
Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563
Chapter 690
What must be done is to seek Wang Sheng's understanding.

Although Wang Sheng has already killed more than 80 legendary masters of the Xia family, the incident of the Xia family attacking Wang Sheng outside the capital has not yet passed.Until now, Lizhenfang is still offering a high price for the heads of Xia family masters, five times the market price. The masters of Wuyou City and Shenwei Prison are staring at the Xia family members all the time, waiting to strike anytime, anywhere.In their eyes, the Xia family was clearly just piles of walking gold coins.

Hundreds of millions of gold coins were offered as rewards, even the Xia family, one of the eight great families, would be terrified to bear it.In the past, it was because the pressure from all sides might destroy the country of Xia, and the degree of urgency was the highest priority. Now that there is no need to worry about that problem, it is natural to solve the trouble with Wang Sheng.

Turning over the table and halfway through the negotiation, it is obvious that Xia Guo does not want to give up the core interests of Qian Jedi, but Wang Sheng is a person who can make Xia Guo lose everything. If Wang Sheng's threat is not resolved, Xia Guo's masters will have to sleep with two eyes.

"So, you want to express your apologies to the Duke?" Mei'er was sitting in the living room of the Duke's Mansion with an air in Chang Sheng's Mansion, facing the two humble Xia family masters opposite.

"This matter is indeed our fault. Please forgive me, Mr. Chang Sheng." The two masters of the Xia family are both in the legendary realm. Outside, they are definitely looked up to by countless people. What's more, their identities, all He is an elder of the Xia family, even if he enters the palace, the emperor will probably receive him with courtesy.

But at this moment, when the two of them faced Mei'er, they had apologetic smiles on their faces, and they didn't have the slightest feeling of being a high-ranking big shot.In the eyes of the two of them, it seems that there is only the figure of this beautiful and very tasteful woman in front of them.

"Then how do you plan to express your apologies?" Mei'er smiled, facing the two elders of the Xia family with a graceful and luxurious attitude, and asked gracefully.

No matter what the Xia family said, the attitude of these two people who came today is absolutely good.They didn't explain any misunderstandings or anything, and they didn't make any excuses. They just admitted their mistakes sincerely.At least this attitude was approved by Meier.

"At that time, the person who attacked the father-in-law died at the hands of Lord Chang Sheng. The elder who gave him the order came to the father-in-law's house to kowtow and apologize. In addition, we are willing to offer [-] million gold coins as compensation to the father-in-law Unknowingly, the two elders were already deeply seduced by Meier's smile, and they directly spoke out the bottom line of the Xia family without any precautions.

Speaking of which, the sincerity of the Xia family is indeed thoughtful.First of all, the elders of the family must not sacrifice casually, otherwise, who would dare to do things for the family in the future?But kowtowing to make amends gave Wang Sheng and Meier a great deal of face, and it was well thought out.

As for the gold coin compensation, it referred to the price when the Gan family attacked Wang Sheng and Lao Dao, and directly mentioned [-] million.It can be said that in order to solve Wang Sheng's threat, the Xia family really spent their money.

The [-] million gold coins are actually less than the gold coins that Lizhenfang offered to reward the masters of the Xia family. This also means that the Xia family really bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes. All by themselves.

When Wang Sheng left, he had told Meier some things, including what if the Xia family was subdued.Now that the Xia family is so sincere, Mei'er followed Wang Sheng's advice, stepped down from the donkey, and nodded.

In fact, after Wang Sheng killed those masters in the core area of ​​the Xia family's Qianjedi, he never thought of taking revenge. Otherwise, there would not be a single person alive in the Xia family's camp in the Qianjedi camp.Some things need some back-to-back heroes to do it. For example, the two families of the Xia family and Shi family wantonly stimulated the outbreak of super monsters in the core of Qianjedi, which is a good excuse.

"Let's change the condition!" Mei'er pondered for a while, then slowly opened her mouth.

"Princess, please show me!" The two elders of Xia's parents were overjoyed. Mei'er was willing to negotiate, which showed that there was something to be done, and it was nothing more than a bargaining chip. It was better than holding on to it all the time.

"That person is not going to kowtow at the house to make amends, let him leave the capital, and never come to the capital again." Mei'er lowered her face, and quickly stated her condition: "Don't let me see him in the capital in the future! "

"He will leave the capital today." The elder of the Xia family immediately agreed without saying a word.Just kidding, this is much better than letting that elder come over and kowtow to apologize.Overjoyed!

"In addition to the 20 million gold coins in compensation, you must also issue [-] billion gold coins through Lizhen Square." Mei'er immediately put forward the second condition.

Issuing golden tickets means depositing gold coins in Lizhenfang first, and then using the golden tickets to go out for consumption.If everything is normal, there will be no loss in these golden tickets or gold coins, and it will even bring greater convenience.As long as Lizhenfang does not think about swallowing this gold coin and losing the market of tens of billions to hundreds of billions of gold coins in the whole world, then this condition will not cause any loss to Xia Guo, it just strengthens Lizhenfang's opinion. .

"Yes!" The two elders did not avoid Mei'er, they discussed on the spot.After a while, the two responded directly.

There was no loss, and Meier even spared the chief elder in the capital. If Meier killed the chief elder by killing him, they might have to accept it in the end.Now it is just to issue 20 billion more gold coins, and there is no reason to disagree.Anyway, many conditions, including the gold coins for compensation, can be collected after negotiating with other companies.

As long as the hostility from Wang Sheng's side can be completely resolved, then everything will be fine.The two elders readily agreed, and Mei'er was also quite happy, nodding directly.

The two elders of the Xia family left the Changsheng mansion overjoyed, and happily went back to report the letter all the way.Of course, I didn't forget to drive the elder in charge of the capital out of the capital immediately.In the afternoon of that day, 20 million gold coins were sent to Duke Changsheng's mansion.There is still [-] billion gold coins to be mortgaged, but that is a provisional condition, the Xia family is not prepared, and it will take a while to raise it.

Their side is refreshing, and Meier's side is also refreshing.Also in the afternoon, as soon as the gold coins were delivered, Meier asked people to withdraw the rewards from Worry-Free City and Shenwei Prison.

This movement was too obvious, as long as all parties were paying attention, they would immediately discover this, and then everyone would know that this must mean that Xia Guo had already obtained Wang Sheng's understanding, so there was no need to worry about Wang Sheng's counterattack.

All parties also began to ponder, under such circumstances, how to negotiate terms with Xia Guoshi and the Guo family.

(End of this chapter)

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