
Chapter 46

Chapter 46
Chapter 45 The Prestige of Fourth Master Dai
After all, Song Yan followed Wang Sheng to the previous forbidden area of ​​the Song family.The value shown by Wang Sheng has far exceeded everything she could have expected. If she hadn't been able to be the master of the family now, Song Yan would have wanted to pull Wang Sheng into the family a long time ago.

Song Yan was not surprised when Wang Sheng packed up his things.Wang Sheng has made it clear that he is going to find the girl with the phoenix soul, Song Yan has no reason to stay even if she wants to stay.

The Song family to help find it?This reason is really beyond words.Not to mention that Song Yan is still unable to mobilize the power of the Song family, even if she can, Phoenix seems to have a very important issue, and it is not something that Song Yan alone can decide.

When he left Shanglin City, Wang Sheng went to Baoqing Yutang to buy the most detailed map.Of course, this is just a claim. In the eyes of professionals like Wang Sheng, this map is already so crude that it couldn't be more crude.

There is no scale, and the map is not drawn to scale at all, let alone detailed latitude and longitude contours, don't even think about it.It's just a schematic diagram of a pair of lines and circles drawn by hand on a square piece of tough animal hide.

When Baoqing Yutang came out, Wang Sheng passed by a long-legged veiled woman, and subconsciously glanced at it, causing Song Yan to roll her eyes.

A forbidden place is no longer a forbidden place.Without those primordial souls, this forbidden place is meaningless, Wang Sheng can come in and out at will, especially when accompanied by Song Yan.

According to Song Yan's information, Fourth Master Dai and his party will arrive here in about three days, but Wang Sheng has already arrived in advance to make arrangements.

First, he walked around the small lake in the forbidden area, and after careful observation, Wang Sheng searched for a suitable sniper spot on the surrounding mountains.

If Fourth Master Dai wanted to pay homage to Dai Huan, he would definitely choose the place where Dai Huan died at that time.That area is also large enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

The target is here, so the sniper location must choose a hidden highland that can face here and is still within range.After wandering around the mountain for a whole day, Wang Sheng chose a suitable place and stayed there.

For a whole day, Wang Sheng kept circling around the surrounding mountains, which made Song Yan exhausted, and Da Er, who followed behind, worked even harder.Not only did he have to listen carefully to what Wang Sheng and Song Yan were saying, but he also had to track the direction of the two without being discovered by Wang Sheng. Calculated, the physical strength consumed by Big Ear was at least twice that of Wang Sheng and Song Yan.

The sniper site chosen by Wang Sheng was not the highest altitude, but a relatively short ridge.Behind that ridge is a small pit, which is just right for Wang Sheng and Song Yan to rest without worrying about being discovered by people down the mountain.

Song Yan was very strange, why didn't she find the highest place after searching for a long time?If there is someone at the highest point, you can see every move here without any cover by just lowering your head a little.

What made Song Yan even more surprised was that Wang Sheng actually dug the ground in several places, as if to confirm the softness and hardness of the soil.At that time, Song Yan asked a question, but Wang Sheng replied that he wanted to confirm the stability of the supporting gun frame. Song Yan was puzzled, what are these things?
By the time all this was confirmed and all was prepared, two days had actually passed.According to the previous information, fourth master Dai and his party will arrive this evening at the most.

Wang Sheng and Song Yan rested and waited here, but Da Er had already put an end to Wang Sheng and Song Yan in his heart.The two rookies actually chose that place. Now, as long as the big ears stick out their heads a little, they can clearly see every move of Wang Sheng and Song Yan, and they can also hear what Wang Sheng and Song Yan are saying without hindrance.

If Fourth Master Dai and his party come, as long as Da Er reminds them, Wang Sheng and Song Yan are the turtles in the urn, so don't even think about running away.Now it's all right, Fourth Master Dai killed Miss Song's family, and with the already tense atmosphere between the two sides, it's impossible not to fight.

However, Big Ear was shocked several times.At least three times, Wang Sheng seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes swept over this area. If his big ears were not hiding quickly, he was almost seen.

While waiting cautiously, Fourth Master Dai and his party finally arrived.Wang Sheng and Song Yan's attention was drawn to the small lake at the foot of the mountain, and Da Er was relieved.Now it's just waiting for Big Bear to see his secret mark and rush over to join him.

Even though they were on their way, Fourth Master Dai and his party maintained a neat team and rushed to the forbidden valley with a murderous look.

Not only Dai Siye's men and horses came together, but also a group of ordinary people who were kidnapped on the road.One of them may have reacted a little slower or deliberately delayed a few times, and was immediately headed by a sword.The body and the head were left in the middle of the open space, and the blood flowed all over the place.

There were quite a few people down the mountain, but Wang Sheng didn't think anyone was Fourth Master Dai.He had never met Fourth Master Dai. If he could not be sure that it was the other party himself, it would be strange for this group of people to come.

"Which one is Fourth Master Dai?" Wang Sheng asked Song Yan.

Song Yan didn't answer this time, but looked at Wang Sheng with a very inexplicable gaze. After staring at Wang Sheng for a few times, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Do you think I can see a person clearly from a distance of several miles?" human face?"

"Blame me!" It turned out to be the problem. Wang Sheng smiled, and with a flick of his hand, a pair of binoculars appeared, and he handed them over to Song Yan: "Use this to see clearly."

In fact, Song Yan was already full of curiosity about Wang Sheng's telescope along the way. She has seen you Wang Sheng use it several times, and she leaned close to her eyes, wondering what she was looking at.Now that she finally got it in her hands, she realized that it wasn't any material she had ever seen.

Following Wang Sheng's example, he put the binoculars in front of his eyes and was taken aback by what he saw: "What is it?"

"You're holding it upside down." Wang Sheng suppressed a smile and reminded Song Yan to use it in reverse.Just now Song Yan went directly to the big head, so of course she would see a strange scene in the distance.

Song Yan gave Wang Sheng a blank look, followed Wang Sheng's reminder to turn around, leaned up to take a look, and was immediately shocked by what she saw, how could it be possible?

The open space by the lake three or four miles away can only be seen with the naked eye as a little outline, but now it is clearly presented in front of my eyes.The clothes worn by those people at the bottom of the mountain are clearly visible, even an old fishing net abandoned by the lake is so clear, what kind of sorcery is this?
"What's going on here? What exactly is this?" Song Yan was shocked by the scene before her, but she didn't dare to make a loud voice, so she could only lower her voice, and asked only at a volume that she and Wang Sheng could hear : "Why can I see so far?"

"It's a long story!" Wang Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard that it was such a question. He pointed down the mountain and said, "You'd better take a look below, who is Fourth Master Dai?"

Song Yan gave Wang Sheng a meaningful look, put the binoculars in front of her eyes again, and began to identify them carefully.

While talking here, Big Ear on the high ground is trying to listen to the content of the conversation between the two.When Song Yan's voice was lowered again, Big Ear had no choice but to push his abilities to the maximum, so that he could hear Song Yan's subtle voice.

While listening, Da Er wanted to laugh at the same time.Miss Song is really Miss Song. This place is three or four miles away from the lowland at the foot of the mountain. Even if she spoke a little louder, her voice would have been blocked by the surrounding woods. How could it be heard by Fourth Master Dai at the foot of the mountain? arrive?Sure enough, I have never seen the world.

However, when Da Er heard that Song Yan could actually see the scene in the open space, he couldn't help but wonder what it was that could allow Song Yan to see so far away three or four miles away. scene?
Song Yan was immersed in astonishment, completely unaware that Wang Sheng had already taken out the firearm from the ring and set up the sniper rifle.

At the foot of the mountain, it was a different scene.In the small open space, more than 200 masters and hundreds of civilians suddenly poured in, filling most of the open space almost instantly.Occasionally, one or two of the coerced civilians who did not cooperate or resisted were directly beheaded immediately, and the rest were huddled together and trembling in fear.

There are more than 200 masters, all of them are masters of the Dai family, and they are also the guards brought out by Fourth Master Dai this time.Surprisingly, there were more than [-] people who looked like Dai family guards, but they turned out to be prisoners.

On the way, Fourth Master Dai received information from a stranger, and knew the whereabouts of Wang Sheng and Song Yan.However, before chasing down Wang Sheng and Song Yan, Fourth Master Dai had to do one more thing, to pay homage to his nephew at the place where Dai Huan died, and at the same time let everyone know the fate of laziness.

The more than 20 prisoners are all Dai Huan's guards, because they did not protect their master when Dai Huan died.At this moment, they were all kneeling neatly on the open space, surrounded by other Dai family masters.

These guys all looked ashen, knowing that they would never be spared this time.However, under the power of fourth master Dai, they didn't even dare to run away.

Dai Siye was the last to appear.It didn't come out, it came out on a huge platform carried by sixteen masters.The platform has a radius of Zhang Xu, and there is a golden throne in the middle, and Fourth Master Dai is sitting on that throne.

On the left hand side of the throne was a beautiful maidservant holding a sword, and on the right hand side was a maidservant who made tea for Fourth Master Dai.There are censers with curling green smoke in the front and rear, which are full of style.

Even during the rush to chase after the murderer, Fourth Master Dai's tea was still hot.

Fourth Master Dai took a sip of fragrant tea very comfortably, reached out and handed the teacup to the hand of the maid next to him, then opened his eyes and glanced at the more than 20 kneeling guards.Just at this glance, an invisible power suddenly shrouded these people's heads, and all the kneeling guards were struck by lightning for a moment, and they all kowtowed like garlic, shouting in their mouths: "Fourth Master, spare your life! Fourth Master, spare your life!"

"You weren't around when Master Huan died, what's the use of you guards?" Fourth Master Dai snorted coldly: "Kill!"

Chi Chi Chi, a series of sword howls sounded, and the twenty or so guards were all decapitated.A bunch of heads rolled around in the open space, and the blood flowed like a small stream, and soon flowed into the small lake, dyeing the lakeside all red.

On the sniper position, the cross of Wang Sheng's scope has been accurately placed on Dai Siye's head.

(End of this chapter)

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