
Chapter 43 The Power of Faith

Chapter 43 The Power of Faith

Chapter 42 The Power of Faith

The four killed by Marquis Lu Wen, and the one who hid in Wang Sheng's room to kill Wang Sheng, were all Dai's guards.To be precise, he is the direct subordinate of Fourth Master Dai.His direct subordinates were killed, so it was normal for Fourth Master Dai to go out in person.

"Why aren't you in a hurry at all?" Seeing that Wang Sheng just let out an oh after hearing the news, Song Yan couldn't help being anxious.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Wang Sheng really didn't care at all.Fourth Master Dai, let him be Fourth Master Dai, he is about to leave this place, and when the time comes, he will go to the mountains, not to mention Fourth Master Dai, and ten Wang Shengs will not be afraid.

This is not Wang Sheng's arrogance, but the confidence brought to Wang Sheng by the jungle survival skills he learned on earth.Especially after seeing the tracking skills here from the killers of the Song family and the city of worry-free, the confidence brought by the gap between the scientific method and the hooded groping.

It's not that Wang Sheng looks down on the jungle survival skills of the indigenous people in this world. In many cases, the masters are among the people.The problem is that Fourth Master Dai is not a master among the people, but a proud direct descendant from a high and mighty family.No matter how high his cultivation level was, it was impossible for him to be willing to accompany Wang Sheng into the jungle for a few months.

Song Yan was so anxious that she was going crazy. She had just learned the news from the family's intelligence network, and immediately came to report it non-stop. As a result, the real owner, Wang Sheng, was not in a hurry at all.It is estimated that Wang Sheng didn't know how powerful Fourth Master Dai was, so it happened.

"You don't know, Fourth Master Dai is already a master at the peak of the fourth level." Song Yan explained to Wang Sheng very cautiously: "I know that you can kill the thousand phantom poisonous anaconda at the peak of the third level, and you can also kill four The Thousand Illusory poisonous anaconda in the early stages of the heavy realm, but Fourth Master Dai is a hundred times more terrifying than those two snakes combined."

The first one was alright when killing Qianhuan poisonous anaconda, but the second one, Wang Sheng, was already quite embarrassed and was directly beaten into the air.In front of the enormous power of the Thousand Illusory Poisonous Boa and the Male Snake, Wang Sheng was not much better than a fragile egg.But that's just the early stage of the fourth level, how terrifying is the master at the peak of the fourth level?
"Fourth Master Dai is not only powerful, but also smart and cruel." Song Yan was really afraid that Wang Sheng would underestimate Fourth Master Dai, and she explained in detail: "Of the masters of the five major families who have walked outside in the past ten years, Fourth Master Dai ranked first. First. The masters who died under his hands are countless, and there are even rumors that masters at the beginning of the fifth level were beheaded by him. You are an ordinary person who is not popular..."

As soon as she said this, Song Yan suddenly stopped.She was anxious when she came here, and she was also anxious when she spoke. She didn't notice the changes in Wang Sheng's body. Now that she was talking about not being popular, Song Yan suddenly realized that Wang Sheng seemed to be a little different. The looming aura.

This scene is clearly a unique performance when just entering the first level, how could it be still not popular?However, Wang Sheng's original soul was inspected by Song Yan in person at the time, and she even checked it afterward. From the beginning to the end, it was a remnant soul that was not popular. There will be no possibility of improvement?
When Song Yan stopped, Song Laoyu also looked at Wang Sheng.His eyesight was stronger than Song Yan's, and he didn't pay attention to it before, but when he saw it now, his eyes widened and he was tongue-tied, he couldn't believe his eyes.

How could it be possible for Wang Sheng to be promoted to the first-level realm by an uninfluential Yuanhun confirmed by their own hands?

Song Yan and Song Laoyu were going crazy.How did such a thing that is completely inconsistent with common sense, common sense, and normal thinking happen?Is there any justice in this world?
"Attack me!" Song Laoyu couldn't believe his eyes, he had to confirm it to be sure, otherwise he would never admit what he saw.

Wang Sheng didn't refuse either, he clenched his fist and punched Song Laoyu.This punch was aimed at Song Laoyu's chest, but it was just a little spiritual attack, and he didn't try his best, just to let Song Laoyu feel it.

Bang, hit Song Laoyu with a punch.Then, Song Laoyu clearly felt the aura contained in Wang Sheng's fist, which could never be fake.

"How is it possible?" Song Laoyu looked at Wang Sheng, as if looking at a freak, with a face full of horror, and murmured this sentence.

Song Yan didn't need to feel it herself, she knew that Old Yushu's feelings would never be wrong.However, at that time, she was the one who watched Wang Sheng hold the Yuan Mirror to reveal the infamous remnant soul. Could it be that the Yuan Mirror was broken?
Without further ado, Song Yan turned around and left the yard, and gave instructions to the guards waiting in the yard.Now that Song Yan has passed the family test, the identity of the eldest lady has been restored, and it is natural for the guards to do such a small matter as taking a Yuanjing.

Not long after, the guards diligently found three yuan mirrors from the outside.The eldest lady didn't say how many, so she naturally looked for more, even if there was a problem with one, there were spares.

"Let me see!" Song Yan rushed into the room holding three Yuan mirrors, and handed them directly to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng reached out to take a Yuan mirror, and according to the posture last time, he held the two handles of the Yuan mirror with both hands, and then the shape and color of the Yuan soul began to appear on the Yuan mirror.

After a while, the image of a carp appeared on the mirror.That's right, there is no difference from what I saw last time, Wang Sheng's soul is a carp.

After waiting for a while, the edge of the Yuan mirror did not change color, it was still the same color as the original mirror.Gray is the worst among the grades, with one star, white with two stars, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple corresponding to three to eight stars respectively, and black with nine stars.There is no color, which shows that Wang Sheng's soul level is still not in the mainstream.

Judging from the Yuan mirror, Wang Sheng's Yuan soul is still out-and-out low-level grade, but what about the spiritual energy attack?Could it be that an uninfluential primordial soul can practice aura attacks?
This is something that subverts common sense. Song Yan and Song Laoyu are puzzled. Did they make a mistake?Or was Wang Sheng mistaken?Why is it so embarrassing for you to be so embarrassing when you have nothing to do with your primordial soul?
I changed three mirrors in a row, and the result was the same every time.There may be a problem with one meta-mirror, but the probability of having problems with three meta-mirrors obtained from different channels at the same time is so small that it is almost impossible.In other words, what they saw was completely true.

"How did you do it?" Song Yan asked tremblingly.

Wang Sheng was about to speak, but Song Laoyu stopped him.When the old uncle Yu arrived in the yard, he directly gave instructions to the guards who came together, and then the dozen or so guards surrounded the entire small courtyard, and no one was allowed to approach from ten feet away.After finishing all this, Song Laoyu inspected the surroundings before returning to the room, and nodded to Wang Sheng and Song Yan.

"Which point are you referring to?" Wang Sheng asked in more detail.

"Your primordial soul is obviously not top-notch, why can you cultivate to the first level?" Song Yan knew that she was a little anxious to ask. At this time, she had calmed down after Song Laoyu's actions, and asked in detail.

As soon as these words came out, the big man in black with the "iron pot" on his head in the hut three yards away was shocked, and then repeated Song Yan's question in a low voice.

"What?" Ah Qi and Da Xiong jumped up immediately stimulated by the words of the big man in black.Finally, knowing that the movement is too loud, the guards of the Song family will be alerted and suppress the shock forcibly.Ah Qi couldn't believe it and asked, "Da Er, did you hear me right?"

"I can't hear you wrong." Da Er threw a sentence to Ah Qi and Da Xiong, then ignored them, and listened intently to the movement over there.

Ah Qi and Da Xiong looked at me and I looked at you, and they both saw the incredible light in each other's eyes.Big Ear is their partner, and his original soul is a kind of big-eared bat with extraordinary hearing, and with the help of the two iron pots on his head, he can hear the footsteps of ants twenty feet away.

Over the years, Big Ear has never let his partner down.Just now Ah Qi and Da Xiong were unconsciously suspicious only because they were too shocked by what they heard.

It is simply a big secret to allow ordinary souls who are not in the first class to have the strength of the first level.If they let their family master it, the strength of the family can be increased tenfold out of thin air.Think about how many unpopular people there are in the family?It is more than ten times and a hundred times more than the number of people who can practice.If they all have the strength of the first level, what is the concept?
If Wang Sheng could answer, he couldn't miss a single word.Neither of them dared to disturb Big Ear, for fear that he might mishear a word.

Song Laoyu and Song Yan's heartbeats were even more nervous. Wang Sheng's answer was probably the key to the Song family's rise again, so they couldn't help but ignore it.

"Confidence!" Wang Sheng didn't hide his secrets completely, and said the most critical part of it: "If you firmly believe that you can do it, then you will definitely be able to do it."

"Confidence?" Song Yan still didn't quite understand Wang Sheng's explanation, and hurriedly urged: "I know confidence, but how to do it, please explain it clearly."

"This is actually related to myself. You also know that I never knew what the soul is before." Wang Sheng thought for a while, but decided to reveal some things and try it on Song Yan. If it works, maybe It will be clearer to find the clues of the woman in the dream by yourself.

Wang Sheng's words made Song Yan and Song Laoyu nod in unison.When Wang Sheng first met them, he was a stunned young man who didn't know anything about Yuanhun.It was Song Yan who personally went into battle to enlighten Wang Sheng.

"Because I never knew what a primordial soul is, I don't have the fixed common sense that you have instilled or innate since I was a child." Wang Sheng replied seriously: "I don't believe that a primordial soul that is not popular must not have one." The future, I don't believe that I can't break the rules. I firmly believe that I can do it, so I did it."

"This is the power of confidence." Wang Sheng finally concluded, looked at Song Laoyu and Song Yan and asked, "Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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