
Chapter 1565 Benefits

Chapter 1565 Benefits

Chapter 760 Benefits

The patriarchs of the eight major families looked at the report in silence. Except for Song Yan and the patriarchs of the Tang family who already knew the result, the patriarchs of the other six families were all speechless.

Heartache!With an average of more than 50 legendary masters per family, even if they killed 81 super monsters, they didn't lose so much!The Patriarchs of the six major families were almost crying and bleeding in their hearts.

Not long after scolding the Patriarch of the Dai family just now, the patriarchs now turn their hatred towards Dai Xiao again.Because of the early activation of the Dai family, the top combat power of each family has been reduced by more than half in an instant!
Although Dai Xiao was already a master at the peak of the Ninth Layer Realm, and was only one step away from stepping into the Legendary Realm, facing the glaring gazes of the patriarchs of the major families, Dai Xiao still lowered his head guiltily.

Regardless of the attitudes of the other Patriarchs, Dai Xiao can only bear with it at this time. If the ignorant rebuttal at this time directly arouses the anger of other families, maybe the Eight Great Families will directly become the Seven Great Families.The Dai family's wealth cannot afford a seven-on-one attack.

Cough cough, two coughs brought everyone's attention back to the field.The person who coughed was the Patriarch of the Tang family. Seeing that everyone was looking over, he coughed again and said, "The incident has already happened. Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. What do you think of the demands of the royal family and other forces?"

This is the real problem that needs to be faced immediately. If it is not resolved, it may be a world war, and the eight families may lose a few.Those small families don't look very good, and it's scary to unite.

Dai Xiao secretly let out a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing in his heart, and also very grateful to the Patriarch of the Tang family.If it weren't for his reminder, the Dai family would not have passed the test so easily.

"Dai Xiao, don't think that the matter is over." Of course, the head of the Tang family saw Dai Xiao's action, and said with a cold snort: "Afterwards, you have to pay what you should pay for the Dai family."

"Yes! Yes! This junior will definitely do it." What else can Dai Xiao say?The Dai family is now at the bottom with the Xia family in terms of strength, and now they are outraged by the public. Isn't it just what they say?
In one sentence, the head of the Tang family decided that the Dai family must pay compensation in the future. As for the amount of compensation, each family will naturally have someone to settle the accounts carefully with the members of the Dai family. It is not up to the head of the family and the elders to deal with such a trivial matter. The elders played in person to tear it apart.However, if the Dai family didn't bleed a lot this time and shed ten layers of skin, they would be sorry for the lost masters.

"What's the answer from the royal family?" The Patriarch of the Tang family once again raised this question that must be faced immediately.Relatively speaking, Wang Sheng's side is not so urgent.

Of course, since it was known that not even fifty of the more than 400 masters came back, the survival rate was one tenth, and they survived by fleeing early when the situation was not good. Now they have to send masters to hunt down Wang Sheng and Lin Ling, Isn't that suicidal?Everyone is not that stupid.

Even if he wanted to deal with Lin Ling, he would have to wait for the 24 seniors to come out.Lin Ling is the life and death enemy of those ancestors, and they will never refuse.

"What will happen if you don't bring them?" Song Yan and Dai Xiao are the youngest among the crowd. In terms of age, Song Yan is younger, so she spoke with a strong youthful anger.

Everyone present knew that the relationship between Song Yan and Wang Sheng was not considered a marriage, so they naturally understood why Song Yan was so angry.No matter whose man was seduced by a woman who appeared 500 years ago inexplicably, he would probably not perform better than Song Yan.

"Trouble!" The head of the Feng family didn't say anything, but the first elder spoke up, giving Song Yan an answer: "You know, if there are a few or a dozen of the 24 seniors in it, it's not from our family. ..."

Needless to say, the following words are all old foxes, who doesn't know the consequences?In fact, everyone including Song Yan already knew the advantages and disadvantages of being monopolistic, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of sharing. Now everyone is sitting together to make a decision.Song Yan's words were just an introduction to draw out everyone's opinions.

"I'm afraid we don't have much time to spend making decisions." The head of the Gan family reminded.Everyone is well aware of these things, so he just reminded him that the reasons and results are not mentioned at all. If you can't even think of these things, what qualifications do you have to be the head of the house and the elder?
"Let's vote with a show of hands!" The Patriarch of the Historian didn't talk nonsense, and directly proposed the fastest solution: "Should we let them join? Our historian agrees." While speaking, the Patriarch of the Historian raised his hand.

"Join!" The head of the Tang family also raised his hand.

"Agree!" Song Yan also raised her hand.

The Qiu family and the Feng family raised their hands one after another. Only the Dai family, the Xia family and the Gan family remained silent.But after a few breaths, the head of the Gan family also raised his hand.

Although the Dai family and the Xia family were very reluctant, when three-quarters of the patriarchs had already passed, even if they disagreed, it was meaningless.

The Patriarch of the Shi Family seemed to be a guest host, and without waiting for Dai Xiao and the Patriarch of the Xia Family to raise their hands, he directly announced the result: "The majority agree, so let them join in. Next, what price will they have to pay for joining, and what will they have to do?" constraint?"

"We must be in step with us and command in unison." This time, it was Song Yan who took the lead and quickly expressed her request.

"That's natural. What do disobedient people want them to come in?" The old fox of the Tang family stroked his beard and nodded, "In addition, the masters of each family must help, and all kinds of needed materials are also shared. If you want to come in, you have to pay Contribute. We can also know how rich their family is now."

Everyone nodded.Let those small families become masters, and you can probably see the strength of each family, and give the eight major families a clear reference.

"Give them only three days, and those who fail to make it will count themselves out." The chief elder of the Qiu family added: "We don't have much time to wait for them."

This request was not excessive at all, and everyone agreed.By this time, the decision has basically been made, and the royal family can be given an answer first.Under the nods of the crowd, the two great elders of the Tang family and the Shi family went out together to arrange the delivery of letters to the royal family.

Although I agree with the royal family and the others to join, it is not over after joining, there are more important issues to discuss.This is also very cautious for each family, the core issue is the distribution of spoils.

"After unlocking the seal, how will each family share?" The essence of all the conflicts is actually on this issue. If this issue is not resolved, let alone the addition of the royal family, there is no way to balance it, even within the eight major families. Peace of mind.

Interest is the root cause of all disputes.

(End of this chapter)

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