
Chapter 442

Chapter 442
Chapter 250 There is no place to sleep in the Dahou Mansion
Changsheng Hou Mansion, Wang Sheng actually did not intend to announce it.But Wang Sheng also knew that it was impossible not to be exposed in the scene where more than 300 people were beheaded through the Changjie law field.The royal family can have spies in all the major princes, wouldn't the major princes arrange a few in the capital?

Wang Sheng is not afraid of being known by others that he has a close relationship with the royal family. This is also a protective umbrella for Wang Sheng. .Announcing this relationship will make all parties fearful.

Of course, the main reason is to accommodate Meier and Uncle Liu.Just as Wang Sheng thought before, sometimes, you need to become a big tree yourself to be relied on by others. Those guys with bad intentions dare not do anything at will.

There is no doubt that Meier has business talents, and with the help of Wang Sheng's strength and financial resources, it is not impossible to make a comeback.However, it is not possible to develop in any place, and the capital city is the place where Wang Sheng chose to establish the business empire headed by Meier.

However, now is not a good time to let Meier start to make arrangements right away. Now that I have settled down here, understand the situation in the capital, and decide what project to operate, I will talk about the future.

Right now, there is still one thing to do, which is to find a group of trustworthy guards for the Hou Mansion.Although the Son of Heaven generously gave Wang Sheng a Grand Marquis Mansion, a group of serving servants, and a lot of treasures, but Wang Sheng was the only one who was not equipped with guards.

Even if the Son of Heaven assigned Wang Sheng with guards, would Wang Sheng dare to trust him?Therefore, the emperor was very smart not to intervene in this kind of matter that could threaten the lives of everyone in the Hou's mansion. He arranged eyeliner, and those servants and maids who served him were enough.Of course, maybe the emperor has other ideas and it is unknown.

The current guards of the Hou Mansion can only be assigned to Meier's guards first.Those are all her trusted subordinates, and it is said that there are still a group of them still hiding in Baoqing Yutang, as long as a signal is sent, they can come to meet up.

"Call your people over here!" Wang Sheng didn't think much, and suggested to Mei'er: "At this time, Baoqing Yutang will definitely not care about chasing you and your people, so take advantage of this golden opportunity, Bring everyone out, so as not to be found out in the future."

All the princes will definitely take action one after another. If they don't take the opportunity to do something at this time, it means that Meier's management in Baoqing Yutang for so many years has been a complete failure.

"Concentrate here? Hou Mansion?" Meier was a little surprised: "Are you willing to let all my people be concentrated in your Hou Mansion? Do you know how many people there are?"

"Hundreds of them died." Wang Sheng smiled: "This Marquis Mansion can still settle down. There is a lack of guards in the mansion, so you can't feel at ease living there."

Meier looked into Wang Sheng's eyes, as if to make sure that he was not lying.Such a big Hou's mansion, the mansion alone is worth 1000 million gold coins, not counting the other rewards that have never been sorted out, how dare Wang Sheng not send any of his confidants and let them all in?

"Let's do it!" Wang Sheng's gaze was as firm as ever, without the slightest hint of guilt.Meier is finally sure, Wang Sheng is telling the truth.

In the evening, Wang Sheng, Meier, Uncle Liu and the others even forced Steward Wang to have a meal at the Hou Mansion, which was a celebration of housewarming.Originally, Guanshi Wang didn't dare to go to the table even if he was beaten to death, but Wang Sheng forced him to sit on half of his buttocks by saying that it was a housewarming party.

Before the banquet started, Uncle Liu and the others suddenly saw Meier's unveiled faces, all of them looked like they had seen a ghost, which made Wang Sheng despise these old guys very much.Is it silly to do business every day?Such a beautiful Meier, unexpectedly no one praised her beauty.

After all, it was Mei'er who greeted everyone with a smile and a kind of hostess's ease, and Uncle Liu and others seemed to accept this fact.However, I still looked at each other several times, and I could see the affirmation in everyone's eyes.

Wang Sheng didn't pay attention to these details. While celebrating his housewarming, he also celebrated Mei'er and others' narrow escape. Of course, he didn't forget to recruit Wang Guanshi, which also celebrated his narrow escape.

Before, Steward Wang confidently ordered the cooks in the kitchen to try their best to impress Lord Hou and his wife. Unfortunately, things went against their wishes. Uncle Liu and others ate with gusto, and even his wife was full of praise. Only Hou Ye shook his head every time he ate a dish, but none of the dishes satisfied him.

This made Guanshi Wang turn pale with fright. Could it be that those cooks are cheating and cheating?Just about to get up to scold him, Meier stopped him.

"Your Lord Hou, your taste is not ordinary." Mei'er explained for Wang Sheng: "In the whole world, there is one person counting as one, and only one and a half people can satisfy your Lord Hou's taste."

"One and a half people?" Steward Wang suddenly became interested.If we can bring all these people to the Hou's mansion, wouldn't it make Hou Ye feel at ease?
It has to be said that as a eunuch, if he really recognized his master, he would always think about how to please his master.Guanshi Wang is like this, he doesn't even care who those two people are.Whoever he is, if he throws down a lot of gold coins, can't he still bring down two cooks?

"You don't have to think about it." Meier is such a shrewd person, she can tell what Guanshi Wang is thinking when she sees his eyeballs rolling around, and she directly reminded: "One of the half-people is Lord Hou himself."

"Ah?" Guanshi Wang never thought that his Lord Hou was such a skilled cook.It is definitely impossible for Lord Hou to cook in the Hou Mansion, so he can only think about the other half. At that moment, Steward Wang asked, "Who is that half?"

"It's one of Lord Hou's apprentices." Mei'er is very familiar with Wang Sheng's house in Wuyou City: "Your Lord has personally instructed you for a few years, and now you can barely get into the mouth of Lord Hou. But now he is in It's up to Hou Ye's family in Wuyou City whether he wants to come to the capital or not."

I see.Master Hou's apprentice, he has personally taught him for several years, no wonder Madam said that it can only be regarded as half.But Steward Wang is still a little dissatisfied. Among the cooks in the Hou Mansion, there is a royal chef who was rewarded by the emperor. Could it be that Master Hou is more proficient in cooking than the royal chef?
"Almost all of the dishes we eat now are uploaded from your Lord Hou's mansion." Meier didn't speak, and this time it was replaced by Uncle Liu. Young master, he smiled and called Steward Wang, then turned his head and joked at Wang Sheng: "I don't know when I will be lucky enough to eat the food cooked by Lord Hou, so I will die without regret!"

(End of this chapter)

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