
Chapter 187 New Clues

Chapter 187 New Clues

Chapter 120 Three New Clues

"When the Thousand Jedi was formed, I rummaged through the records, and the most detailed ones were only vague. After calculation, it was probably more than 400 years ago and less than 500 years ago." Ling'er was full, He began to tell Wang Sheng the information about Qian Jedi.

Ling'er sat far away, watching with disdain Wang Sheng's clumsy and slow movements, shaking his head constantly while talking about the materials.

Ling'er can't see something as profound as Taijiquan, let alone a little girl like Linger, even the old eunuch Han Bingli and Ying Ying, who watched Wang Sheng's clumsy practice every day, didn't think it was such a profound thing. It's just that Wang Sheng can't control the power now, so he deliberately slows down to avoid missing.

Wang Shengcai didn't care about their opinions, he listened while practicing: "Continue!"

It is no longer possible to test how the Thousand Jedi were formed.Even if there are records in the five major families, they cannot be found by a large chain store in Yubaozhai. They can only be summarized from various hearsay.On this point, Linger did a very good job.

According to the stories handed down, there are three possibilities for the formation of Thousand Jedi.

"One is that the original Thousand Jedi was a practice sect, and it was wiped out for some reason." Ling'er began to explain three possible inferences one by one: "But the sect activated some kind of mysterious formation at the last moment. , enclosing the entire Thousand Jedi, until the current situation was formed hundreds of years later."

"The second is that the original Thousand Jedi was a big family, and it was also exterminated." Ling'er continued to talk about the second possibility: "It is also a family formation, and it has become what it is now."

"What about the third one?" Wang Sheng asked cooperatively.Storytellers need a supporter most of all, and they can cooperate with each other from time to time so that the story can go smoothly.

Ling'er was really useful: "The third one is a bit mysterious. It seems that the mysterious ones are not true, and the least people believe them."

Several kinds of statements are believed, but no one knows exactly what happened, but since the third one is the least believed, it shows that it is indeed a bit untrue.

"The third theory is that Qianjedi is a prison, a place of sealing." Ling'er said it without thinking: "It is said that it was created by the five major families and several practice sects to seal a certain big devil."

"It is indeed unbelievable." Wang Sheng said calmly: "Why seal it? Since it can be sealed, why not kill it?"

In the past, when Wang Sheng read those novels and movies on the earth, he always found it strange that he could seal the opponent and make the opponent lose the ability to resist. Why not kill him?In the end, the devil who is always sealed breaks free from the seal, setting off a bloodbath or something, it's too fake.

"So there are not many people who believe it." Ling'er agreed with Wang Sheng's point of view for the first time: "I once asked several masters of formations, whether there is such a sealing formation."

"What did the formation master say?" Wang Sheng asked curiously.

"Yes!" Ling'er gave an affirmative answer: "However, such a formation requires continuous consumption of spiritual energy. Even if there is a fixed consumption of spiritual energy resources, after hundreds of years, the one who is sealed will starve to death. Is it possible? Those people who sealed him still send some food in from time to time?"

Wang Sheng nodded in agreement tacitly. It is rare for the two of them to have the same point of view on the same thing.

Next, Ling'er told Wang Sheng many legends about the Thousand Jedi, but it was nothing more than someone discovering a powerful monster in the Thousand Jedi, a certain expert entered the Thousand Jedi and never came out, etc.

"The most detailed story is the story of you being chased into Qianjedi, and then passing through Qianjedi and entering Wuyou City." Ling'er said at the end, and said to Wang Sheng very teasingly: "There are people who have evidence and physical evidence. Reliable, do you want to listen to this part?"

Of course Wang Sheng shook his head: "Forget about this part, I don't know much about it."

One sentence dispelled Ling'er's desire to play Wang Sheng.Really boring!Anyway, all that should be said has been said, Miss Ling'er just said "Let's go", and then left Wang Sheng's house very simply.

For Wang Sheng, the most useful of these materials are the first and second possibilities.However, Wang Sheng prefers the second type, where a certain family is exterminated.

Without him, among the Thousand Jedi, Wang Sheng saw traces of ordinary people living in it. It was a complete village. If it was a sect, it might not live with ordinary people.Only a certain family would have such an arrangement.

The so-called formation should have ceased to exist by now or had stopped due to lack of spiritual power.However, after an unknown period of operation, many powerful monsters have been bred inside, which made it impossible for outsiders to enter.

But what does this have to do with the combat-conscious villains?Wang Sheng couldn't tell.In short, everything is a mystery.

"What are you thinking about?" The voice of the old shadow eunuch rang in Wang Sheng's ear.

Wang Sheng didn't hide it either, in fact he couldn't hide it either.The old eunuch who lives next door has very good ears. The old man must have heard clearly what Linger said and did here just now.

"How did Thousand Jedi come into being?" Wang Sheng asked the old eunuch, he said royally, so he should know more things, right?

"I don't know!" The old eunuch shook his head directly: "Even the Wuyou City came into existence after the Thousand Jedi had been established first. The five major families also arose at that time, and my royal family only got the Thousand Jedi after How many people can know the affairs of the former dynasty by uniting the five major families?"

The old eunuch didn't ask Wang Sheng what Qian Jedi was doing.Wang Sheng was able to enter and exit Qian Jedi, so it would be strange if he didn't ask about Qian Jedi.

"Where can I find the records of the previous dynasty?" Wang Snake and the old eunuch asked directly.

"Some aristocratic families that have lasted for thousands of years." The old eunuch replied directly without thinking: "Or those hidden sects that have also lasted for a long time."

It would be good if the aristocratic family didn't kill Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng still wants to find information?It would be possible unless Song Yan left the customs.As for the hermit sect, they are all reclusive, so with Wang Sheng alone, where can I find them?High price reward?Isn't that directly pulling hatred?Wang Sheng would not do such a mindless thing.

For some unknown reason, the old eunuch seemed very happy for Wang Sheng to unravel the secret of Qian Jedi, and began to help Wang Sheng find a way.

"Actually, there is another place where there may be records of previous courts." The old eunuch thought for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh, and said excitedly.

"Where?" Wang Sheng suddenly became interested.

"There is one who is not a family, nor a sect of practice, but it has lasted for thousands of years. There may be something that you are interested in." The old eunuch slightly whetted Wang Sheng's appetite, and then replied: "Old man Junguan!"

(End of this chapter)

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