
Chapter 437

Chapter 437

Chapter 240 Eighth, It's None of My Business

No one knew it would turn out like this.Everyone thought that Wang Sheng had to pardon the Seventh Prince even if he was trying to gain power, but he didn't expect Wang Sheng to pardon a completely insignificant eunuch official.

"He actually chose that eunuch, hehe, interesting!" The emperor finally smiled a little, as if he saw something different that he wanted to see.

Old monster Li didn't say anything, but in his heart he gave Wang Sheng a thumbs up, smart.

Pardoning the Seventh Prince would not do any good, and there would be endless troubles.But pardoning the eunuch in charge is a great move.

Seeing everyone else being beheaded in front of his eyes, this lesson can definitely be deeply engraved in the bones of the eunuch in charge. From then on, he never dared to have any disrespectful thoughts towards Wang Sheng.

The grace of saving his life, coupled with the fact that the eunuch in charge was lonely and had no relatives killed, he could only be grateful to Wang Sheng, and would not have any resentment.Regardless of whether he originally belonged to the Prince's Mansion or was originally arranged to be in the Hou's Mansion, it is absolutely impossible for him to hold grudges against Wang Sheng because of this incident.

Not only did Wang Sheng save his life, he also gave him the gold medal of Marquis Changsheng, which means that Marquis Changsheng's mansion will use him as a steward in the future.Regardless of the great kindness of life-saving and such trust, it would be strange if the manager was not so devoted to Wang Sheng.

When he was loyal to Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng would have gained a keen eye and a competent housekeeper in the capital.Wang Sheng wanted to take over everything in the Hou Mansion, it was a matter of course, and there would never be any more obstacles.

"The auspicious time has come, execution!" Old eunuch Li winked to the left and right, and immediately someone rushed over and pulled out the eunuch in charge who was banging his head.Then the old eunuch Li directly announced the execution regardless of whether the time was up or not.

Even if he was pulled out, the eunuch in charge held the gold medal tightly this time. Judging by his posture, he could only take the gold medal away if someone cut off his hand.

A row of big men dressed as executioners came out, on this street, starting from the seventh prince, they fell one by one, and raised their swords, no matter whether the struggling people below wanted to shout wantonly, beg for mercy, or fuck off, they raised their swords Falling, blood splattered, heads fell to the ground.

There were only a dozen executioners, and they could only kill more than a dozen people at a time, but there were more than a dozen kneeling here, and there were clearly hundreds of them.After one round of beheading, the executioner immediately moved to another group of people to continue the process just now.

After killing three or four rounds in a row, dozens of heads have rolled down the not-so-wide street.The hostess looked over there and couldn't bear to continue, she turned her head and closed her eyes. If she wasn't standing beside Wang Sheng, she probably couldn't help but want to vomit.

The smell of blood was tangy, and the cries of the crowd behind were one after another, but the group of executioners were like robots, turning a deaf ear and turning a blind eye, just beheading one by one to complete their duties.

While the old eunuch Li was supervising the beheading, he also secretly paid attention to Wang Sheng and watched Wang Sheng's performance.

Unfortunately, the old eunuch's plan to see Wang Sheng lose his composure fell through.Seeing so many people being beheaded, Wang Sheng seemed to be just looking at a group of ants, his face was not moved at all, on the contrary, he sometimes showed a look of admiration for a certain knife.

"Master Hou, how do you feel when so many people died because of you?" Seeing Wang Sheng was indifferent, Old Eunuch Li asked Wang Sheng deliberately as if he wanted to provoke.

"Die because of me?" Wang Sheng sneered and sneered: "Old Li, what you said is not pleasing to the ear, but tell me, what kind of unreasonable things did I do, and they let them die because of me?" And die? Although I have a bad memory, I just heard that they were accused of contempt for the emperor, disobedience, and deceit, could it be that I instigated all of these?"

"But they are coveting the Hou's mansion after all." The old eunuch Li said with a smile: "The emperor wants to give Hou Ye an explanation."

"Bullshit!" Wang Sheng pointed a middle finger at old eunuch Li: "Who cares if you love to confess but don't? Do you really think I won't get it back by myself?"

Old eunuch Li was blocked by Wang Sheng and couldn't say a word.If Wang Sheng really wanted to take it back by himself, that would be a big deal.As far as Wang Sheng said, bringing the emperor to order the princes is enough to make the royal family beyond redemption.

However, Old Monster Li has been in the palace for many years, and he has developed a thick-skinned and good-tongued tongue, but he immediately counterattacked: "The main culprits are them, but those implicated children's families, don't you think the Marquis will not take pity on them?"

"Cut!" Wang Sheng once again gave the old monster Li a contempt: "It's not me who ordered the murder, it wasn't me who surrounded the mansion to arrest people, it wasn't me who personally supervised the execution, and it wasn't me who killed people. I am the law." As a spectator on the field, whether they are wronged or not, is it none of my business?"

"Someone likes to slaughter their own people, so enjoy the process of slaughter." After Wang Sheng despised the old monster Li, he continued: "I want to establish my prestige, and I want to punish the past and the future, and I want to be strict with the law, and I don't want to take the burden of killing people." How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

"In my opinion, you executioners are not professional enough!" Wang Sheng began to judge the executioner: "Before you use the knife, you have to say, 'You have the right to blame, and you have to pay the debt.'!"

Old eunuch Li was stunned for a long time, unable to speak.Could it be that he really let those executioners cry out for their grievances?Who is this?Who is the Lord?Let these people who have been copied and beheaded by the whole family remember the emperor?

After watching for a while, Wang Sheng patted the hostess next to him lightly, and said softly: "When you live in the Hou's mansion, you can ask the steward to wash away the blood on the street. Although It's a good thing to go out and see the popularity, but it doesn't taste very good."

The proprietress gave a low "um" and shrank back to Wang Sheng.Wang Sheng smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here." The hostess pressed against Wang Sheng, and seemed to feel a little more at ease, but she looked at the eunuch in charge holding the gold medal.

The eunuch in charge saw that the group of wolf-like executioners had chopped off more than 100 heads, and when he thought that he would almost end up like them, he was so scared that he didn't dare to have any wrong thoughts.He just secretly paid attention to Wang Sheng, for fear of missing any order from Wang Sheng.

Hearing Lord Hou talking to the veiled woman, the eunuch in charge immediately realized that this might be the future mistress.

He could hear what Lord Hou said clearly just now, and the eunuch in charge immediately made a note in his heart that he would not need to be instructed by the future master's mother himself, and he had to handle this matter properly.

(End of this chapter)

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