and he didn't hold back.

There were already quite a few people here, and Dai Sheng was also lying on a bed instead of standing.Seeing Wang Sheng and Gan Qingquan approaching, none of the Dai family had a good face except Dai Hao, and they all stared at Wang Sheng with hatred.

Wang Sheng didn't care about these gazes, how many Dai family members died at his hands?It's normal to be seen that way.If these people are like Dai Hao Gan Qingquan who are like spring breeze, then the Dai family is too scary.

Dai Sheng's luck was good, Song Lian came back in time, and finally saved a life between life and death.When Wang Sheng came over, he was still breathing rapidly, his vitality was evident before.

Similarly, Wang Sheng was impressed by Song Lian's treatment methods and abilities.It's so powerful, it's on par with the seven-character formula of the nine-character mantra, right?Even worse than that.

In this world, there are indeed capable people and strange men in large numbers, Wang Sheng secretly warned himself, never underestimate the heroes of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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