
Chapter 455

Chapter 455

Chapter 250 Seven

"If you say that, your conditions can be considered." The old Taoist finally opened his mouth and nodded half of his head.

Wang Sheng was secretly delighted, and the old Taoist nodded, basically half of the matter was settled.Don't look at the old Taoist priest who said that the temple masters are fighting for power and profit, but they are not bad at all in terms of respecting teachers and respecting the way. As long as the old Taoist priest speaks, those temple masters will never have any big problems.

"Let's talk about what happened just now." No matter how secretly happy Wang Sheng was, the old Taoist priest was still pondering his own knots: "You said, they guide those good men and women to burn incense and kowtow, is this considered a grand way?"

"Of course it's considered Hongdao." Wang Sheng affirmed heavily: "Faithful believers come to the Taoist temple to burn incense and kowtow, and ask for the protection of the old master. After all, I still have my Taoist ancestor in my heart. I believe that my Taoist ancestor can bring them the life they are looking forward to. Taoist priests As long as a little guidance is given to the good men and women to have good thoughts in their hearts, what's wrong?"

Now that he has come to this point, Wang Sheng couldn't help but criticize the old Taoist a little bit: "Old Taoist, you are quiet and useless. You think those people are vulgar and unsightly, and you don't even bother to contact them when you hide yourself. If you don’t communicate with others, what kind of Tao do you promote? In the end, if you cultivate and cultivate, you are still a lonely person? Even if your cultivation base is higher than the sky, and your seniority is higher than everyone else, so what? After all, you are just a selfish ghost , did you make the Taoism more brilliant? Or did you make more people follow the Tao? If you don’t enter the world, it’s useless to just be born!”

"So, I was wrong?" The old Taoist was left speechless by Wang Sheng's continuous words, and didn't know how to refute.Rao was an incomparably powerful and noble man who was defeated by Wang Shengzui Pao Wushuang.

"My ancestor is right, but my realm is too low to understand his deep meaning." A familiar voice came from the door of the Sutra Library.Wang Sheng turned his head to look, but it was the master of Laojun Temple, the one who spoke directly.

"I've been eavesdropping for so long, get out!" the old Taoist reprimanded unceremoniously.According to his seniority, there is no difference between reprimanding the Grand Master of Laojun Temple and reprimanding his grandson, and there is no need to talk about etiquette at all.

Da Guanzhu didn't care at all that he was reprimanded by the ancestor in front of outsiders, walked in with a smile on his face, walked up to him, bowed his hands to Wang Sheng, and saluted with gratitude in his eyes, but didn't say anything in his mouth.

Wang Sheng and the old Taoist sat on both sides of a square table, with wine and dishes in the middle, and the cups and plates were messed up, but the master didn't care at all, he stretched out his hand to grab a chair and put it beside them, and sat down beside the two of them. .

Seeing that both Wang Sheng and the old Taoist were looking at him, Da Guanzhu smiled and wiped it on his body. He did not know where to find a pair of chopsticks, reached out to pick up a piece of meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it with relish.

The eyes of the two people watching from the side widened. Is this the well-behaved Da Guanzhu they knew?Just as he was surprised, another cup appeared in Da Guanzhu's hand, and he said to Wang Sheng, "Come, pour some wine for a taste."

Wang Sheng served Man Man according to his words, Master Daguan took a sip and drank it clean, smashed his lips, nodded and said: "Sometimes this wine and meat are better than vegetables!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Wang Sheng, smiled at Wang Sheng, and said, "Sir, you are right. I have never picked it up. How can I put it down? Thanks to Mr. today, I can barely say the word wine and meat." picked it up."

The old Taoist looked at Master Da Guan up and down for a long time, then nodded and said: "Now I see you, and I finally find it much more pleasing to the eye."

"Thank you, Patriarch!" Facing the old Taoist's praise, Da Guanzhu respectfully thanked him.

"Don't talk about those nonsense. Since you have heard what you said just now, what do you think of this kid's request?" The old Taoist was not polite at all, and helped Wang Sheng to ask Grand View Master.

"I agree." Daguanzhu agreed without hesitation: "What you say makes sense, and my Dao sect owes you a great favor. I have no reason not to agree."

"Aren't you afraid that those masters won't come back because they are used to the world of mortals?" Still the old Taoist asked, as if Wang Sheng had nothing to do with him.

"Sir, what do you say?" Daguanzhu still showed the demeanor of a general who advances and retreats in a leisurely manner, which is very comfortable.

"If you scour the yellow sand and see the gold, if you can't come back, it's just yellow sand." Wang Sheng smiled and replied philosophically: "Gold is always gold. Besides, even if they don't come back, those Taoists on them will still be gold." The shadow of the people around them will always affect the people around them. It is not the preaching that spreads the Tao every day, and teaching by precepts and deeds is not as good as teaching by example!"

"Hey! The benefits are taken by you alone, and the good words are all said by you alone." The old Taoist was once again irritated by Wang Sheng: "In the end, my Taoist Laojun Temple only ended up with a name that is unwilling to be lonely and intends to go out to fight for hegemony. Maybe they will be mobilized and attacked."

"I will take the blame for this." Wang Sheng said without hesitation: "Anyway, Laojunguan must have those masters that outsiders don't know. Once these people change their clothes, they will be the guards of my Marquis Mansion. When will it be someone else's turn to talk about it?" Make irresponsible remarks? Besides, even if Laojunguan doesn’t say anything, don’t outsiders know that Laojunguan has many masters?”

The reason why Laojunguan can stand for thousands of years is not because of good intentions, but because of masters from generation to generation.Without these masters sitting in charge, Laojunguan would have been eaten alive long ago, how can it still be kept until now?

Everyone understands the truth, the old Taoist only cares about the reputation of Laojunguan.This is also the only weakness of the old Taoist priest. His own reputation does not matter. He drinks and eats meat, and even has been a red-card killer several times, but the reputation of Laojunguan cannot be tarnished.

After the big event was settled, the next three people stopped talking about business, but chatted about gossip while eating and drinking.The master of Daguan even told Wang Sheng and the old Taoist priest how prosperous the Sanqing Temple is now, and how the three holy statues are worshiped by people.Old Taoist priests would not listen to this before, but today it sounds different.

At the end, taking advantage of the presence of the Grand Master, the old Taoist solemnly stated to the Grand Master that the Taijiquan, the nine-character mantra, and half of the "Tao Te Ching" he learned from Wang Sheng will be slowly spread in the near future. Next, let Daguan master find the right person to learn by himself.

"And Taijiquan? What kind of boxing method is this?" Da Guanzhu had heard of the nine-character mantra, but had never heard of Taijiquan.The old Taoist didn't mention the premise before, probably because he felt that he hadn't fully comprehended safety, so he didn't pass it down.

"That's what he taught me." The old Taoist pointed to Wang Sheng, and then said to Wang Sheng: "Why don't you let him see it? You go and fight it again. It just so happens that the old Taoist is still a little doubtful. Help me." The old man explained the confusion."

(End of this chapter)

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