
Chapter 459 Terrifying Attack Formation

Chapter 459 Terrifying Attack Formation

Chapter 250 IX Terrifying Attack Formation

Attack formations are also strong and weak.Almost all normal attack formations are deadly formations, and as long as they are attack formations, they cannot be touched by ordinary formation masters, at least they must be at the level of formation masters.

Even if the formation stones made by the master are used, they cannot be launched by just a random person using aura. The huge aura required for an offensive formation requires not only a sufficient amount of aura, but also continuous, and even more long-term stability.This is also the reason why many attack formations are fixed under the natural conditions of the earth, fire and fire, rather than artificially.

Five formations Taoist formations are enough for Taoist priests to master level, but they are still unable to attack the formations, so they can only use the formation stones made in advance and hand them over to Lingxu ancestors to control.In the entire Laojun Temple, there are probably only a few people including the ancestors who can launch an attack on the formation stone.

Even if it is an old Taoist priest, it is not an easy task to use the formation stone to launch an attack formation to attack Wang Sheng, and to ensure that Wang Sheng can sense the formation using Xingzi Jue.

You must know that it takes time for Wang Sheng to use Xingzi Jue to sense the fluctuations of the formation, and the most difficult thing to attack the formation is to contain it without sending it out.If he directly attacked Wang Sheng, even if Wang Sheng survived and was not injured, he might not be able to sense the fluctuation of the formation.And the old Taoist made it himself, with a super-defying difficulty, just to keep the attacking formation in a state of attacking and not attacking, so that Wang Sheng could completely sense the fluctuation of the formation.

Except for the old Taoist priests, all formation masters all over the world took photos, even if the rumored formation masters came over, none of them could do this.That is to say, the cultivation base of the old Taoist priest is against the sky, and coupled with the understanding of the essence of Tai Chi, he can slowly dispel those aggressive forces with Tai Chi techniques without causing drastic changes in the fluctuation of the formation.

Even so, the old Taoist first experimented with a stone to ensure that he could maintain the attack state, and then began to experiment with the attack formation.

Both Wang Sheng and the old Taoist had recharged their batteries all night, adjusted their spirit and will to the highest point, and each stood in their positions.Wang Sheng made enough protection, and he didn't know what was stuffed inside. His whole body was bloated, and the experiment started.

The old Taoist activated the formation, focused his attention on controlling it, and kept the formation in a state where it was about to be launched but not launched.Wang Sheng also focused on sensing the fluctuations of the formation.

In the basic formation wave sensing training, Wang Sheng didn't have much contact with the attacking part at the beginning, and this was the first time.The first time also means unfamiliarity, and it means that the time will be a little long.

Although most of the slightly complicated defensive formations and even psychedelic formations could be sensed within an hour by Wang Sheng, this much simpler offensive formation took nearly two hours of Wang Sheng's time. time.

When the old Taoist stayed there for more than an hour, he was already sweating profusely.However, the old Taoist priest was still an old Taoist priest after all, so he insisted on staying in this state for more than half an hour until he saw Wang Sheng stretch out his hand and make a release gesture.

Boom, the formation engulfed the spiritual energy of the old Taoist priest, and bombarded Wang Sheng head-on.This is a large-scale attack formation, and the attack range of the formation is very large, which also means that the attack power will be spread over a large area. Even if Wang Sheng is aimed at Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng will only bear a part of it. A small part of the attack power.

The problem is that the old Taoist has been continuously inputting spiritual energy into this formation for two consecutive hours, no one knows how terrifying the spiritual energy in this formation is.If it were an old Taoist priest who attacked directly, I am afraid that the entire Laojun Temple would have been reduced to dust under the two hours of continuous attacks by the old Taoist priest.

Such a berserk force bombarded Wang Sheng head-on at a speed that people couldn't even react to.The old Taoist priest realized something was wrong as soon as the formation was released, but at this time, even the old Taoist priest could no longer control the formation.Once the attack power was vented, it immediately attacked frantically along the established attack trajectory.

Pfft, directly opposite the formation, a huge puff of smoke rose directly.All within the attacked range, whether it was stones, trees, or walls, were all instantly reduced to powder.

The smoke and dust all over the sky suddenly rose, covering the entire area. In the eyes of everyone, they only saw a piece of extremely fine dust of various colors flying, but they couldn't see anything else.

It's over!Looking at this hell-like scene, even the old Taoist felt a burst of despair.No one thought that the accumulated formation power would be so terrifying after being in a state of being unable to fire for two hours?
What's the difference between this and the old Taoist priest's face-to-face blow?Even if Wang Sheng only withstood a small part of the large-scale attack, but at that time the old Taoist condensed and compressed the aura attack for two hours.It's not that the old Taoist is boasting, I'm afraid that apart from some of the core guys of the Thousand Jedi, the masters in the outside world, one counts as one, can't take the blow of the old Taoist.

The five formation Taoist priests were already dumbfounded, waving their hands suddenly fanning the choking smoke, coughing non-stop, watching the scene like purgatory on earth, their minds went blank, and there was nothing left.

Such a big movement still happened on the side of the Tibetan scripture building, and the big and small masters of Laojun Temple rushed here almost instantly.After seeing the figure of the old Taoist priest, he was relieved.But everyone didn't know what happened, and they asked the five formation priests one after another.

Several Taoist priests didn't know how to explain everything in front of them.The old Taoist priest Lingxu looked at this scene in disbelief, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

There was too much dust, and it was mixed with too much aura of the old Taoist priest. Everyone present, including the old Taoist priest, could not sense the scene inside the dust.The old Taoist had no choice but to wait for the dust, which was as fine as smoke, to dissipate slowly.

Perhaps, there is still a glimmer of hope.In desperation, the old Taoist suddenly remembered the series of miracles created by Wang Sheng, and suddenly had a lot of expectations in his heart.Never at any moment, the old Taoist priest expected a miracle so much as now.

Perhaps the heavens also heard the pious prayers of the old Taoist, and suddenly a familiar voice came from the dust: "Old Taoist, isn't your attack too powerful? Fortunately, I have sufficient protection, otherwise I would have died directly."

Hearing this voice, the old Taoist priest let go of his hanging heart instantly.Sure enough, miracles still exist in this world, as long as Wang Sheng is alive.

Seeing the expression on the old Taoist priest's face, everyone around was stunned.As for Wang Sheng's words, big or small, in front of so many people, everyone thought they had never heard it before.

(End of this chapter)

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