
Chapter 449 Royal Eight Diagrams

Chapter 449 Royal gossip

Chapter 250 Four Royal Gossip

"Wait! Wait!" Wang Sheng stopped the old Taoist priest suddenly, and quickly interjected, "Don't tell me, the eunuch was chased and killed by the emperor in the end. As a last resort, he had to flee to Wuyou City. .”

Why is this plot so familiar?It's not much different from the story of Wang Sheng's neighbor in Wuyou City, the shadow old eunuch!If you don't look at the inside story above, it's almost the same.

"Of course!" The old Taoist glanced at Wang Sheng: "Killed the emperor's favorite concubine, the world is so big, and there is still a place for him? Besides Wuyou City, where else can he go?"

Sure enough, this story is really related to the old eunuch Shadow.But it's still wrong!If the old shadow eunuch killed the emperor's favorite concubine, wouldn't the emperor hate the old shadow eunuch to the bone?But looking at the old eunuch Shadow's appearance, he was clearly loyal to the emperor and hated not being able to die for the emperor. How could he tell that the emperor wanted to kill the old eunuch Shadow?

"Then the emperor just tolerated it like this?" Wang Sheng didn't believe it.The current emperor is so ruthless that he is willing to kill his own son to buy people's hearts. Is he a good man and a believer?Someone really killed his favorite concubine, even if the old shadow eunuch fled to Wuyou City, could it be that with the cultivation level of old monster Li more than 20 years ago, he couldn't kill the old shadow eunuch in Wuyou City?

"How is it possible?" The old Taoist curled his lips: "Our current emperor is not a good stubble! At that time, he really endured it, and within two years, he abolished all the elders who participated in the clan mansion at that time. And Two years later, the queen was also abolished. The queen's family was said to be involved in the crime of treason, and they were all ransacked and beheaded. The old men in the clan's mansion were all dead in less than five years. The current queen is A new favorite concubine who entered the palace and was later restored to the right."

"When our emperor is still so awesome?" Wang Sheng almost gave a thumbs up in admiration.It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but it took only five years for the emperor to avenge his big revenge.I can't accept it!

"What happened later?" Wang Sheng simply listened to the story, and uttered classic reminders.

"Later, the Son of Heaven worked hard to rule the country. He not only practiced Xuangong diligently, but also worked hard." The old Taoist said slowly: "No, it took only fifteen or sixteen years to come up with this great etiquette of enfeoffing princes. The prestige of the royal family has soared, and the princes of all parties are vying to curry favor with each other."

"Cut!" Wang Sheng couldn't help but sneered and said, "Is this grand etiquette of entrusting princes the idea of ​​the emperor? It is clearly mine." But the emperor can implement it so thoroughly, it is also extremely powerful.Thinking of this, Wang Sheng suddenly thought of another question.

"How was the emperor's cultivation at that time?" Wang Sheng asked: "Since you don't have to worry about it just by improving your cultivation, then the emperor only needs to improve your cultivation at that time?"

"The Son of Heaven will only be at the fourth level at most." The old Taoist shook his head: "But the Son of Heaven's exercises definitely don't need to fight and kill, as long as you can strengthen your will and improve your wisdom. If you practice the exercises of the Son of Heaven, then you don't need to At the eighth level, at most the sixth level can accept that girl without being affected."

"What about now? Can you see the current cultivation of the Son of Heaven?" Wang Sheng asked again.

This question is very inexplicable, and the old Taoist didn't say that he could see the emperor without incident, so how could he know the cultivation of the emperor?But Wang Sheng didn't care about this at all. The old Taoist really wanted to see the Son of Heaven.

"The Son of Heaven is almost at the seventh level now!" The old Taoist really knew it, and even made a pointed comment: "However, as far as I know, his cultivation method reached the sixth level more than ten years ago, but after more than ten years, It has only been promoted to one stage, and the emperor's cultivation is not very good."

When he thought that the emperor pretending to be a businessman sitting and chatting with him turned out to be a master of the seventh level, Wang Sheng was also afraid for a while.But thinking about the old Taoist saying that the emperor's exercises are not for fighting, Wang Sheng was relieved again.

It's not right, it's absolutely not right.Wang Sheng quickly analyzed the unreasonable parts, pondered for a while, and then asked curiously: "At the beginning when the favorite concubine died, the emperor was only in the fourth level, but according to your calculations, there is no such thing as three or four years. Within a short period of time, the Son of Heaven was promoted from the fourth level to the sixth level, and he was only promoted to the first level in more than ten years. Could it be that he is a genius in cultivation? Then he failed?"

"Don't forget the nature of the exercises practiced by the Son of Heaven." The old Taoist was not surprised by this: "After losing his beloved concubine, the emperor's state of mind fluctuated greatly, which is in line with the extreme perception between gains and losses. What's the point of being promoted to the sixth level in a short time? Strange? Later, I favored a concubine who had just entered the palace, and the mood was no longer there, so naturally the entry slowed down."

What the old Taoist said was reasonable, and what Wang Sheng listened to was also reasonable.However, the old Taoist didn't know the current relationship between the old shadow eunuch and the emperor, so he simply thought that it was the shadow who killed the naturally charming concubine to make the emperor excited, but this was definitely not the case.

There is definitely a story in it, and it is a story that no old Taoist priest knows.Wang Sheng's gossip heart itch.It's a pity that I can't talk to the old Taoist priest about this now, I'd better wait for the opportunity in the future, and then slowly explore the gossip of the royal family by myself!

"Tell me, with my current practice, if I add the nine-character mantra, at what level can I touch that girl?" Wang Sheng suddenly became curious, and asked the old Taoist excitedly.

"If you add the nine-character mantra..." The old Taoist stroked his beard, pondered for a while, and gave an affirmative answer: "The seventh level is definitely no problem. As for whether the sixth level will work, you have to try it." It's gone. Why, you can't help it?"

"No rush, no rush!" Wang Sheng hurriedly dismissed it, he doesn't seem to be that anxious, does he?
"By the way, what are you planning to do with me this time?" The old Taoist didn't care about the relationship between Wang Sheng and Mei'er, just asked.Seeing that Laojun Temple has already left halfway, knowing Wang Sheng's plan in advance, he can arrange it as soon as possible after returning.

"The last time I accompanied Meier and the others into the Thousand Jedi, I seemed to have touched the edge of Xingzi Jue." Wang Sheng told the truth, and said to the old Taoist priest: "I just want to see you, can you help me participate in the research?" After comprehending the Xingzi Jue, I can advance to the next level, and I'm afraid I will have to rely on your land when the time comes."

"Then what are you waiting for? Talking nonsense is a waste of time!" Hearing that it was related to Xingzi Jue, and that Wang Sheng had already touched the edge of Xing Zi Jue, the old Taoist suddenly became excited, and told Wang Sheng that it was a waste of gossip. Time simply abhors it.

"Hurry up!" The old Taoist urged, speeding up his pace while asking Wang Sheng to tell the story: "What have you experienced? How did you feel it?"

(End of this chapter)

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