
Chapter 181 Unbelievable

Chapter 181 Unbelievable

Chapter 120 Unbelievable

The Taotie primordial soul crazily devoured the potency of the Creation Pill, while struggling to push up the huge monument on its body.Wang Sheng watched silently from the side while the Taotie Yuanhun absorbed the aura, grew in size, and lifted up the huge monument inch by inch.
The aura brought by a good fortune pill unexpectedly forced the gluttonous soul to prop up the huge monument that supported the sky.

Wang Sheng watched helplessly as the giant monument rose little by little, exceeding one-tenth, two-tenths, three-tenths of that line, until forty percent, and then slowly stopped.

And at this time, it was also the time when the potion of fortune was exhausted and the supply of spiritual energy stopped.

Finally, they couldn't feel Wang Sheng's aura, and the people around who heard the movement in Wang Sheng's small courtyard finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they also had deep doubts in their hearts, what method did Wang Sheng use to get the result? Can it hold on to the berserk effect of Good Fortune Pill?

This method must be obtained.This is not only the case with Good Fortune Pills, many elixirs have similar problems. The medicinal effects are too powerful, so that many times there are powerful elixirs that cannot be taken.If you get this method from Wang Sheng, you will definitely be able to solve this problem.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Sheng would definitely take a rest first and then check the changes in his body, Wang Sheng did something that no one thought of.

Wang Sheng took out the second Creation Pill directly.Before the first vision like the one before was fully triggered, he stuffed the entire Good Fortune Pill into his mouth.

The dark clouds in the sky only condensed some cloud gas, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

Except for Lu Wenhou and Ling'er, no one would have expected this change, most of them were caught off guard and were all stunned.

"What is he doing?"

"What did he think he was eating?"


Numerous distressed exclamations echoed from the surrounding courtyards in several directions. Everyone simply couldn't accept the fact that a little cultivator in the first stage had eaten two Creation Pills in a row.Not to mention that one Good Fortune Pill didn't explode, but you still have to eat two?He's crazy?

Wang Sheng didn't care what other people were thinking, and his mind was once again immersed in the soul space.

The familiar surge of spiritual energy poured into the body again, and the process of tempering the body began again.The Taotie primordial soul didn't close its mouth at all, and the big mouth directly formed a huge hole, sucking in all the spiritual energy pouring in from all directions.

Wang Sheng's body resounded with that swelling popping sound again, but the sound only happened once or twice occasionally, as if it was because the first Good Fortune Pill hadn't been completely transformed and had to start over again.

Wang Sheng didn't care about these little pains for a long time, he was already immersed in the anticipation that the Taotie Yuanhun would absorb the medicinal power of the Creation Pill to grow his body and increase his strength.

The whole process is so simple, so direct, and brutal, it is to absorb the spiritual energy for no reason, and then the soul grows.It is simply a quick version of the natural spiritual process.

Of course, this is due to the fact that Haohua Pill is no less than a hundred times purer and richer than the spiritual energy escaping from the outside world, and it has an endless momentum. Taotie has evolved from a skinny malnourished monster to an ordinary plump monster. Become a muscled monster.

Taotie's body has swelled dozens of times and hundreds of times from its initial thinness.The trembling of every part of the body when it crazily supports the huge monument is so vivid.

Boom, boom, Wang Sheng seemed to be able to hear the sound of the huge monument supporting the sky being lifted up one by one in the soul space, and the sky of the soul space was much higher than it was at the beginning.

Yuanhun Taotie showed more and more muscle strength, and Wang Sheng's body outside also showed the same situation.

Without the process of absorbing spiritual energy from the outside world to temper the body, the spiritual energy provided by Good Fortune Pill is more than enough to complete all of this.The bones of the whole body were densely compressed twice, and then the fascia was more than doubled in size, and then developed into the internal organs.After the internal organs are strengthened several times from the inside out, the part that is finally strengthened is the muscles.

The huge monument supporting the sky continued to be lifted up, breaking through [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, [-]% of the boundary line all the way, and the momentum still remained, and continued to rise.

At this time, the gluttonous soul has completely turned into a huge muscular monster, every inch of skin reveals an incomparable sense of strength and beauty, this is the shape that can most attract men's attention, even if it is a gluttonous body with a human face .

The gluttonous primordial soul carrying the huge stele that supported the sky let out a loud roar, and the entire primordial soul space made a non-stop vibration.Immediately afterwards, Taotie opened his mouth wide, and Wang Sheng hadn't completely swallowed the aura and hadn't fully released the good fortune pill, and suddenly it turned into a ball of the purest and most primitive aura, which was forcibly inhaled In the soul space.

The aura group rushed all the way through the barrier and rushed into the Yuansoul space, and plunged into the mouth of the gluttonous beast.After Wang Sheng's Taotie Transformation was completed, this was the first time Wang Sheng saw Taotie close his mouth.

The last aura directly doubled the figure of Taotie, and with the loud rumbling noise, the giant gluttonous beast straightened up fiercely, and pushed the giant monument supporting the sky on its back together with the base over the road. The boundary line formed from Wang Sheng's decision to carry out the change.

Wang Sheng himself couldn't believe his eyes. He had just completed the Taotie Transformation and tried to devour the Good Fortune Pill, but the aura of the two Good Fortune Pills directly pushed his cultivation level to the third level of the Underworld Transformation.

Countless spiritual energy crazily gathered towards Wang Sheng's body again from the surrounding space, and a more exaggerated spiritual energy vortex than last time was formed again, sweeping Wang Sheng's entire body domineeringly.

The primordial soul space was once again filled with diffuse white mist, and no trace of the primordial soul could be seen anymore.But Wang Sheng knew that at this moment, his original soul was undergoing another change, from gluttonous to gluttonous.

Wang Sheng's body became the object of aura refinement again. This time, all aura was not aimed at a certain sense, but completely concentrated on Wang Sheng's bones, fascia and muscles.Bixi is a strong man, and what can be strengthened can only be strength.

As soon as Wang Sheng's promotion triggered spiritual energy quenching, the people outside were all stunned.Whether it was Lu Wenhou and Ling'er who knew Wang Sheng could withstand the power of the Creation Pill, or people who didn't believe it before, they couldn't believe what was happening before them.

How can it be?It was only yesterday that he was promoted to the first level from the non-influential. How could he be able to upgrade again after taking two Good Fortune Pills today?

If leveling up is so easy, why do you need to work hard?This is really incredible, right?

In addition, I recommend a copy of "Urban Superb Immortal Doctor"

(End of this chapter)

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