
Chapter 408 One is missing

Chapter 408 One less
Chapter 230 one missing
What Wang Sheng said was very simple, and it really sounded very simple.In this Yuanhun world where as long as one has cultivated to the first level, the physique of the special forces trained by Wang Sheng on the earth is stronger than that. Throwing a ring more than 100 meters is not a problem at all, it is really simple and impossible Simple things.

Not to mention for a fighter like Wang Sheng, even a seemingly weak woman like the female proprietor, I'm afraid it would not be a difficult task.

The hostess was stunned. Why didn't she think of such a simple truth and such an easy method?Why does she, who has always claimed to be extremely smart, always act like a silly girl who doesn't understand anything in front of Wang Sheng?

After being stunned for a while, the hostess recovered her spirits again, jumped up, and searched the ground inch by inch from left to right again.A ring is not very big, maybe it fell into a crevice of some stone.

Seeing this scene, Wang Sheng shook his head again.But he didn't stop him, and let the proprietress continue to check, holding the stone and throwing it up and down, while weighing it.

This place is not big, only a few hundred square meters at most. Even if the hostess inspected it inch by inch, it would not take much time. Soon, she returned to Wang Sheng again and sat down dejectedly.

"Where is there!" The female proprietress was disappointed one after another, and her tone seemed very weak: "Could it be that she didn't throw it correctly when she threw it, and fell into the ground and fire veins?"

They could clearly hear the sound of the rings thrown by the flying fox falling into the fire veins of the ground and fire, and the hostess also began to worry about gain and loss at this moment.

"It's too easy to be discovered by throwing Najie directly over, isn't it?" Wang Sheng smiled wryly again.This woman is not even worried about her own current situation, but she is actually worried about whether the people who threw the Na ring 500 years ago are accurate.

"It's what you said that you threw the ring over here." The hostess was a little anxious for a while, it was Wang Sheng who said this, why didn't she admit it now?
"Such a small ring, I'm afraid one can't hold it, at least four or five." Wang Sheng explained patiently: "Throwing four or five rings, even if the distance is so far, it is difficult to guarantee that someone has good eyesight, and they will be caught. Find out?"

The proprietress imagined herself standing on the opposite side, since she could stand here and see the flying fox throwing out the ring, then the other side must also be able to see it.In this case, I am afraid that this method will not be so safe.

"No, you stand up!" The proprietress suddenly found that she missed a place when she checked, that is the seat where Wang Sheng was sitting, and couldn't help asking Wang Sheng to move away.

Wang Sheng curled his lips, without saying a word, he stood up and walked to the side.The hostess looked at the place where Wang Sheng was sitting just now without giving up, and couldn't help being disappointed again. It was empty, no different from other places.

"It seems that you guessed wrong." The proprietress said to Wang Sheng, a little bit stubborn after not admitting defeat.

"I told you that you will be seen if you throw Najie directly." Wang Sheng explained again: "If it was you, couldn't you think of another way?"

"What's the way?" The hostess didn't have the energy to jump up and look for it this time, she just sat down and asked in a muffled voice.

"For example, use something to disguise it." Wang Sheng reminded.

"What kind of disguise can you use?" The hostess lazily responded: "If you don't disguise well, it will be easier to be discovered. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Wang Sheng asked with a smile.

"Unless it is disguised as something that already exists here." The hostess is not a fool after all, looking at the stone in Wang Sheng's hand, she already understood a lot in her heart.

She should have seen it a long time ago, the hostess cursed in her heart, Wang Sheng picked up the stone without touching anything here from the beginning to the end, such an obvious hint, she unexpectedly didn't notice it.

Especially in this area, the whole ground is hardened together, and the only stone that is not too big or small is the one in Wang Sheng's hand. It is so special, I should have seen it a long time ago, but it was snatched by Wang Sheng again First.

"You mean this?" Wang Sheng picked up the stone and lit it up.

The proprietress nodded, staring at the stone in Wang Sheng's hand with burning eyes.Wang Sheng simply handed the stone to her and asked her to take a closer look.

After receiving the stone, the proprietress looked up and down for a while, but she didn't see anything wrong with the stone.This is a complete piece of volcanic rock without any gaps. It weighs an ordinary weight, and there is no problem at all from the outside.

"Did I guess wrong?" The hostess was puzzled, and after looking through the stone carefully, she returned the stone to Wang Sheng.

"Actually..." Wang Sheng held the stone and said slowly to the proprietress, "You guessed right."

As soon as the fingers were pressed hard, the fist-sized volcanic rock shattered directly, and the outer volcanic rock skin quickly fell off, revealing a smaller iron ball inside.

"Iron ball?" The hostess immediately saw the problem.The outside of the volcanic rock is actually an iron ball. How did this happen?However, standing on the edge of the magma lake, I quickly figured out the key.

Those people must have made the iron ball first, put the ring in it, and then just dipped the iron ball in the magma, and after being covered with the magma and cooled naturally, it would be a piece of volcanic rock with a complete appearance.As for the ring inside, which is afraid of the high heat of the magma, as long as it is filled with heat-insulating materials, it is naturally safe and worry-free.

Wang Sheng exerted force again, and the outer layer of the iron ball was quickly deformed and torn, revealing a mass of unknown powder stuffed inside. Among the powder, there were five identical things that looked like a ring.

"How did you find out?" The hostess watched Wang Sheng take out the rings one by one from the powder, staring fixedly at them, not wanting to move away at all, and at the same time, she still asked some incomprehensible questions. road.You know, she held it in her hand and looked at it very carefully just now, and she didn't expect that there would be something inside, let alone be sure that there was something inside before she squeezed it open.

"It's simple!" Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "There is a ring inside, so you can't put it in another ring. Just try to see if you can put that stone into my ring." ah!"

The hostess was really speechless this time.From the beginning to the end, Wang Sheng has always behaved like a monster.Such an evil person, he should have known it a long time ago, since he came up with the method of making snow icing and refined salt, it should be very clear until now, it really shouldn't be.

(End of this chapter)

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