
Chapter 453 Daoist Inheritance

Chapter 453 Daoist Inheritance

Chapter 250 Sixth Daoist Inheritance

Seeing that the old Taoist was so cautious, Wang Sheng stopped joking.This is the core inheritance of such a big Taoist sect, which is even more super sect than a super sect, so it should not be used as a joke.

"Go, go and have a look!" Wang Sheng also became serious.When I got up, I wanted to go on a field trip.

Only when he saw the strange eyes of the old Taoist priest did Wang Sheng realize that he seemed to be a little mad.When I haven't proved that I can deal with lower-level formations than that kind of formations, this kind of matter is related to the core inheritance of the Taoist sect, and even a few of the group of temple masters may not really know it. Wang Sheng, an outsider, how can he Okay, just go straight there?

With a sneer, Wang Sheng suddenly thought of a question, and couldn't help asking: "What is the source of power for such a powerful formation? It can't be that your old man has hundreds of masters who have been continuously inputting spiritual energy from generation to generation, right?"

"It's not just the underground palace you found that has the earth fire and fire veins." The old Taoist replied to Wang Sheng angrily, "Actually, there are many places. You really think that the formations at the core of the Thousand Jedi have gone through so many years. Is it still working because there are masters alive to input spiritual energy?"

"No wonder you want to ask me how to walk on the fire vein." Wang Sheng pointed to the old Taoist priest: "It's not kind, so it turns out that they are waiting for me here."

Although the two of them can be regarded as friends who have forgotten the years, sometimes they can't help thinking about themselves. Humans, there is nothing wrong with it.Besides, the way the old Taoist wanted him was not for nothing, but he agreed to his conditions, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Does your Xingzi Jue have to take so long?" The old Taoist obviously felt that it was a bit inefficient for Wang Sheng to use almost an hour for each formation, especially when Wang Sheng used Xing Zi Jue, he had to not Being disturbed, this makes people feel that this Xingzi formula is like a chicken rib.

"No way." Wang Sheng spread his hands, expressing that he had no better idea: "One has seen few formations, and secondly, he doesn't understand formations at all. It depends on luck to succeed in experiments again and again. I think There is no way any faster."

After finishing speaking, Wang Sheng was afraid that the old Taoist would misunderstand, and then explained: "I comprehend Xingzi Jue mainly for the purpose of cultivating and advancing, and I didn't think about how to do it in formation. So as long as it can let me understand and be familiar with it That's enough, there's no need to delve into it."

Wang Sheng, who came from the earth, understands the truth that "my life has a limit, but knowledge has no limit" better than anyone else.There are so many professional knowledge in all walks of life on the earth, it is impossible for one person to master all of them.

Although the various methods in the special forces training allowed Wang Sheng to master many skills, such as the usage of various weapons, the usage of various vehicles, various camouflage skills, various survival skills in the wild, etc., but Wang Sheng learned It is only the usage, and it is impossible to study various principles in depth.

Could it be that when Wang Sheng studied firearms in the army, he also learned firearms manufacturing, steelmaking, high-precision machine tool design, the chemical principles of various bullets and gunpowder, the principles of various primers, the aerodynamics of various bullets in the air, and the heat of metals? Are there various principles such as fatigue, rifling rotation, static movement, etc.?
If Wang Sheng really wanted to learn these things, let alone complete the training within a few years, he would not be able to leave the barracks for decades.Therefore, Wang Sheng only needs to know the final usage, and he doesn't need to think about the intermediate process at all.The same is true for Xingzi Jue, as long as Wang Sheng knows how to use it, he doesn't need to know the detailed principles.

"This kind of efficiency is too low." The old Taoist understood what Wang Sheng meant, and he didn't mean to urge Wang Sheng, but just wanted to help Wang Sheng: "Otherwise, I will let those majors The little Taoist priest of Fa will explain to you the most basic things of formation, I believe it will be more helpful for you to understand Xingzi Jue."

"The most basic things, that's fine." Wang Sheng thanked the old Taoist priest.To learn shooting, you also need to know what the three points and one line are, and you must also know the influencing factors such as wind resistance, gravity, temperature and humidity, and learn some basic principles.

The old Taoist moved very quickly, and within a short while, he gathered the four or five middle-aged Taoist priests from yesterday, and gave them a task to eliminate illiteracy for Wang Sheng's formation.

It's really about literacy. After Wang Sheng heard about the step-by-step steps they probably need to practice the formation, Wang Sheng decided to only learn the most basic principles and techniques, and not learn anything else.

The basic principle is actually the utilization of aura energy in the final analysis, and various functions are realized with the help of some exquisite array designs.The most basic functions that can be realized include restraint, protection, blocking, shielding, covering, extraction, blinding, rebounding, condensation, blowing, impacting, stabbing, grinding, etc., any formation, no matter how complicated, In the end, it can all be attributed to the fusion of these basic formation elements.

Wang Sheng understood this very quickly, and he even regretted not knowing this earlier.If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have used complex formations one by one to test them out, but should start with these most basic functions and explore them one by one with Xingzi Jue. As long as I can master these basic functions proficiently, I will be able to face even the most complicated formations. The sequence can be followed, instead of Wang Sheng's blind eyes like this, he must write down all the fluctuations of the formation and simulate it.

For each basic function, Wang Sheng invited several middle-aged Taoist priests to demonstrate it to him several times.Every time Wang Sheng has to explore for a long time with Xingzi Jue to record all these basic fluctuations.This study lasted for half a month, and it was considered that every basic technique was explored and understood.

Of course, Wang Sheng just memorized all the formation fluctuations of these basic techniques, and did not fully understand the principles of these formations.

The old Taoist priest only came to see Wang Sheng once in half a month, and it seemed that something was busy.Wang Sheng didn't think too much, and comprehended on his own.After learning the basic techniques, start to learn the combination of pairs.

At first, Wang Sheng just asked these middle-aged Taoist priests to teach him the basic skills, but since no one cared about him, Wang Sheng simply exchanged a few monster skins for a few middle-aged Taoist priests. Let him try out the basic technique of combining formations again, so that Wang Sheng can have a more thorough understanding.

After another ten days, the old Taoist priest finally appeared in front of Wang Sheng again.

"What's the big deal?" Wang Sheng asked puzzled.The old Taoist looked very impatient. Could it be that something major happened that the old Taoist couldn't handle?

"It's a big deal!" It's okay if you don't say it. When Wang Sheng asked, the old Taoist immediately yelled: "Isn't it just those bullshit fighting for power and profit? Daoist, this is what annoys them the most, boring!"

(End of this chapter)

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