
Chapter 3 Strange Abilities

Chapter 3 Strange Abilities
Chapter 2 Strange Abilities
From drawing the gun to shooting accurately, Wang Sheng's record is [-] seconds.However, when he just shot, Wang Sheng still felt that he seemed to have made a breakthrough again, a little faster than usual, and the speed of the shot was estimated to be around [-] seconds.

Wang Sheng is not a bloodthirsty person. In fact, when a sniper is on a mission, he sometimes needs to pretend to blend in with the target crowd, and it is not uncommon for him to suffer a little grievance.But that was only limited to a little grievance, and I have never met someone who pretended to be a grandson when the other party made it clear that he wanted to kill him.So when Dai Huan ordered everyone to be killed, Wang Sheng shot immediately.

The guards reacted quickly. Just now when Dai Huan gave an order, at least five swords had wiped the target's throat almost immediately after Wang Sheng shot.The people on Song Yan's side, besides Song Yan, was only a half-old man who looked to be in his 50s.

The half-old man moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he easily untied the shackles on his body. When the long sword of the guard guarding him stabbed at his throat, his hand had already grasped the hilt of the opponent's sword, and the other hand A punch shattered the opponent's throat.

The one who moved as fast as the old man was the delicate looking Song Yan.Jingruo virgin moves like a rabbit, and his hands are fierce and fierce, just like another person.He also snatched a guard's long sword, but the movement was more chic, and the blade was turned upside down, and it wiped the guard's throat very smoothly.

Wang Sheng killed Dai Huan, the old man killed the guard, Song Yan killed the guard, all of these happened within one second of Dai Huan's order.

However, when the gunshot rang out, everyone including Song Yan looked at the bloody hole on Dai Huan's forehead and saw Dai Huan fall down. They were all stunned.Everyone stared in disbelief, looking at the dead Dai Huan, and Wang Sheng who was extremely calm and poohing, they just felt that the scene in front of them was extremely fake, how could this be possible?

Who is Dai Huan?The young master of the Dai family in Hexi, the son of the current patriarch, as long as nothing happens, he will be the next patriarch.He dared to hijack Song Yan, the daughter of the Tianhe Song Family Patriarch's prostitute, and the next prospective Patriarch. One can imagine how powerful he is.The elders of the Song family were well aware of what had happened, but they allowed him to take Song Yan away as if they hadn't seen them, and enter the Song family's forbidden area without any hesitation. How can this be described as a powerful person?
Dai Huan was the only one who killed people, how could anyone dare to kill Dai Huan?It's not that no one has done it, but those guys were killed by the masters of the Dai family before they got close to Dai Huan a hundred meters away.How could the lofty young master of the Dai family and the famous Mr. Huan be killed by a little-known savage?Or under heavy guard?
Wang Sheng's current appearance, in the eyes of the Dai family and the Song family, is indeed a wild man.There is a set of jungle camouflage on the whole body, colorful colors, no one will like it except those barbarians, let alone wear it on the body.There is a helmet on the head, goggles on the face, and a large hard mask that functions as a gas mask. The jungle oil paint on the face makes people think it is a tattoo at first glance.This nondescript decoration, clothing, and tattoos on the face are still such a large area of ​​tattoos. Is there any other possibility besides barbarians?
Master Dai Huan was killed by a barbarian. Not only Song Yan and the old man were stunned, but all the guards of the Dai family went crazy.They are in charge of protecting Young Master Huan personally, they are fine after the death of Young Master, and they know what the consequences will be with their toes.

The guards who reacted didn't say a word, dropped the mess in their hands, took out their weapons and rushed towards Wang Sheng.Not only Wang Sheng, the target included everyone here, including Miss Song and the living old man. Master Huan was dead, and Miss Song was the woman Master Huan liked, how could she still be alive?

It's a pity that the guards reacted quickly, but still not as fast as Wang Sheng.Now that Dai Huan has been killed, will Wang Sheng spare the lives of these guards?The Glock 17 in his hand exerted its powerful rate of fire and precision, and there were repeated bang bang bang bang bangs. All the Dai family guards present, except those who besieged the woman and the old man, all shot first.

There were only thirteen Dai family guards left, five of the six who rushed towards Wang Sheng did not react at all, and were shot dead by Wang Sheng.What shocked Wang Sheng was that the remaining skill was really terrifying. He was able to escape Wang Sheng's sure-kill shot at a critical moment. Even if he didn't escape the bullet, he still avoided the fatal point.Fortunately, Wang Sheng knew that it was not a surprise now, so the target he chose was the enemy's heart, but he missed the heart, and the bullet also hit the guard's chest, still seriously injured.

Wang Sheng made another shot, and the only one who survived was shot in the head, and the dead couldn't die again.Then Wang Sheng began to watch the situation of the seven guards besieging the old man and the woman. Upon seeing it, Wang Sheng was also taken aback.

The old man was originally four opponents, but now there is only one and a half left, two of them have been decapitated, and the dead can no longer die. One of the remaining two had an arm cut off right in front of Wang Sheng's eyes. .And the sword in the old man's hand was pointing at the last one's chest.

Watching this scene, Wang Sheng suddenly turned in his mind, and an unbelievable idea popped up.If this sword is moved a little to the side, the effect will be better.

As soon as the idea came up, Wang Sheng saw the old man's sword being cut by the opponent and swung aside.If he stabbed in the direction Wang Sheng just thought of, the opponent would not even have a chance to block it.

How is this going?Wang Sheng thinks that he is an expert among experts in modern firearms, and he is also a master in unarmed and saber fighting, but he never thought that he could have this kind of vision in kendo, but what happened to the thought at that moment?

As soon as his eyes rolled, Wang Sheng saw the movement of the woman not far away.This time it was even more obvious. Wang Sheng could almost instantly judge the direction and strength of the woman's sword in his mind, as well as the result of her sword. What's more, he could clearly judge which part of the woman's body was exerting force. Chu Ming understands clearly.As for the improvement, it had already flashed into my mind the moment I saw her draw the sword.

Not only the woman's attacking movements, but even the female opponent's movements, Wang Sheng was able to see clearly after a quick glance, and analyzed so thoroughly from the purpose to the result.In the next second, Wang Sheng saw the result, which was exactly the same as he expected, without any difference.

This is definitely not his original ability, Wang Sheng has now affirmed it.This is a brand-new ability that I only had after I came to this strange world, and I don't know how I got it.

"Could this be the gift you gave me?" Wang Sheng thought about the owner of those beautiful eyes, and thought to himself: "I have come to your world, but where are you? Why did you let me kill you?"

While Wang Sheng was confused, Song Yan yelled anxiously at the old man: "Old Yushu, they took away the soul!"

"Miss, you greet uncle!" The old man reacted abruptly amidst the strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and shouted at Song Yan: "I'll report to the elders immediately!"

Wang Sheng had just put the pistol back into the holster on his lap, when he suddenly heard the sound of uncle, he couldn't help but staggered and almost fell to the ground.What the hell is Uncle?

Song Yan, who just killed the three Dai family guards without changing her expression, suddenly heard this name, her snow-white face suddenly turned bright red.Could it be that old Uncle Yu couldn't tell that he and Dai Huan were lying and lying?What's the matter with getting himself involved with a barbarian for no reason?Is it so difficult to marry yourself?

Blushing is blushing, and shyness is shyness, but Song Yan understands that what Old Yushu said is right.Wang Sheng fell from the sky and killed Dai Huan easily. This is definitely a target worth wooing.

Miss Song glanced at Old Uncle Yu who had just spoken, a clear look flashed in the old man's eyes, and he nodded heavily at Song Yan.Song Yan didn't hesitate any longer, walked to Wang Sheng's side and said firmly, "Let's go."

Wang Sheng had already poured out the water in the military boots, put them on again, and tied the shoelaces.While doing all this, there was no change on the face, the technique was steady, and the breathing was steady, as if those few people just now were not killed by homicide.

"If you just killed the second person with the first sword to the right, and the speed is a little slower, you can kill him with one stroke." Wang Sheng clapped his hands and stood up, his clothes and pants were wet and uncomfortable. .Standing up and looking at Song Yan, the first sentence to Song Yan was to tell her the lack of sword power just now.

Song Yan fell into deep thought immediately, but in fact, there was already an uproar in her heart.The murderous swordsmanship just now was the Song family's secret transmission. She was in a hurry and didn't do it right, but Wang Sheng pointed out his shortcomings. Could it be that Wang Sheng knew the Song family's swordsmanship well before?
Old Uncle Yu was about to leave when he heard Wang Sheng's words and was stunned.He watched Song Yan grow up, and he also paid attention to Song Yan just now, and it was indeed as Wang Sheng said.However, how could the core swordsmanship of the Song family be known to outsiders?
Wang Sheng also realized that the world he came to was probably really a remarkable world.Song Yan and other women are like this, thinking about how terrifying those masters who made her dare not resist before.Not to mention the old man, beheading Wang Sheng with a sword is considered normal, but he punched the opponent's throat with his fist. Have you ever seen the horrible scene of tearing out half of the spine of that poor fellow?

In Song Yan's and Old Yushu's minds at the moment, they all had more speculations about Wang Sheng's origin.Could it be that this barbarian who fell from the sky is really a master from those hidden families?But looking at Wang Sheng's behavior, he doesn't look like a master, it's really hard to guess.

Falling from the sky, the mysterious hidden weapon, the eyes that can see through the flaws of tricks, and the eccentric attire, all of these cast a layer of mystery on Wang Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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