
Chapter 38 Beauty

Chapter 38 Beauty
Chapter 37 Beauty
When Song Xiu woke up, there was no place in his body that did not hurt.His face, legs, body, and even his fingers were all excruciatingly painful.

Song Xiu remembered that he had been injured on his leg, and it is normal for his knee to hurt.Wang Sheng kicked his knee on the face, and the pain is normal, but the body must be knocked to the ground, and it will also hurt.But what's the matter with the finger pain?Or a sharp pain in the thumbs of both hands?In particular, I seem to be restrained and unable to move.

Struggling to look up, I saw that the thumbs of both hands were separated and tied to a thick branch, and the whole body was hanging by the part where the two thumbs were tied. It was strange that the thumbs didn't hurt.

Subconsciously looking down, Song Xiu almost lost his wits.He just woke up and didn't pay attention, but now he can see clearly that there is no ground under his feet at all, and the whole person is hanging outside a cliff tens of meters high. The trunk broke, and he had no choice but to fall.

Tens of meters high, Rao is Song Xiu's first-level cultivation base, but falling like this will definitely lead to death.There is no pool of water below, unlike Wang Sheng who still has a buffer when he falls, and falls directly on the hard ground, which can only be a meatloaf.

Frightened, Song Xiuxiu was about to yell when he suddenly heard a voice that made his hair stand on end.

The sound came from the base of the thick branch he was hanging from.Turning his head, Song Xiu saw Wang Sheng was slowly sawing the branches with a familiar long knife.

Song Xiu's heart sank, he was bound like this, Wang Sheng was beside him, but he couldn't see his four companions, he was in serious trouble.

"Why are you looking for me? What do you want to know? What do you want to do to Song Yan?" Sitting on the edge of the cliff, Wang Sheng slowly dragged the long knife while ignoring Song Xiu's attitude and said directly: "After I sawed the Before this branch, if you don’t want to say it, don’t ever say it.”

Song Xiuxiu wanted to say something, but Wang Sheng didn't care about his movements at all. He just dragged the knife back and forth on the gap in the branch. Seeing that it was only a few seconds late, the gap deepened a little. The soul will be lost.

"Don't saw it, don't saw it, I say! I say!" Song Xiu hurriedly shouted, at this moment, he couldn't even care about the severe pain on his fingers, if Wang Sheng saw it like this, it would be paid back have to?

"I'm listening!" The knife in Wang Sheng's hand slowed a bit, and he replied unhurriedly: "If you speak quickly, maybe I will be so fascinated by listening that I forget to move."

"It's the third elder, the third elder sent us here..." Song Xiu didn't dare to procrastinate, he just felt that Wang Sheng's saber was dragged back and forth twice, and his side began to tremble, so he said hurriedly .

Sure enough, Wang Sheng's hands slowed down again, but they still kept moving.Song Xiu also noticed it at this time, no wonder the saber in Wang Sheng's hand looked familiar, it was the long saber of his companion.The weapon is in Wang Sheng's hands, but the person doesn't know where it is, which makes people feel chilling just thinking about it.

Following Song Xiu's explanation, Wang Sheng basically understood some inside stories.

Song Xiu and the others were sent by the Third Elder. There were a total of more than a dozen of them, and five of them were specifically to keep an eye on Wang Sheng.Song Xiu and the other five actually dismissed Wang Sheng as a barbarian, but the Third Elder didn't know why they insisted on making them pay attention, especially when he explained that they were not allowed to take Wang Sheng's life, and it would be best to capture him alive.

Song Xiu's swearing before was actually just a way to vent. The third elder specifically ordered him, how dare he take Wang Sheng's life so easily?But it was too late to say anything now, and he fell into Wang Sheng's hands.

Song Xiu didn't know much about the relationship between Song Yan and the family, but he guessed a lot.In fact, it is very simple, nothing more than a struggle for power and profit within the big family.

The reason why the elders dared to target the Miss Song family was because the head of the current Song family, Song Yan's father, disappeared with a group of Song family children ten years ago.

Those missing Song family children were actually the elites of the Song family at that time, and they were also Song Yan's father's confidantes, accounting for at least [-]% of the Song family's strength at that time.The head of the family disappeared together with the elite, and the blow to the Song family was like a bolt from the blue.The whole Song family managed to hold onto this secret with great difficulty, but in the end they still couldn't keep it completely and leaked it out.

All of a sudden, [-]% of their strength was lost. Of course, the Song family was regarded as a soft persimmon.Since then, the Song family has slowly ranked lower and lower among the five major families, and now it has become the bottom of the five major families.No, even a dude from the Dai family dared to take Miss Song captive casually.

Of course, this is inseparable from the acquiescence of several elders of the Song family, otherwise, other families will definitely not be able to stand it.But the Song family didn't say anything, who would be troublesome in other families?

Wang Sheng actually didn't want to know too much about these bullshit things. The big family is nothing more than these dirty things. Wang Sheng has never heard of a big family where everyone is kind and respectful.

For the elders of the Song family, Wang Sheng asked carefully. There were nine elders in total. He asked each of them one by one.

There is no way, how can a person not bow his head under the eaves?With the current posture, Song Xiu dared to say perfunctoryly, it would be the end of the meat pie immediately.

When he had finished speaking, Wang Sheng nodded and looked at Song Xiu with a strange look.

Song Xiu was startled, in fact, he had already figured it out just now in the process of telling the whole story, and several of his companions must have disappeared.He said it might be a death, but when this person's death was approaching, he always thought it was a little lucky, what if Wang Sheng let him go?

"Seeing that you're honest, I'll give you a chance!" Wang Sheng pulled out the long knife from the gap in the branch, poked it forward, and the string tied with Song Xiu's fingers near Wang Sheng's be cut off.

Originally two fingers were used to bear the weight of the whole body, but one was suddenly replaced, and Song Xiu almost screamed out.But at this time, how could Song Xiu dare to bark, listen to Wang Sheng's tone and give him a chance, wouldn't it be bad if Wang Sheng changed his mind once he barked?

Fortunately, there is still a part of his cultivation, and Song Xiu can barely hold on.The next moment, Wang Sheng turned the long saber upside down and sent the hilt to Song Xiuzi's free hand.

"It's your fate to be able to come up by yourself. If you fall, it has nothing to do with me." Wang Sheng stood up and didn't even look at Song Xiu: "Don't let me see you again next time!"

After speaking, Wang Sheng turned and left.Waiting until Wang Sheng's figure disappeared from his vision, Song Xiu couldn't believe that Wang Sheng really let him go.

There was a knife, one hand was empty, and his cultivation was still reserved. Even so, it took Song Xiu a long time to toss himself off the branch.It wasn't until he sat on the edge of the cliff that Song Xiu was completely relieved. For a moment, he couldn't help feeling sad, and tears flowed down like a bank.

Five people came out to deal with a low-level ordinary person, and it turned out to be like this, and the other four are gone, what is this called?

From Song Xiu's point of view, Wang Sheng did not break out of the category of ordinary people from the beginning to the end, even the knee that was given to him.But for such an ordinary person, all five of them were planted, but they still couldn't figure out where they were planted.

Now give Song Xiu a hundred courage, Song Xiu will not dare to look for Wang Sheng again, so he should hurry back and report to the elders!This Wang Sheng, after all, is still too soft-hearted, doesn't he know how to cut grass and roots?Perhaps this was his fatal mistake this time.

Holding the knife, Song Xiu limped slowly down the mountain. If he didn't leave here quickly, it would be unsafe after all.

As soon as he reached the halfway up the mountain, Song Xiu suddenly heard a faint roar of a beast.At first he thought it was an illusion, but when the roar got closer, Song Xiu's face turned pale.

The hill Wang Sheng chose was originally the territory of a group of golden-eyed monkeys.Don't look at it as a monkey, but it's an out-and-out monster. There are both first-level and second-level realms. Not only are they vegetarians, but they also eat meat.

Song Xiu didn't hear it before, that's because Wang Sheng used four corpses to lure the dozen or so golden-eyed monkeys who ruled the mountain to another area. This period of time was enough for Wang Sheng to interrogate Song Xiu and then left.

When Song Xiu walked down, it was the time for those golden-eyed monkeys to return to their lair after enjoying the corpses of the four Song family children.It just so happens that four people are not enough to eat enough for a dozen golden-eyed monkeys, and there is even an activity food here.

After a howl like ghosts and wolves, Song Xiu also completely disappeared from this world.The five people sent by the third elder to deal with Wang Sheng disappeared silently into the forest and never appeared again.

Wang Sheng would not care about what happened later.If Song Xiu was smart enough and acted fast, he could have escaped with his life.If he blots out ink, it would be a pity to die.Wang Sheng left a way for Song Xiu to survive, and if he didn't grasp it, it was his business.

During the period of waiting for the breakthrough, Wang Sheng had already eaten a lot of the meat of the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda in the Najie, and now the Najie finally relaxed a lot.Shanglin City is already in view, this time back to Shanglin City, Wang Sheng will leave Shanglin City after disposing of the snake eggs of the Thousand Illusory Poison Boa.

Staying here, one is to know more about this world, and the other is to learn about the soul and practice from here.Now that these two goals have been achieved, Wang Sheng also wants to see the wider world.

I haven't arrived at Shanglin City yet, but I'm already on the official road, and there are more people coming and going.Wang Sheng changed into the robes of this world, and even wrapped a layer of sackcloth on the outside of his backpack. There was nothing to see outside, and he just waited to enter the city and went straight to Baoqing Yutang.

"Brother, we are destined to meet each other, can you sit down for a while?" Wang Sheng was about to walk to the gate of the city a hundred meters away, when a soft voice suddenly sounded beside him.

The voice is very soft, slightly thinner, but slightly thicker than a woman's voice, which is very comfortable to listen to.Wang Sheng kept watching and listening to all directions along the way, but this person just got out of the car, and listening to him seemed to be waiting for Wang Sheng.

As soon as Wang Sheng turned around, he saw a beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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