
Chapter 1534

Chapter 1534

Chapter Eight Hundred

Dai Xiao spent a full ten days consolidating his cultivation, which seemed to be ample time.But Wang Sheng is not so relaxed, his aura is isolated and cannot be mobilized, so what is the difference between him and a disabled person?Consolidate cultivation base?impossible things!
Of course, this is what Dai Xiao and Dai Hao saw in their eyes.The fact is that Wang Sheng has been able to circulate the aura in his body since he took advantage of the opportunity to advance to open the soul space and isolate the aura of the body.

Thanks to Jiaotu Bian, the aura in Wang Sheng's body was sealed and unbreakable, and there was no difference between the isolated aura and the normal one from the outside. It also allowed Wang Sheng to consolidate the ten-day strength in the condition that the aura in his body could circulate. Xiuwei.

Ten days later, it was the secret room again, still with the same person and the same posture, Dai Xiao continued to enter the soul space with Wang Sheng's consciousness.

This time, there were no four super souls blocking the space between the two souls. Dai Xiao only used a little bit of twists and turns to easily control his soul to squeeze into Wang Sheng's soul. in space.

Wang Sheng has never seen such a crazy and daring guy as Dai Xiao, who obviously wants to devour his own soul, but voluntarily gives up the home court advantage and enters other people's soul space, it is simply tiresome.

However, Wang Sheng did not immediately let Dai Xiao fall into despair, but easily used the clouds around the Yuansoul space to create a virtual big shell to cover his Jiaotu Yuansoul, first let Dai Xiao and Dai Hao and the others Let your guard down.

Dai Xiao proudly controlled the Yuanhun and rushed directly to the snail-like Yuanhun that Wang Sheng saw, devouring an unknown number of Yuanhun and turning into a strange shape with a big mouth, and wrapped Wang Sheng Yun Qi outside Yuanhun took a big bite and swallowed it into his stomach.

Wang Sheng didn't say anything, and immediately switched the state of Yuanhun to Yazi, and also opened his mouth wide, and directly gave Dai Xiao's Yuanhun a big mouthful.

At the same time as this movement, Wang Sheng controlled his face, revealing a look of pain.Even though Yun Qi didn't feel anything after being bitten off, Wang Sheng still made this expression.

In the same way, Yazi bit the opponent's primordial soul, and Dai Xiao suddenly felt a sharp pain that pierced his bones. He couldn't help but tremble, and his face became equally painful.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng just let Yazi bite him, and he let go immediately.However, in Dai Xiao's feeling, Wang Sheng's primordial soul has nothing to do with his own primordial soul other than biting him, and his successor is weak. How similar is the state of those four super primordial souls?

This situation lasted for about half a day before Wang Sheng and Dai Xiao were separated by Dai Hao.Then Dai Hao carefully asked Dai Xiao how he felt.

Ever since Dai Xiao started devouring Wang Sheng's soul without any scruples, Dai Hao has stopped explaining to Wang Sheng.He believed that Wang Sheng would understand what they were going to do, and even firmly believed that Wang Sheng already knew what kind of treatment he would encounter when the two of them butted heads and devoured four super souls together for the first time.

Wang Sheng quickly returned to his normal expression, but Dai Xiao maintained his grim expression for a long time.I have to say that Dai Xiao's pain was solid from the inside out when he was slapped hard by Ya Zi in the original soul state, and it couldn't be faked at all. Even if the two had separated, Dai Xiao still continued. Pained for a while.

"How?" Dai Hao didn't need to take Wang Sheng away to ask Dai Xiao again, it was meaningless, he asked directly in front of Wang Sheng.

"Very good!" Dai Xiao was very satisfied with being able to bite off "a few pieces" of Wang Sheng's primordial soul, and he did not hide his excitement. Looking at Wang Sheng was like looking at a plate of delicious food, even with great interest. Turning to Wang Sheng, he smiled at Wang Sheng and said, "It is Chang Sheng who resisted fiercely. Is this what I learned from those four spirits? It's useless, Chang Sheng, you also saw the four What is the ending of this primordial soul?"

"Whether it works or not, you have to try." Wang Sheng replied to Dai Xiao lightly: "You and I are fighting in the soul space, no one can help, we can only rely on ourselves, can't we?"

The latter words were directed at Dai Hao.Dai Hao also understands very well, don't look at him as a master of the thirteenth stage, but he can't help at all, he can only watch helplessly.You can't even see it, you can only judge the result by watching Dai Xiao and Wang Sheng's expressions.

Fortunately, from the current performance of the two, Dai Xiao has the upper hand.Think about it too, how could a combination of 99 souls fail to beat one?Big fish have always eaten small fish. When did you hear that shrimps eat big fish in turn?
But Dai Hao wasn't completely relieved, he had to observe a few more times and observe for a few more days.

In the next few days, Wang Sheng and Dai Xiao fought each other all day every day.Every time Dai Xiao was able to tear off a large piece of Wang Sheng's "Original Soul" and devour it, and the torn part became bigger and bigger, Dai Xiao himself could indeed feel quite powerful nourishment.All this shows that Dai Xiao is getting closer and closer to his ultimate goal.

The cloud energy in Wang Sheng's soul space was also nurtured by Wang Sheng's dragon son's soul, which was enough nourishment for Dai Xiao.Originally, Wang Sheng planned to let Dai Xiao devour one or two small primordial soul splits to reassure him, but now he doesn't need it at all.

Correspondingly, Wang Sheng's complexion became uglier day by day.In the eyes of Dai Hao and Elder Dai Xiao, this is the sign of Wang Sheng's recent serious injury.Wang Sheng was restrained by shackles and isolated from his aura, so it was impossible to control his body to make such a change in disguise, so he could only behave like this because he was devoured by Dai Xiao and his soul was damaged.

Of course, Wang Sheng and Dai Xiao were full of pain every time they performed, and sometimes they even struggled painfully on the big long plank bed.If the binding part was not strong enough, it would have been broken free by the struggle of the two of them.

After observing for half a month, Dai Hao and Dai Xiao finally believed that Wang Sheng had no chance of turning the tables, and it was only a matter of time before he was devoured by Dai Xiao's soul.The only thing that makes Dai Xiao unhappy is that Wang Sheng has reached this point, and he is still resisting. Every time, Dai Xiao is in pain, which is more severe than when he devoured the four souls.

But in Dai Hao's eyes, this is normal.After all, Wang Sheng is both a human and a soul, and swallowing a soul alive is of course more complicated and difficult than swallowing four or four people's souls.It will take a difficult journey for Dai Xiao to completely devour Wang Sheng's soul and soul space.

"That plan is about to be carried out." One night, Dai Hao called Dai Xiao over to give him some advice.As the head of the family, Dai Xiao knew the inside story, so he nodded without saying a word.

When Wang Sheng was sent to the secret room again the next day, Dai Hao was no longer there, and the only one who was in charge of watching was the elder of the Dai family.

(End of this chapter)

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