
Chapter 159 News from the Phoenix

Chapter 159 News from the Phoenix
Chapter [-] News of the Phoenix
Although the butler would say that it was proper to ask the Lord City Lord for instructions, it was a bit uncomfortable after all.If the housekeeper would come back immediately to ask for instructions and the people from Baoqing Yutang didn't show up, then everything would be fine.But in this world, there is no if after all.

Baoqing Yutang has been collecting in silence for an unknown amount of time. According to the investigation of the City Lord's Mansion, the hostess has left Wuyou City during this time.I thought that there was no need to worry about Baoqing Yutang, but in the end I was taken the lead.

The steward knew what the city lord meant by miscalculation, but he still didn't want to understand, so where could it be a loss?Isn't it just a day late, Wang Sheng should be thinking about the City Lord's Mansion anyway!Not to mention anything else, just because Wuyou City killed the two representatives of the Dai family to help Wang Sheng vent his anger, Wang Sheng must appreciate it!
Thinking of this, the butler showed a puzzled look on his face, as if he didn't understand.

"He told us in advance, let us look for information." The city lord didn't turn his head, but he seemed to have seen the expression on the butler's face: "This is a big favor, we should wait for him to announce the secret. I'll send some of them over right away. It's self-defeating! It's self-defeating!"

The butler instantly understood.Even if the things are sent over right now, the favor that should be the only one can now fall by at most three points, or even less.They dragged on for a whole month, but it was Wang Sheng who took the initiative to speak up, and he still didn't agree to Shuangli, and he felt unhappy to be the housekeeper.

Among other things, no one would be happy to serve delicious and delicious meals without repeating the same meal every day, but in exchange for such a result.

"Subordinates, let's make arrangements now!" The housekeeper understood, and immediately thought of a way to remedy it: "Just collect things and send them over overnight."

"En!" The city lord hummed, agreeing to the butler's handling method, still staring at the big map on the wall, and did not speak again.

The butler glanced at the huge and incomplete map on the wall that contained the Thousand Jedi, and without staying long, he quickly exited, hurriedly found someone to prepare something, and sent it to Wang Sheng.

In just half a day, Wang Sheng was busy here twice.He hadn't sorted out the things in Baoqing Yutang, and the city lord's mansion over there sent over almost half of the room's scrolls.

With so much information, it will take about two or three months just to read it.Looking at this pile of various scrolls, Wang Sheng also had a wry smile on his face.

But that's good too, with this as a cover, I can justifiably stay in the house to practice and search for clues to the girl in my dream without leaving home.I just don't know if there is any record about Phoenix in it.

The proprietress of Baoqing Yutang came to the door again the next day.This time, she asked Wang Sheng to make refined salt, which was the condition agreed with Wang Sheng before.

Wang Sheng will not renege on his debts, just after his sense of taste has improved, the dishes that were absolutely delicious before are no longer edible.Among them is the poor quality of the salt. It is not bad that Baoqing Yutang makes refined salt.

For the next few days, Wang Sheng spent all his time flipping through those materials, and he didn't even care about his business.In fact, since Wang Sheng moved into the inner city, he hasn't managed his butcher shop much.Although the housekeeper had prepared a shop facing the street for him, he hadn't even opened it for a day.

Of course, Wang Sheng didn't care about the income from opening the shop. His income during this period was enough to match the income of the butcher shop for several years or even decades.What Wang Sheng wants is to master the body structure of the monster, and now there are more important things, to find the whereabouts of the girl in his dreams, the Phoenix soul.

Although the information collected by Baoqing Yutang is not as large as that of the City Lord's Mansion, there are basically all kinds of high-level Yuanhun materials, and the actual owners of each Yuanhun requested by Wang Sheng also have names and surnames.

Wang Sheng looked over one by one, very quickly.His main goal is to find the soul of the phoenix, which is very purposeful. If you don't see it at first glance, you can ignore it first, and continue to look at it later.

The scrolls were turned over one by one, and there was no word "Phoenix" on them.Wang Sheng wasn't discouraged either. If it was so easy to find, wouldn't the whole world know about it?

After reading more than 100 scrolls in a row, there are only a dozen scrolls left in Baoqing Yutang. Wang Sheng's eyes were suddenly attracted by the name on a scroll.

The name of the scroll is "Anecdote and Strange Stories", which has nothing to do with the high-level soul, but it was recorded by the people of Baoqing Yutang. Obviously, the content in it is related to the high-level soul.Wang Sheng believed that the people in Baoqing Yutang were professional and would not make such low-level mistakes.

Opening the scroll of "Anecdote and Strange Stories", Wang Sheng knew with just one glance that the answer he wanted might be in this scroll.

In anecdotes and strange things, it mainly describes some inaccurate legends about some strange souls that some people have heard but no one has seen or verified.There are super nine-star primordial souls that surpass the nine-fold transformation, and super primordial souls that have more than ten orifice points when they are upgraded, and so on.

What interested Wang Sheng was that he saw a description of a soul related to him.The upgradeable primordial soul is upgraded by devouring the same kind. Although it is not specific whether it is a carp or what kind, some descriptions are completely in line with the nine-star primordial soul that the Dai family got.

However, the author of the anecdote may have never seen a real soul of this kind, so he only described the general characteristics, but did not say too much about the specific things.For Wang Sheng, these things are better than nothing, and they don't have much meaning.

Looking back, Wang Sheng's movement of slowly unrolling the scroll suddenly stopped.On the scroll he just unrolled, two words appeared, Phoenix.

After a pause, Wang Sheng couldn't wait to expand more, revealing more content.

Phoenix primordial soul, the legendary primordial soul, the type is unknown, the level is unknown, the owner is unknown.Several unknowns in a row made Wang Sheng's heart feel cold for a while.

Looking back, I finally saw a piece of content that was not unknown.It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was a person with the soul of the phoenix, and he never appeared again.But the author of the anecdote was not sure, so he only recorded it as a legend.

Continuing on, it has become a new kind of legendary soul.The records about Phoenix are just a few short lines.

Wang Sheng has completely fallen into a frenzy.What happened, how could it be hundreds of years ago?Wang Sheng clearly remembered that he communicated with the girl in his dream a year before time travel, and casually encouraged her that the sparrow would definitely become a phoenix, but how could it be recorded hundreds of years ago?
This must be a wrong memory!
(End of this chapter)

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