
Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 33 Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate

"Chasing!" After hesitating for a while, it was Song Xiu who made the decision. He was the person in charge of this trip and the one who gave orders, and his words were orders.

The four of them, full of apprehension, supported Song Xiu to start, but Song Xiu suddenly added: "Go slowly! Be careful!"

The hearts of the four of them immediately returned to their stomachs. As long as they walk slowly and carefully, there will be no such harm.Everyone immediately slowed down tacitly, and even the guinea pig was commanded to slow down by the young man who trained the rat.

After walking for less than half an hour, the guinea pig stopped by a mountain stream.After smelling left, right, left, and right for a long time, I could no longer smell the slightest smell of Wang Sheng, so I could only return to the owner's side.

The young rat trainer is very familiar with his guinea pigs, as long as the target enters the water, his guinea pigs are helpless.This is the situation now, he could only helplessly put the guinea pig back into the hollow bamboo tube, and explained the current situation to Song Xiu.

The five people were all dumbfounded, even the guinea pigs couldn't go on chasing them. With just a few of them, they couldn't find Wang Sheng at all. How can they chase them?
Everyone's eyes were focused on Song Xiu, Song Xiu looked at the situation, but also had a lot of helplessness, so he could only say helplessly: "Let's go directly back to Shanglin City, he will always go back, just in time for treatment. "

To be honest, Song Xiu was also forced to the edge of the cliff before, he was injured so badly, why didn't he want to heal quickly?But before he was dazzled by anger and pain, he yelled to chase him, which made him unable to get off.Now it's all right, the guinea pig can't be tracked anymore, and it just happened to give him a step down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly carried Song Xiu to the direction of the nearest Shanglin City.This time, they were not so anxious when they were chasing, everyone's speed increased a bit out of thin air.

Wang Sheng didn't know what happened later, but he was sure that the people behind would definitely not be able to please them, and they would naturally give up after suffering enough.The fact is just as he expected.

Wang Sheng walked carefully along the stream for about ten miles without leaving any traces before finding a suitable place to go ashore.

Maybe it's because the current soul is a fish, Wang Sheng feels very comfortable in the stream, which also affects his actions.It was impossible to leave no trace in the water before, but now it can be easily done.Of course, this is not unrelated to the improvement of Wang Sheng's overall strength.

The mountains and forests are very dangerous, even Wang Sheng has to be cautious and on guard all the time.Wang Sheng found a suitable safe place to recuperate after avoiding a few places where he could clearly feel the strong aura of monsters.

These are the experiences of living in the jungle that Wang Sheng learned when he was on earth, and when used in this world, they are still invariably beneficial.

The spiritual energy concentration in this area is much higher than in Shanglin City.Wang Shengcai found the difference after practicing for a while, no wonder the masters are willing to open a cave in the mountain to practice, the effect is indeed different.

After practicing several times in a row, and adding that every meal is supplemented by the meat of the unshakable fourth-level Thousand Illusory Poison Anaconda, Yuanhun Carp finally leaped from the water at a height completely surpassing Longmen in the last test.

At this time, Wang Sheng stopped and began to stabilize his mentality.Although sometimes it is important to work hard when breaking through, but Wang Sheng's soul is different. It was just a low-level grade. Wang Sheng forcibly used the legends on the earth that he knew to make up a dragon gate, which surpassed this world. common sense.

Therefore, Wang Sheng needs to be steady, and then continue to strengthen his confidence.

After a good night's sleep and a good meal, the body and mind have been adjusted to the best state. Even the villain with combat awareness has realized the arrival of the critical moment, and all deduction has stopped. Waiting for the moment to jump over the dragon gate.

In Wang Sheng's mind, he had already gone through all the legends about dragons on the earth. After obsessing over the power of dragons, he assumed the most comfortable half-lying practice posture. Entering the Yuansoul space, he commanded the Yuansoul carp that he had fully prepared, and prepared to jump over the dragon gate.

The golden carp has shrunk to a length of three feet. This is the length after a series of condensing by Wang Sheng, and it is also the strongest length that can maximize its speed and strength.

From the edge of the soul space, the golden carp began to accelerate, faster and faster, and went upstream along the Yellow River in the space of the soul.Like a golden arrow that left the string, it shot towards the dragon gate at high speed.

When it was a few feet away from the dragon gate, the golden carp rushed out of the water, jumped high, adjusted its beautiful body in the air, and flew towards the top of the dragon gate with Wang Sheng's confidence and expectation.

That's right, the movement of the golden carp is no longer jumping, but flying.The perfect body drew a perfect curve in the air, surpassed the dragon gate, and disappeared into the cloud above the dragon gate.

An extremely huge aura of heaven and earth poured into Wang Sheng's body from all parts of Wang Sheng's body like a divine enlightenment.This aura of heaven and earth was at least a hundred times more majestic than what Wang Sheng absorbed during his usual practice. After being crazily washed in Wang Sheng's body, it gathered into the soul space.

After entering the cloud, the spiritual energy will gather at a certain point.Wang Sheng knew that it must be his soul, but now that the soul was covered by clouds, even Wang Sheng himself didn't know what his soul carp turned into after jumping over the dragon gate.

Although all parts of the body were washed by the majestic spiritual power, it was not painful at all, but a sense of joy.This feeling made Wang Sheng secretly happy.

Wang Sheng clearly remembered that someone on Earth said that if the more you practice, the more comfortable you become in your practice, then it means you have practiced correctly.Now Wang Sheng feels very comfortable, his whole body is warmer than doing ten horses and killing chickens, which is obviously not a sign of wrong training.

However, it has been more than ten minutes since the carp leaped over the dragon gate. Wang Sheng bathed in the majestic ocean of spiritual energy and already felt that his body was unimaginably strong, but the process of the soul absorbing spiritual energy continued.

Such a huge aura is enough to consume all of Wang Sheng's aura from the beginning of his enlightenment to the present, but it is still not finished.Although the waiting was tormenting, Wang Sheng felt happier the longer he waited.

The more aura needed, the stronger one's primordial soul would be, and the stronger one would become after entering the first stage. Of course, Wang Sheng hoped that the stronger the better.

You know, Wang Sheng's family knows their own affairs, and his carp jumping over the dragon's gate can only change once, that is to say, his soul is only a one-star soul now, which can be said to be the worst soul except that it is not popular. .If the carp can't become a powerful dragon by jumping over the dragon gate, then Wang Sheng's future life will be sad.

Therefore, Wang Sheng is now expecting that his primordial soul can absorb the aura for a few days, nights or even months, and become the most powerful primordial soul in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, expectations are always beautiful, but reality is still cruel.Without Wang Sheng's expectation of absorbing spiritual energy for a few days and nights, the whole process of absorbing only lasted for more than two hours, and then stopped.

In the first hour, the aura was all over the body to nourish the body, but in the next hour, the aura was all concentrated on Wang Sheng's face, especially the eyes.The eyes were so clear and cool that it was extremely comfortable, Wang Sheng resisted the urge to open them, and quietly waited for the final result.

In a radius of tens of miles around, all the spiritual energy seemed to be attracted by Wang Sheng's body, and concentrated here frantically.As a result, the aura in this area became thinner and thinner.

The monsters within the range looked at it suspiciously, not knowing what happened.A few of those whose cultivation base exceeded the second level roared in a low voice. They sensed the change in this direction and rushed towards this direction frantically.

However, still far away, there was a breath-taking aura faintly coming from that direction. The aura was so huge and majestic that all these monsters crouched down in fear just after touching it.

It was an aura that made all monsters that came into contact tremble from the bottom of their hearts, as if they would offend the owner of that aura if they took one step forward.

In an instant, all the monsters bowed to the ground, trembling all over.After a few moments, the breath gradually weakened and finally disappeared.

The few monsters who wanted to pounce in that direction at first, seemed to have seen something terrifying, as soon as their breath disappeared and the pressure disappeared, they immediately got up, turned their heads and fled to their lair.The speed of running, as if there is a natural enemy chasing behind.

Even Song Yan, who was rushing to Song's house with the spoils, seemed to have sensed something at this moment, and looked at the sky suspiciously.But everything around was normal, and there was no sign of anything wrong, so she could only look around suspiciously, and then continued on her way.

Song Laoyu also seemed to feel a little breath, but he just looked around and didn't say anything.

In Wang Sheng's primordial soul space, the clouds slowly dissipated, and Wang Sheng was nervously waiting to see his true face after the transformation of his primordial soul.Even the villain with fighting consciousness seemed to be frightened by the aura exuded by the original soul before, and has been quietly hiding at the edge of the original soul space.

Boom, a large cloud was suddenly blown away, revealing a gleaming golden head.Wang Sheng looked at the big head, and suddenly became elated.

A golden dragon head appeared in Wang Sheng's soul space with majestic momentum.Everything about the dragon head is completely in line with Wang Sheng's imagination of the giant dragon, and it is also completely in line with the image of the legendary dragon that Wang Sheng knows.

The carp jumping over the dragon's gate was indeed a success.Wang Sheng secretly cried out "Yeah!" and waited for the dragon's body to appear.

The cloud continued to disperse, exposing the dragon's body.However, seeing the image behind the dragon head, Wang Sheng was completely dumbfounded.

how could this be?Shouldn't it be a long five-clawed golden dragon?How is such an image?

(End of this chapter)

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