
Chapter 434 Confession to Lord Hou

Chapter 434 Confession to Lord Hou
Chapter 240 Seven
The first thing the emperor said when he returned to the royal study in the imperial city was, "This person can't stay anymore."

Of course he was talking about Wang Sheng.Wang Sheng casually gave him a trick on how to deal with the emperor, and the emperor and the legendary master guard who listened to him were sweating coldly.If such a person stays, how much of a threat must he be to the royal family?

The old eunuch Li is the head of the royal family, and he is also waiting for the emperor's decision in the imperial study.Hearing what the emperor said, he couldn't help but look at the legendary guard who followed the emperor to meet Wang Sheng.

Seeing the old eunuch Li looking over, the guard nodded calmly, and even made a gesture of wiping away his cold sweat.Old Eunuch Li himself was so close to the Son of Heaven, and he could smell the strong smell of sweat that he hadn't smelled for a long time.

How much sweat is the emperor sweating?You know, driving all the way to the vicinity in a carriage, and walking a few steps to the inn, with the cultivation base of the emperor, you won't break a drop of sweat.And just now, even the legendary guard old monster hinted that he was sweating profusely. What kind of terrible thing did he encounter?

Seeing the astonishment of old eunuch Li, the emperor gasped for a few breaths, pondered for a while, and then asked the legendary master to tell old eunuch Li what had happened.

These two masters can be completely trusted by the emperor.From childhood to adulthood, the two of them have saved the emperor countless times. To put it bluntly, without these two, the emperor would have died countless times.And if these two really betrayed the emperor, the emperor could turn into a corpse anytime and anywhere.

The legendary master didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly told the story of the conversation with Wang Sheng.Hearing that Wang Sheng took out the gas bomb in front of the emperor, old eunuch Li's face turned green, and he almost scolded the legendary master for his negligence.Such a thing, why not take down Wang Sheng immediately and control it?
Immediately after hearing that the poisonous gas would be released as long as it is crushed, old eunuch Li finally understood why he didn't do it right away.Finally, I know why I always feel that Wang Sheng can drag him to his death.

The method of Baoqing Yutang was good, but it was not enough to surprise the emperor and old eunuch Li, but later, when the legendary master said that he was taking the emperor to order the princes, old eunuch Li almost screamed on the spot.

During the time relayed by the legendary master, the emperor did not sit on the throne, but walked up and down restlessly on the floor of the imperial study room.I have been patiently waiting for the legendary master to finish speaking.

"Old Li, tell me, can this person still be kept?" the emperor asked angrily.

"If Marquis Chang Sheng didn't tell outsiders about this." Elder Eunuch Li replied cautiously: "If he is the only one who knows, then he can't keep it, and he has to be killed immediately."

These words are actually what the emperor himself didn't say, but what the old eunuch Li said.The three of them were as clear as a mirror in their hearts, they were afraid that Wang Sheng would keep his hands elsewhere, and if something happened to him, the secrets he left behind would make these things public.If that was the case, it would be a waste of money to move Wang Sheng.

"Just take a gamble. He definitely hasn't told anyone about such an important matter, and he doesn't dare to tell anyone easily." The emperor walked around a few more times, and suddenly said: "Kill him, it's over once and for all."

Being the Son of Heaven and the feudal lords is indeed a matter of great importance. In Wuyou City, who can Wang Sheng trust?It is very possible that only Wang Sheng knows. As long as Wang Sheng and all the people who came to the capital with him this time are killed, who would know that there is such a vicious scheme against the emperor and the royal family?
The emperor's eyes turned to the legendary master, and the old eunuch Li's gaze also turned there. As long as the emperor nodded, the master would get up overnight and assassinate Wang Sheng.

Duk duk duk, the door of the imperial study was knocked from the outside, it was already late at night, if it was not urgent, no one would dare to disturb the three people in the imperial study.

Old eunuch Li trotted to the door in person, and then took a sealed bamboo tube from a young eunuch outside the door, with three red lines clearly marked on it, which was the most urgent message sent by the bird.

Seeing the signs of the three red lines, old eunuch Li didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly ran to the emperor's seat with the bamboo pipe, and presented it to the emperor with both hands.

The Son of Heaven took it over, inspected the top seal, and found that it was intact, and then squeezed the bamboo tube open with a little force, revealing a thin roll of animal skin inside.After opening it for a few glances, his expression changed.

Neither the old eunuch Li nor the legendary master knew what was written on the animal skin scroll, but it must be a very tricky matter, otherwise the emperor would not change his face.

After staring at the animal skin scroll for a while, the emperor's face was cloudy for a while, and then he sighed, handed the animal skin scroll to Old Eunuch Li, and motioned them both to take a look.

The two of them got together, only took a few glances, and they all gasped for a moment.

Xunniao Chuanshu was passed down from the Song Dynasty.Song Yan, Princess of the Song Dynasty, has discovered the production workshop of Baoqing Yutang's snow icing sugar and refined salt in the Song Dynasty, and directly sent a large number of masters to take it forcibly. Official monopoly is required, and ordinary merchants are not allowed to operate.

The Son of Heaven and Wang Sheng had just discussed the idea of ​​countering Baoqing Yutang with the salt and iron monopoly this evening, and such news came from Song State in the middle of the night. It would be strange if the two had nothing to do with each other.

Wang Sheng didn't know these things, if he knew, he would definitely complain.This really has nothing to do with Wang Sheng, it's obviously Song Yan who made her own claim, and has something to do with Wang Sheng?
But the emperor didn't think so.Just now they were discussing whether to kill Wang Sheng to take revenge and secretly remove hidden dangers, and suddenly this news came to them to show them that Wang Sheng's idea had been told to others, isn't this too evil?

Will Wang Sheng still kill him?The old eunuch Li and the legendary master all looked at the emperor, waiting for the emperor to make a decision.

But at this time, the emperor did not dare to gamble.Especially when it seemed that Wang Sheng was obviously involved with Song Guo.The Song Kingdom now has the most masters, the highest title, and the strongest strength, and it is also the prince who is most likely to lead the princes of the emperor.

Once Wang Sheng is moved and Song Guogong is desperate to hold the emperor hostage, won't Wang Sheng's threats come true?

By the way, Wang Sheng seemed to be just threatening, and later said that there was no need to use such violent means.In other words, this method must not have been handed over to Song Guo, but if the emperor really killed Wang Sheng, the result may not be certain.

Under the mistake of Yin and Yang, two coincidental events aroused a series of suspicions from the emperor.In the end, the emperor reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​killing Wang Sheng immediately to avoid future troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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