
Chapter 27 Still?

Chapter 27 Still?

Chapter 26 and more?

Anyone who is in despair will be startled when they hear such a loud noise, especially when there is a 30-meter-long thousand-phantom poisonous anaconda staring at him cruelly, less than ten meters in front of him, ready to bite hour.

Song Yan and Song Laoyu were taken aback. Not only were they taken aback, they were shocked directly.

Not only the sound, the sound is actually not loud. The sound of the M200 is far less earth-shattering than the M82, at most it is just a little surprised when it is caught off guard.

What really shocked them was the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda.The two of them kept staring at the eyes of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa, because from the eyes of the monsters, it is usually possible to see when the monsters will attack.Although the two of them are at the end of their ropes, if they try their best, they can make Qianhuan poisonous anaconda suffer a little bit.

It was precisely because they had been staring into the eyes of the Thousand Illusion Poison Boa that they could clearly see what had happened to the Thousand Illusion Poison Boa.To be precise, it was an accident that happened to the eyes.

Simultaneously with the sound, the huge right eye of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa suddenly burst open without warning.Strictly speaking, the eyes of the poisonous anaconda should burst first, and then they heard the sound.However, because the accident was so shocking, the two of them could hardly distinguish the sequence of events.

The thousand phantom poisonous anaconda let out an extremely shrill hissing sound, the front half of its body straightened up, and its body more than ten meters long stood up high, only then did it writhe twice in pain.

Bang, there was another sound, this time, it was the left eye of the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda that exploded.But this time, the Qianhuan poisonous anaconda didn't make any more noises. Its erect body and head fell heavily from the air, hitting the open space in the valley not far in front of Song Yan and Song Laoyu.

The entire body of the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda began to twist and beat irregularly, and ping-pong-pong drew out messy and deep marks on the valley floor. It stopped slowly, and then everything returned to calm, leaving only the dumbfounded Song Yan and Song Laoyu and the dead body of a poisonous anaconda in the valley.

Wang Shengsheng was afraid that the Thousand Illusionary Poison Anaconda would still be blurry, so he held back and did not make a move in the early stage. It was not until the Thousand Illusion Poison Anaconda was about to attack Song Yan and Song Laoyu that Wang Sheng calmly pulled the trigger.

The snake scales of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa are thick enough and hard enough, even if Wang Sheng has armor-piercing bullets in his hand, he dare not be paralyzed.This is a fatal matter. If the timing is wrong, Song Yan and Song Laoyu will die in Huangquan.

Although Qicun is deadly, in Wang Sheng's view, the Qicun part of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa is too thick, and even if it is shot in the heart, it may not immediately kill it. Wang Sheng is a little afraid to take this risk.So, he chose the head.

The head of the poisonous anaconda is also covered with scales, the only exceptions are the inside of the mouth and the eyes.Wang Sheng chose the eyes, and the eyes directly reached the brain. One shot was not safe, so Wang Sheng fired two shots.

Before the sniper rifle set off on the earth, the barrel was specially adjusted to shoot armor-piercing projectiles. The specially customized armor-piercing projectiles with special materials are full of power, and can penetrate [-]mm homogeneous steel plates within a kilometer.Although the eyes of the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda are also protected by a layer of cuticle, they are still not enough to see the powerful power of this armor-piercing bullet.

With two shots, Song Yan and Song Laoyu attacked the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda that they hadn't killed for an hour before, and then lay straight in front of them.

If this is not shocking, then the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda was in its prime, protected by its invulnerable scales, and it took less than ten breaths before and after Wang Sheng to kill it. This is enough for Song Yan and Song Laoyu In an instant, it turned into two shocked stone statues.

Don't dare, don't believe it, incredible!How can this be?A "useless person" who Song Yan and Song Laoyu agreed to be of no help at all before departure, and just took part in the battle to cultivate feelings, unexpectedly solved the thousand problems that the two of them hadn't solved after working together for an hour. Phantom poisonous anaconda?
Song Laoyu didn't believe it. After the shock, he rushed forward and carefully observed the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda.

The thousand phantom poisonous anaconda didn't move at all, it should be dead.After Song Laoyu inspected it, he confirmed the conclusion that the Qianhuan poisonous anaconda was indeed dead.Even the fatal injury of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa is very clear, that is, the wounds on the two eyes.

One side only had a wound on the eye, but the other side had a wound that penetrated deep into the brain, and what was even more exaggerated was that it directly penetrated the hard skull and came out from the other end of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda's head, forming a hole the size of a bowl .Bright red blood and snow-white brains are flowing out of that hole.

Song Laoyu didn't seem to believe that this dead snake was the Thousand Illusionary Poisonous Anaconda that he and Song Yan had been attacking for a long time but failed to kill. He wondered if Wang Sheng had exchanged it for another during the process of shedding its skin.But everything happened before his eyes, so he couldn't help but believe it.

The question is, how is it possible?Song Laoyu knocked on the scales on the body of the dead Thousand Illusory Poison Boa. The scales were so hard that they were frighteningly hard. Besides, how exactly is this done?
Before Wang Sheng came over to let Song Yan and Song Laoyu know the answer, Song Laoyu had already found the root of the restraint formation in the head of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa.Under a scale in the center of the Thousand Illusionary Poison Boa's head, the flesh was broken, and there was a complete formation stone inside.

The formation stone is a stone carved with a complete formation and is only waiting to be activated with aura. This stone is buried on the head of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda. As long as it gets angry, the strength at the peak of the third level will easily mobilize the aura and then automatically activate the formation. Law.

The problem is that the formation stones cannot be formed naturally, that is to say, all of these are deliberately arranged by someone to make it impossible for Song Yan and Song Laoyu to escape at critical moments, and in the end they can only be killed by the thousand phantom poison The mouth of the anaconda.

The sound of Wang Sheng's footsteps came from a distance, Song Yan and Song Laoyu raised their heads together, looking at Wang Sheng who was slowly coming down from the mountain, Song Yan suddenly felt a kind of feeling that he didn't know how to describe. Feeling.

At this moment, Wang Sheng is still wearing the same camouflage outfit, holding the short tiger-tooth saber in his hand, and the sniper rifle has already been received by Wang Sheng. Until now, neither Song Yan nor Song Laoyu knew about it. How exactly did Wang Sheng kill the Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda?

When Wang Sheng shot, he was no longer in the original place. It was so normal that they couldn't see Wang Sheng's hiding place and weapon.If a veteran ace sniper is easily seen with his weapon, is he still ace?
"Be careful!" Song Yan was a little distracted, but it didn't mean that Song Laoyu was also distracted.Even though Song Laoyu was still in shock, he was still observing carefully.Seeing Wang Sheng's actions, Song Laoyu couldn't help reminding Song Yan who was distracted.

Wang Sheng didn't walk over very quickly, on the contrary, he walked a little slowly, and every step he took, he seemed to be on guard against something.And Wang Sheng's eyes were constantly patrolling, as if he wanted to find something abnormal in this empty valley.

Seeing Wang Sheng's actions, Song Laoyu also became alert.At this time, Song Laoyu realized that there seemed to be a sense of solemnity in the air, as if something terrible was about to appear, which was very abnormal.

Just now Song Laoyu was immersed in the shock of being easily killed by Wang Sheng, and he was indeed a little negligent. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.

As soon as he entered the valley, Wang Sheng realized something was wrong. There was a different killing intent here.It's just very indifferent, people who aren't as keen as Wang Sheng can't detect it at all.No, even Song Laoyu didn't notice.

Wang Sheng's gaze finally focused on the entrance of the lair of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda. Looking from this direction, the two-story entrance of the cave was dark, like a big dark mouth opening In order to swallow something, that invisible pressure came from this hole.

"How much the elders of your family want you to die!" Wang Sheng had already walked in front of Song Yan, stretched out his hand and pulled Song Yan up to hide behind him, staring at the hole while asking: "Arranging such a big snake plus that formation doesn't count, and there are backhands. How many days have you done such an angry thing? Even your family expects you to die?"

What else can Song Yan say?Old Uncle Yu and Wang Sheng both put on a guarded posture, even if she couldn't detect the aura, she knew that something must have happened.But this guy Wang Sheng is really cheap, what do you mean I did something outrageous?

"Go!" Wang Sheng leaned back, pushed Song Yan, and even called Song Laoyu: "If you don't go, you don't have to go!"

The three of them are all experienced combatants. At this time, even if they are walking, it is impossible to turn around and run. If they turn their backs on the enemy, they are courting death.And you can't run away quickly by walking, that will definitely irritate the enemy in that position, so you can only retreat slowly.

I don't know if the death of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda also calmed down the enemy in that cave, at least he or it didn't rush out frantically to kill the three of them immediately, and the three of them were able to retreat a dozen steps safely.

Then, the three of them knew what they were going to face.In the lair of the Thousand Illusory Poisonous Anaconda, a relatively small but similar big snake emerged, a Thousand Illusory Poisonous Anaconda about 20 meters in length.

Although it was one-third smaller in size, this Thousand Illusory Poisonous Anaconda gave Wang Sheng a more oppressive feeling than the one he killed before.Wang Sheng couldn't help cursing: "Old Yutou, this is the result of your inspection. You think there is only one of the two snakes? Are you blind?"

"This one has never appeared before!" Song Yan was also dumbfounded, but she still explained aloud: "We didn't even know there were two."

"Bullshit, can a female snake lay her own eggs?" Wang Sheng cursed back: "There must be a male snake, right?"

"That's right, this is a male snake." Song Laoyu suddenly interjected: "A male snake in the early stage of the fourth level!"

(End of this chapter)

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