
Chapter 465 Neighbors

Chapter 465 Neighbors

Chapter 260 Two Neighbors

The emperor looked at Wang Sheng's face, as if carefully observing whether what Wang Sheng said was true.

After a while, the emperor suddenly laughed: "Just kidding, why do you take it seriously?"

"I didn't take it seriously!" Wang Sheng retorted innocently, "Brother, did you take it seriously?"

The emperor was angry for a while, the Marquis of Chang Sheng whom he personally enshrined in front of him, never gave him any face, he was always tit for tat.But what made the emperor lose his temper the most was that every time he was at a disadvantage, he couldn't turn over even if he wanted to.

"Don't feel uncomfortable." Wang Sheng said suddenly: "Life is like this. Brother, you are a noble man, and you are different from someone like me who has died countless times in Wuyou City. I can be confident. Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, they will die, and they are willing to cut the whole body, dare to pull the emperor off the horse, right? Brother, you precious porcelain, don’t go head-to-head with stones like mine that are not even considered earthen jars , it's not worth it, is it?"

"To be honest, I've lived so long, and no one has ever dared to say such a thing in front of my eyes. You are the first." The breath in the nostrils of the emperor seemed to turn into flames with a single touch, panting After a while, he suppressed his anger and said.

"Believe me, that's just an illusion." Wang Sheng didn't give the emperor any face at all: "I can be sure that before me, the few big families made you bow your head or even kneel secretly. There will never be less than a hundred things. It's just that bro, you selectively forgot, and picked me as a soft persimmon."

Another bloody fact, Wang Sheng didn't care at all what kind of anger his words would bring to the emperor, but he just said it without any scruples.

"Is there any way to change this situation?" The emperor did not burst into anger immediately, but asked with a calm face.

"Yes!" Wang Sheng replied firmly.

"What way?" The emperor asked hastily, not even realizing that his hand holding the teacup had been clenched tightly.

"Become stronger! You need to be stronger to make iron." Wang Sheng replied very irresponsibly: "Brother, if you become stronger yourself, others will not dare to squeeze you casually."

The emperor almost threw a teacup on Wang Sheng's face in anger.Do you still need to say such an answer?Could it be that as the emperor, I don't know that if I become stronger, no one will dare to bully me?
"Actually, brother, aren't you working hard in this direction now?" Wang Sheng sat on the Diaoyutai, motionless, and asked with a smile: "Otherwise, brother, you have worked so hard for so long with the great etiquette of enfeoffing princes as a treasure." , what is the picture?"

"Pictures come and go, aren't you ruining the princes by coercing the emperor?" The emperor originally agreed with Wang Sheng. He and his courtiers were working hard in this direction, but Wang Sheng jumped out. , A casual word seems to be able to bring the whole royal family to an end.

Inviting Wang Sheng this time, in essence, is to get a possible solution to the problem of holding the emperor to order the princes.Now that Wang Sheng has already talked about the great etiquette of enfeoffing the princes, the emperor just entered the state of discussion on this.

"In fact, this may not be a good thing." Facing the eager emperor, Wang Sheng talked eloquently: "Before this, although you had intentions, you had no way to solve the previous predicament. Wouldn't it be a good thing to let you break the situation?"

Sometimes Wang Sheng even doubts whether he is possessed by Su Qin and Zhang Yi. He is unparalleled in his mouth. Just using his tongue can make the emperor laugh, surprise the emperor, scare the emperor, and make the emperor so worried that he can't sleep.

"I don't know much about the royal family, but I can guess a little bit." Wang Sheng ignored the emperor's face now, and said to himself: "I have been an emperor for hundreds of years, but the emperor's will even came out of the capital. If you don't go, I'm afraid it has something to do with your Royal Family's muddle-headed mentality."

"Maybe you have always thought that as long as you don't show any threat to the big families, the royal family can be passed on for a long time, and the royal family can always be continued." When Wang Sheng spoke, the emperor had been listening quietly, as if the king Part of Sheng’s words had reached his heart: “But bro, think about it, all these things you take for granted are just rewards from others. You can have them only if they give them to you. , you don’t.”

"A great etiquette for enfeoffing princes reverses this situation. Doesn't it feel good when others are rushing to beg you?" Wang Sheng asked with a smile: "But this person just can't be complacent. It's easy to get carried away when you are proud. Brother, if you think about it carefully, have you ever had some unrealistic fantasies recently?"

Listening to Wang Sheng's words, the emperor pondered secretly in his heart, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.Wang Sheng was right. Including him, the royal family and courtiers all seemed to have some mentality that they felt that they were personalities.The Son of Heaven is a sensible person, and immediately realized how dangerous it was.

"Your imperial court has even expanded to such an extent that you don't need to pay attention to the princes at all. The imperial edicts have been recorded in the historical records of the marquis's mansion, which is rewarded. If you want to seize it, you can seize it. Just play around with it." Wang Sheng asked with a smile: "When the news reached the ears of the princes, they didn't need to know why the emperor ordered the princes, but the emperor didn't take the marquis he personally conferred seriously. Brother, what do you think, at that time, what will the princes who have tasted the benefits of the princely country think? What will happen?"

The emperor's cold sweat was already gurgling down, and he once again became the posture that Wang Sheng had when he talked about holding the emperor to command the princes.Wang Sheng's question is really easy to answer. When the princes know about this, the first reaction must be that the emperor's words can be believed?second reaction...

"Will the same experience happen to me at any time?" Wang Sheng gave the princes the most direct thoughts on behalf of the emperor: "When you feel that the royal family is capable and likely to do such a thing, Brother, guess, are they going to take the whole family to live in seclusion to a place where the royal family can't find them to avoid disaster? Or completely solve the source of disaster that may bring them?"

Seeing that Wang Sheng didn't need to threaten him, but only analyzed the possible consequences of the development of the matter, the emperor was extremely grateful, thankful that he decisively beheaded four important officials, and even sacrificed his ineffective son. Finally, Wang Sheng did not fly into a rage.

"Brother, what is the emperor? You are not joking!" Wang Sheng saw that the emperor had realized the seriousness of the problem, so he gave him a little sweetness: "The words of the emperor are golden words and golden rules. Ah! This is not only for others to obey, but also for yourself to pay attention to it all the time!"

The Son of Heaven didn't listen to what Wang Sheng was saying at all, he only heard the words "Jinkouyuyan" and "Jinkeyuru" which made him listen so pleasantly.

(End of this chapter)

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