
Chapter 176: Gluttonous Transformation

Chapter 176: Gluttonous Transformation
Chapter 110: The Gluttonous Transformation
Before, at the first level, he had absorbed the aura of the original soul after the death of the lone wolf to the limit, so Wang Sheng had to split his original soul chi kiss into 24 small chi kisses.

After the split, Wang Sheng successfully concealed his cultivation, and survived the bad luck of being almost exploded.Since then, Wang Sheng has not merged the little chi kiss until now.

Wang Sheng is also very proficient in the fusion process. Under Wang Sheng's skilled control, he saw that 24 small chi kisses became 510 two, and 510 two became 250 six. The fusion continued all the way, and finally It's time for the [-]-in-[-].

At this time, the size of the chi kiss was no longer as small as when Wang Sheng absorbed the aura of the lone wolf soul, but at least dozens of times larger.When the last two were combined into one, it directly exceeded the original one by a hundred times.

An aura that was countless times stronger than Wang Sheng's a few hours ago stirred in Wang Sheng's soul space, so much so that even Han Bingli and the shadow old eunuch next to Wang Sheng were surprised, what happened to Wang Sheng?After getting the Good Fortune Pill, did he suddenly improve his cultivation?

But the scene didn't feel Wang Shengxiu's promotion of aura into the body. Is it just the effect of the Creation Pill?Did Wang Sheng really eat the Creation Pill?
Han Bingli was fine, but the old shadow eunuch suddenly became nervous.It was hard for him to see the hope that the royal family could play a role in it, but he didn't want to see Wang Sheng get into trouble.

Just about to jump over to see what happened to Wang Sheng, suddenly a whirlwind of spiritual energy flew directly towards Wang Sheng's courtyard.At this moment, the old eunuch also stopped his movements, sat on his seat in the yard, and slowly felt it.

As soon as Wang Sheng's chi kiss was fused, Wang Sheng controlled the chi kiss and opened his mouth wide, swallowing the last bit of rock in one gulp.The current size of Chiwen is a hundred times larger than before, and even a normal boulder can be swallowed in one gulp, let alone the little leftover.

Without hindrance, the soul space became empty, leaving only the fighting-minded villain and the huge chi kiss fused into one.

Then, the gluttonous transformation began without warning or hindrance.The surrounding aura seemed to have encountered a black hole, and it quickly gathered in Wang Sheng's small courtyard.

These masters in the inner city of Wuyou City are already familiar with the vision that the upgrade of the soul will inevitably bring.Except for some masters around who know that Wang Sheng is upgrading, others don't care at all.But what many people don't know is that at this moment, how many people are watching or feeling what happened in Wang Sheng's small courtyard with various methods from far or near.

The huge spiritual energy entered Wang Sheng's body from all parts of his body as before, washed his body up and down, then concentrated in Wang Sheng's mouth, and finally entered the soul space.

When Wang Sheng entered the peak of the first stage, he had already enjoyed the aura-enhanced taste once, and this time he didn't feel anything strange. He quietly felt the aura-enhanced taste, and his consciousness stared at his original soul in the original soul space. , I don't want to miss the change of Yuanhun at all.

Just like when the Chi kiss changed before, the Chi kiss with the dragon head and fish body was completely immersed in the white mist formed by the aura. No matter how Wang Sheng observed it, he couldn't see the change inside.

With the experience of the previous change, Wang Sheng knew that when the change was completed, the white mist would dissipate, and Wang Sheng would be able to see Taotie's true face.

Time passed bit by bit, Han Bing Li and the old eunuch Ying Ying had already begun to nod slightly.It seems that after taking those tonics for a long time this time, Wang Sheng has completely solved the disease of weak vitality. No, he has never entered the first level of ordinary people?
Even these two masters who are close at hand, just thought that Wang Sheng had never been promoted to the first level, and never thought that Wang Sheng's previous display of not being good was just a disguise, and his real cultivation base was the first level .

It takes much longer to upgrade to the second level than the first level. For a full three hours, the aura kept rushing over.That is to say, this place is in the inner city of Wuyou City, and it can be regarded as the edge area of ​​Qianjedi, so the aura is so abundant.If it was changed to Shanglin City before, it is estimated that Wang Sheng would be able to absorb all the spiritual energy in a radius of hundreds of meters around him with one upgrade.

Several masters around have already begun to doubt, why did it take so long for Wang Sheng to upgrade this time, and how did he absorb so much spiritual energy?
Two or three martial idiots have even thought about it. Could it be that because Wang Sheng has dropped his cultivation base once, he will be stronger when he re-enters the first stage than when he first entered the first stage?Um!This is very possible, after all, he is more experienced and able to grasp the mysteries of raising the realm again than before.

In fact, many masters who secretly followed thought this way.Many of them are masters of various forces, in order to see something from Wang Sheng's practice.

It is said that Dai Huan, whose Dai family was killed by Wang Sheng, wanted to practice in this way back then.First use a simple primordial soul to quickly improve your cultivation base, and after gaining experience, replace it with a powerful primordial soul, and then start all over again.With the experience of improvement, you can thoroughly control all aspects, which is more powerful than just practicing once.

Of course, these were all deduced by everyone based on the news of the Dai family that they heard by insinuation. We don't know whether it is true or not, but many aristocratic families have already started this kind of experiment.

These high-level killers in Wuyou City may not have such conditions, but seeing Wang Sheng's current performance, it is really possible.That's right, Wang Sheng himself is a poor experimental product, and every step of his current practice is probably to provide experience for the owner of the nine-star soul of the Dai family.

Wang Sheng didn't think about these things, he only knew that he hadn't been disturbed by his upgrade for so long, and that was enough.The white mist in the primordial soul space began to fade slowly, and soon dispersed, allowing Wang Sheng to see the appearance of his primordial soul after Taotie's transformation.

A skinny strange beast appeared from the white mist, and Wang Sheng couldn't believe his eyes.

Taotie, introduced in the ancient book "Shan Hai Jing", has the following characteristics: its shape is like a sheep's body and a human face, its eyes are in the armpits, it has tiger teeth and human claws, and it has a big head and a big mouth.

Now this strange beast fits this description perfectly.Sheep body and human face, big head and big mouth, tiger teeth and human claws, eyes in the armpit, it should be gluttonous.But why is the gluttonous glutton so slender?
Yuanhun Taotie's body is more than a hundred times smaller than the chi kiss at the last moment, at most it is the size of a small chi kiss.But shouldn't the legendary foodie Taotie be a fat man with big ears?Why is it a thin bamboo pole?
(End of this chapter)

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