
Chapter 193

Chapter 193
Chapter 120 Six Secret Means
Wang Sheng didn't know anything about it, not to mention Wang Sheng, there were very few people in the whole world who knew about it.The destruction of a hidden family and a hidden sect did not cause any waves at all, only a few lines of words were recorded in the core database of a certain force or a few forces, and there were some more secret books in the family library, so it was no longer possible. There is no trace of existence.

Everything is for the good enough.That is to say, Wang Sheng has not been discovered by anyone yet. Once someone knows which hidden sect he came from and finds the location of that sect, it is estimated that Wang Sheng's ending will not be much better than those people.

In the whole incident, that old Wang had guessed some clues, but he wasn't sure yet.It's a pity that by the time he fully figured it out, he was already at the bottom of the city, unable to recover.

As soon as the formula of Haohua Pill was released, it became a favorite, and there are many people who are willing to pay a high price to buy it.I don't know how many alchemists have started to ponder and research.

It's a pity that some of the medicinal materials are very precious, even in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace and the major families, they can't find a few. This is why the Good Fortune Pill is still a high-ranking and unattainable magic medicine, and has not been reduced to a bad street. vulgar things.

Wang Sheng didn't know what happened, and he didn't pay attention to it. He is now in a safe place in Qianjedi, carefully making a trap.

Wang Sheng had already obtained information about the punished elder of the Dai family from the Hall of Assassins.According to public information, that elder named Dai Wuji was already a master of the sixth level two years ago, and no one knows what level he will be in two years later.It may still be at the sixth level, or it may be at the seventh level.

Wang Sheng has never seen other masters, but he has seen Han Bingli and the shadow old eunuch make a move.The power of that attack made Wang Sheng extremely afraid.Wang Sheng even suspected that holding a sniper rifle himself might not be able to do anything to the opponent.

This is a master's intuition, not only Wang Sheng has this suspicion, but even a villain with fighting consciousness is like this.Wang Sheng thought about using a stronger longbow to shoot long arrows similar to sniper rifles to deal with Shadow and Frost Lee in the arc space, but the result of the simulation was a crushing defeat and it was useless at all.

What Wang Sheng can be sure of is that the sniper rifle is still lethal to the masters of the fifth level, and it is completely meaningless to the higher masters.This also made him more eager to improve his strength.

Using a sniper rifle is not sure that it will work, and at the same time, he is afraid of alarming that Dai Wuji. Since then, he has stronger defenses. Wang Sheng only regards the sniper rifle as a last resort.To deal with a guy who might be a master of the seventh level, Wang Sheng had to think of another way.

The trap being set up is one of the methods Wang Sheng intends to use.

Qian Jedi has many powerful monsters, this is an indisputable fact.Many people thought it was because of these powerful monsters that masters came in but never came out.In fact, they overlooked many things.

For example, man-eating ants, piranhas, killer bees, etc., are all tyrannical creatures whose individual level is not very good, but they are huge in number, and they dare to rush up to any powerful monster.

In addition, Qian Jedi has many deadly killers who kill people invisible.The silent leeches in the water, some kind of poisonous plants that look harmless to humans and animals, or those small insects that experts would not even take a look at.

What Wang Sheng took a fancy to was a kind of insignificant spider.When he passed through Thousand Jedi last time, the villain with fighting consciousness frantically called the police, but Wang Sheng couldn't find the source of the danger, only to find out later that it was a spider the size of a soybean.

The spider is so inconspicuous that it can't be seen lying on the ground or on a dead branch.But Wang Sheng saw with his own eyes the whole process of a highly poisonous snake being paralyzed after being bitten by that little spider.

The venom of the spider left a deep impression on Wang Sheng, as did the speed of the attack.The little spider was lying obediently at first, but suddenly jumped onto the back of the poisonous snake, the speed was as fast as lightning, even with Wang Sheng's enhanced eyesight at that time, he couldn't see the process clearly, but only saw the result.

The grade of the poisonous snake is not low. Although the scales on its body are not as exaggerated as those of the Thousand Illusory Poisonous Anaconda, it is by no means easy. Wang Sheng even tried it, and even a normal bow and arrow could not pierce the snake's skin.However, after being bitten by such a small spider, the whole body is paralyzed, which shows the poisonous and stinging ability of the spider.

Extremely fast, highly venomous, and capable of stinging, this spider is the perfect fit.The only question is how to catch it alive.

Spiders are weak and easy to kill, just be careful not to get bitten.But it is much more difficult to capture alive.At least for people in this world, it is not easy.But for Wang Sheng, there are still ways to think about it.

People in this world will certainly not know that when a spider is in a place with a high concentration of carbon dioxide, it will reduce its ability to move or even be paralyzed.Sometimes on the earth, when spider silk needs to be taken, the spider is paralyzed with a mouthful of carbon dioxide and then fixed to a silk-fetching instrument.

The spider Wang Sheng chose likes to be carried in dark corners, and the alert range is not very large, only tens of centimeters.Wang Sheng carefully occupied a high point outside the alert range of the spider, and began to take out the things he had prepared.

A large bottle of vinegar, and a little lime, simply cover the mouth of the bottle with an air-conducting trumpet made of leaves and bark in advance, and then put the lime into the vinegar bottle.

The acetic acid and calcium carbonate reacted to form calcium acetate and carbon dioxide. These impure carbon dioxide slowly blown up the spider along the air-conducting bark pipe.

At first the spider didn't respond, but after a while, Wang Sheng saw the little spider lying on the branch and fell to the ground.

The air-permeable bamboo tube that had already been prepared, plus a small brush made of hard grass, was stretched over, and Wang Sheng easily swept the paralyzed spider into the bamboo tube.

After sealing the opening, Wang Sheng put the small bamboo tube into another large bamboo tube that is breathable.A few insects have been placed in the small bamboo tube, enough for the little spider to eat for a while.

After doing all this, Wang Sheng let out a sigh of relief, and put the big bamboo tube into the bag and stored it separately.This will be the trump card to deal with Dai Wuji, we only need to see how to make an ambush when the time comes.

After identifying the direction, Wang Sheng went straight to the Dai family territory.When he asked Sister Qiangwei in the Killer Hall, many people heard about Wang Sheng's target. Maybe the Dai family was already prepared and they were waiting for Wang Sheng to fall into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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