
Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

Chapter 790 Both Advance

Still under the supervision of Dai Hao, from the second day on, Dai Xiao never interrupted the process of devouring the four super souls. They will not interrupt the whole process of devouring because of hunger and thirst.

Dai Xiao enjoys this painful and happy process very much. Although he often suffers in pain during the process of absorbing and devouring, when he thinks of the benefits of devouring and completing the four super souls, Dai Xiao will give birth to a wave of perseverance out of thin air. He can hold on.

In fact, Dai Xiao himself is tolerant enough, otherwise he would not do the thing of apologizing and kowtow in public at the Daomen Fa Conference.For the sake of the Dai family, he can endure everything, and now it is for himself, so he can bear all the pain even more.Every pain we suffer today is a ladder leading to the heights of tomorrow.

Under Dai Hao's nose, Wang Sheng didn't use any other tricks, just absorbed the essence of the super soul normally, and by the way made it easier for Dai Xiao to make him feel that everything was under control.

However, the four souls this time still gave Wang Sheng a lot of surprises.

Different from the super king cuttlefish primordial soul of the fourteenth stage, these four primordial souls were cultivated and improved by four masters for more than 500 years, and they have completely experienced the process of human cultivation from low to high.Although there is no memory of most of the four masters' practice, their own improvement process is like engraved in the original soul. When Wang Sheng absorbed it to a certain extent, he naturally felt these changes.

The changes in the primordial soul are not of much reference value to Wang Sheng, but can be used to guide other similar primordial soul cultivation.However, in the memory of the changes in the original soul, there are still many changes in the breath of the original master's practice, which is a completely unexpected treasure for Wang Sheng.

Apart from the group of 500-year-old masters who broke the seal, the only ones who can know the follow-up practice after entering the legendary realm are Lingxu and Lu Wenhou and Ling'er.Other than that, everyone else, including Wang Sheng, saw darkness in front of their eyes.

Wang Sheng is better. He has seen many powerful sea monsters. He dare not say that he has mastered the method of cultivation, but at least he is many times stronger than others in terms of confidence.Now the changes in the cultivation aura of the four super masters are just like the aura left by Lin Xiu on the golden hairpin and long sword back then, they are simply guiding lights in the dark.

The 500 years of painstaking research by each of the four people is definitely a treasure among treasures. Wang Sheng is like a treasure. He feels these breaths every day and enjoys them like crazy.

On the outside, Wang Sheng's expression became more and more calm, and he even felt a little bit of enjoyment, while Dai Xiao was still in such pain, which made Dai Hao and the First Elder feel that they didn't know how to describe it.

Just as Dai Xiao judged, when Wang Sheng absorbed those essences, it was inevitable that a part of his breath escaped and was absorbed by Dai Xiao.Because of this, Dai Xiao has also benefited a lot. In the outside world, his cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds like blowing up a balloon. Nod your head.

Because of these experiences, plus the fact that the four souls have been cultivated by four peerless masters for more than 500 years, devouring them is even more difficult than devouring the souls of the super king squid. time.It would take more than a month to devour the four primordial souls alone.

However, it hasn't been a month yet, at the 28th and [-]th day, Dai Xiao seems to have accumulated enough accumulation, and when the last soul is more than half left, Dai Xiao can't hold back anymore, and can't wait to trigger an attack. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth tempered the body, and the promotion began.

When the aura of heaven and earth fell from the sky and entered Dai Xiao's body, Dai Hao was already grinning from ear to ear.Such a method is really effective, it seems that it is necessary to find more similar opportunities.It's a pity that only Dai Xiao's soul can devour other souls. Otherwise, wouldn't the Dai family be able to create a large group of masters?Dominating the world is not too far away.

Isn't this another decisive battle with Lin Xiu?If Lin Xiu's primordial soul can be snatched at that time, together with the primordial souls of those masters who died in battle with Lin Xiu, Dai Xiao, his junior, may grow to an unbelievable level.

These are all things in the future, but the most important thing now is to quickly bring Dai Sheng to Dai Xiao's side. Such a huge spiritual energy quenching body will have incredible benefits for nourishing Dai Sheng's body.

Wang Sheng was also a little surprised when the overwhelming aura of heaven and earth poured into Dai Xiao's soul space.What he didn't expect was that Dai Xiao could be so impatient. He had just reached the edge of promotion, and he couldn't wait to advance. Wasn't this a bit too eager?

But after thinking about it, it's not surprising that Dai Xiao did this.Dai Xiao's promotion at this moment, can be said to be the No. 1 epic realm that they know other than Ling Xu's promotion, right?Although Lu Wenhou and Linger are powerful, others don't know it at all.At most, they knew Uncle Li, but they only thought that Uncle Li was in the late stage or peak of the legendary realm.Dai Xiao's ability to win the title of No. [-] outside Ling Xu's old way is also of great benefit to the Dai family.

In fact, Wang Sheng himself has also reached the edge of promotion and can advance at any time.The aura of the three super masters enhanced his perception, making Wang Sheng's path to follow-up practice more clear.But since there are more than half of them, Wang Sheng doesn't mind taking advantage of Dai Xiao's promotion and has no time to pay attention to him, so he will absorb it first.

Without the influence of Dai Xiao, Wang Sheng could open his mouth wide and devour without restraint.This time, Wang Sheng didn't let the big glutton turn into 48 small gluttons to eat, but directly let the big glutton open his mouth, and swallowed the last soul that Dai Xiao had only had time to swallow a quarter of. went in.

How could Wang Sheng miss such a surging aura of heaven and earth?Naturally, you can take as much as you can, to make up for the consumption when you devour it.At the same time, he was immersed in the process of changing the breath of the last master, quietly comprehending it.

From the realm of legend to the realm of epic, it took more than four days for Dai Xiao to advance. During this period, the huge aura of heaven and earth nourished Dai Xiao's body and soul space.

Seeing that Dai Xiao's aura was getting stronger and stronger, Dai Hao and the Great Elder, who had been guarding and managing the law beside him, opened their eyes and smiled, and even Dai Sheng, who was nourished by the spiritual energy, was very happy.

Just when everyone thought that Dai Xiao's promotion would be completed soon, another huge aura of heaven and earth joined Dai Xiao's original aura group.

Dai Hao was shocked, and after careful investigation, he discovered that it was Wang Sheng who was promoted this time.

Wasn't Wang Sheng's aura cut off?How can this be?

(End of this chapter)

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