
Chapter 457

Chapter 457

Chapter 250: Instructing Tai Chi

The problem with the old Taoist boxing method lies in the state of mind.The old Taoist seems to be too serious. Not only does he practice Taijiquan as the supreme boxing method, but he also wants to be the best in the world. This kind of mentality seems to be inconsistent with the artistic conception of Taijiquan.

The slight awkwardness came from the serious expression of the old Taoist priest.The old Taoist priest has not completely let go of his determination to win or lose, at least in front of Wang Sheng, the founder of Taijiquan he believes, he has not let go.

Wang Sheng's singing is actually not good, but the song "Follow the Fate" is really suitable for the occasion. Even if it is sung with Wang Sheng's voice, it can still give people a sense of enlightenment.

Breaking out of Wang Sheng's artistic conception of singing, seeing Wang Sheng's magical boxing special effects, the old Taoist listened to Wang Sheng's last rhetorical question, and suddenly realized, and realized where the awkwardness he felt appeared. .

I see!The old Taoist laughed loudly, and after laughing, he said to Wang Sheng: "Look at me again!"

After finishing speaking, he opened his posture again and started punching as he wished. This time, he was no longer constrained by the way he punched, he could hit wherever he thought of, and he didn't restrain his aura. The huge compound was full of old Taoist priests The figure and the dust and fallen leaves flying all over the sky.

After a while, Wang Sheng and Da Guanzhu could no longer see the figure of the old Taoist priest. He had been completely wrapped in the dust and fallen leaves into a big airtight ball.The two of them only saw the ball flying from here to there, and from there to here, but they couldn't see anything inside.

No need to ask about this situation, it must be that the Taijiquan method of the old Taoist priest has improved again. Both Wang Sheng and Da Guanzhu are full of joy.

Da Guanzhu originally wondered where Wang Sheng learned Taijiquan. If he couldn't practice it himself, let alone pointing out a master with a level like the ancestor, he might not be able to perform it himself.It turned out that Wang Sheng not only played brilliantly himself, but also called the ancestors just right.Now Daguanzhu believes that Taijiquan was created by Wang Sheng himself.If it wasn't for Wang Sheng, it would be impossible for him to give such exquisite guidance.

Wang Sheng didn't pay attention to Daguanzhu's mental activities. If he knew what he was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud.On the one hand, Wang Sheng did learn Tai Chi during his training. On the other hand, there are countless film and television literature on the earth, and countless mentions of Tai Chi are completely coincidental.Of course, the inductive fusion of the villain with fighting consciousness also contributed a lot.

Seeing that the old Taoist priest had entered that kind of mysterious and mysterious realm, Wang Sheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration, found a long sword of unknown origin from the ring, and threw it at the ball of powder that wrapped the old Taoist priest. .

When throwing it, Wang Sheng used all his strength, and the point of the sword was forward, but Wang Sheng believed that it was impossible to hurt the old Taoist priest.

"Old Taoist, in addition to boxing, Tai Chi also has swordsmanship, you can figure it out yourself!" Wang Sheng shouted at the old Taoist who was in a state as soon as he threw the sword.

The long sword stabbed at the old Taoist priest with a sharp sound of piercing through the air. The posture even shocked the Grand View Master for a moment, but the Grand View Master calmed down immediately.This kind of attack, even if my ancestors didn't understand Taijiquan, they couldn't be injured.

A hand was stretched out from the black ball, and a finger touched the tip of the flying stab, and the long sword changed its direction, and then that hand lightly and deftly grasped the long sword in its hand, and began to dance freely stand up.

After a few clicks, the black ball that wrapped the old Taoist priest doubled in size, and the long sword was also wrapped in it.But it still maintains the shape of the ball.

Seeing this scene, Wang Sheng immediately felt relieved.Even if the old Taoist wielded his long sword, he didn't disturb the mood of Tai Chi. There must be no problem with this Tai Chi sword.

Daguanzhu thought of another matter.Although Taiji sounds like a Taoist concept, it is basically a fact that Taijiquan was created by Wang Sheng himself.But it is really embarrassing for Lao Junguan to announce to the outside world that the handed down boxing scriptures of Taoism are created by a Wuyou City killer.

This is all right, the Tai Chi sword was created by his own ancestors in front of his eyes, and this is a real Taoist ancestor.As long as there is more promotion of Taiji Sword and Patriarch, and a little less Taijiquan, the Daoist sect will shock the world again!
It's just that when thinking of this, Da Guanzhu felt a little embarrassed.The regular script was created by Wang Sheng last time, but it was placed on the head of the old Taoist priest Lingxu. Although it was not Lao Junguan who installed it himself, it was the old men who studied in the capital who insisted on installing it, but after all, it is still ignorant of others. Achievement.

This time Taijiquan is still like this, no matter how thick-skinned Da Guanzhu is, he still feels that doing this again and again is really shameless.You know, not only this time, but there is also a nine-character mantra that Wang Sheng taught the ancestor in the future!What about the only half of the "Tao Te Ching"?Who knows how much Wang Sheng still has in his heart?

Looking at the black ball waving in the courtyard, Da Guanzhu was sincerely happy for his ancestor.After looking at it for a few times, the Grand View Master suddenly thought of Wang Sheng's words, he is already invincible in the world, can't he let go of the victory?
Taoist sects are already so prosperous, do they still have to usurp other people's reputation?The ancestor said that he was addicted to the world of mortals, he was really not false at all!For the sake of Daoism's reputation, can I do such unconscionable things?With such a state of mind, what kind of Tao and what kind of heart can you cultivate?

With just a momentary thought, Da Guanzhu's eyes brightened a lot.After this incident, Laojunguan announced to the outside world that the regular script was created by Wang Sheng, and the Taoist also learned Tai Chi and the nine-character mantra from him.
Swipe, the old Taoist who was dancing his sword suddenly stopped.The black ball outside his body also dissipated with a bang, just like Wang Sheng finished punching, forming a standard Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish pattern on the ground.

"What have you figured out?" the old Taoist asked Da Guanzhu.Just now when he stopped suddenly, he found that the aura of Da Guanzhu changed again and again, obviously something was gained.

"Cultivate the mind to be open and frank. Whether it is regular script or Taijiquan, as well as the nine-character mantra and the Tao Te Ching, we all learn from Mr. Zi, so naturally there is no reason to hide it." Daguanzhu replied truthfully: "Disciple If you make a little progress, please ask the ancestors and sir to protect the law."

After finishing speaking, Da Guanzhu didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not, so he just sat on the ground, put on a posture with five hearts facing the sky, closed his eyes, and started to exercise.

The surrounding aura seemed to be attracted by a black hole, frantically gathering towards the body of Da Guanzhu.This posture is clearly the spirit quenching body caused by the promotion.

The old Taoist smiled all over his face, and kept nodding.Wang Sheng was stunned, what happened to suddenly advance?

(End of this chapter)

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